Revue néoscolastique de philosophie, ÇáãÌáÏ 18

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Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie., 1911





ÇáÕÝÍÉ 39 - Religion shall mean for us the feelings, acts and experiences of individual men in their solitude, so far as they apprehend themselves to stand in relation to whatever they may consider the divine.þ
ÇáÕÝÍÉ 45 - The miracle of the miracles, a miracle not yet exhaustively cleared up by any philosophy, is that the given order lends itself to the remodelling. It shows itself plastic to many of our scientific, to many of our aesthetic, to many of our practical purposes and ends * (pp.þ
ÇáÕÝÍÉ 212 - Remarquons la réserve de ces expressions. Or, lorsqu'il ne veut plus seulement résumer commodément la théorie du vrai, selon une formule reçue et supposée comprise, il dit avec précision : « Veritas intellectus est arei secundum quod intellectus dicit esse quod est vel non esse quod non est » '). A la bonne heure ! La vérité logique, c'est UNE CERTAINEþ
ÇáÕÝÍÉ 37 - psychology will be famous men indeed when they come, as come they some day surely will, or past successes are no index to the future. When they do come, however, the necessities of the case will make them metaphysical. » Psychology, p. 468. ') Chez Longmans Green. Nous utilisons la 18þ
ÇáÕÝÍÉ 6 - et nous serions conduits à admettre comme principe fondamental dans les recherches de cette nature, que plus le nombre des individus que l'on observe est grand, plus les particularités individuelles, soit physiques, soit morales, s'effacent et laissent prédominer la série des faits généraux en vertu desquels la société existe et se conserve.þ
ÇáÕÝÍÉ 225 - suam habent, sed earn successive acquirunt. Et similiter intellectus humanus, non statim in prima apprehensione capit perfectam rei cognitionem ; sed primo apprehendit aliquid de ipsa, puta quidditatem ipsius rei, quae est primum et proprium objectum intellectus ; et deinde intelligit proprietates et accidentia etþ
ÇáÕÝÍÉ 35 - Thought may be equally rational in any sort of terms... The words in every language have contracted by long association fringes of mutual repugnance or affinity with each other and with the conclusion, which runs exactly parallel with like fringes in the visual, tactile, and other ideas ». Psychology, p. 167 et suiv. *) Psychology, p. 162. >) P. 160 et p. 165.þ
ÇáÕÝÍÉ 33 - A permanently existing Idea which makes its appearance before the footlights of consciousness at pe-iodical intervals is as mythological an entity as the Jack of Spades » (p. 157). Il est assez surprenant que James,þ
ÇáÕÝÍÉ 42 - Taking creeds and faith-state together, as forming religions, and treating these as purely subjective phenomena, without regard to the question of their truth, we are obliged... to class them amongst the most important biological functions of mankind... We must next pass beyondþ
ÇáÕÝÍÉ 185 - Licet id quod unus homo potest immittere vel apponere ad cognitionem veritatis suo studio et ingenio sit aliquid parvum per comparationem ad totam considerationem veritatis, tarnen illud quod aggregatur ex omnibus coarticulatis, exquisitis et collectis, fit aliquid magnum, ut potest apparerò in singulis artibus, quae per diversorum studia et ingenia ad mirabile incrementum perveneruntþ