load the Sloop Charming Polly with such Cargoe as they shall think proper and send her to St. Vincents where the said Penmure obliges himselfe to dispose of the Cargoe if he can. If not to proceed to Dominico and their sell what he can, and proceed from thence to St. Eustatia and dispose of any part of the Cargoe he may have left, as also what goods he may be obliged to take in pay for his Cargoe at St. Vincents or Dominico, and when the whole is invested into money to proceed with all possible dispatch to the Island of Highspanola (without any goods whatsoever) and their invest the neat proceeds of hir Cargoe in good Molasses, best Muscovado sugars and Indigoe. In considerat. of which (and his obtaining a french pass) he is to have Twelve per Cent Commission on the Original Cargoe but no Commission on the sails of such goods as he may be oblidged to take in pay for his Cargoe at St. Vincents or Dominico, which are to be sold at St. Eustatia, said Penmure also to have the Monthly Wages of Twenty five pounds per month (Old Tenor) and to have his board paid here by said P. Wilkinson & Co. from the date hereof untill he sails. At the return of the Vessell to Rhode Island all acco'ts are to be setled and the Ballance paid every Voiage. Said Penmure to have Tenn hogsheads Privelidge in said Sloop and an allowance of four peices of eight a week for his Expences whilst at Highspanola, Tenn peices of Eight for Cabin Expences for his Passage home and Thirty pounds all'd him here for his Sea Stores etc. also to be allowed Tenn Pistoles or Three hundred Liveres for all the Port Charges at Highspanola. and should he have the misfortune to loose any of his people so as to make it absolutely needfull to ship hands there, the said Wilkinson & Compe are to make good any reasonable agreement he may make with them. Dated at Newport on Rhoad Island, December first, 1752. RICHD PENMURE Sir, JOHN MANWARING TO ABRAHAM REDWOOD Antigua, June 11th, 1753. As I had the pleasure of your acquaintance here and presumeing on the civillity's you was please to shew me likewise, I take the freedom to acquaint you that yesterday departed this life your old worthy friend John Tomlinson,1 Esquire, and was this morning interred and as his death must oblige you to appoint some other person here, not only as your Attorney, but also to take care of your estate; and as I am no stranger to Plantation concerns, (haveing liv'd upon severall estates here) I take the liberty to make you a tender of my services, which if proves acceptable to you may depend that no person will take more care of your interest in every shape then what I shall do, and as reasonable in my terms. I submit the matter to your consideration and shall be proud to hear of your own and Familys health. I am, Sir, Tour obrak humble Servant Our snow Venus of which you are Master being loaded and ready to sail, we order, that you improve the first favourable Wind and Weather, and proceed to the Port, where you are to deliver your Cargo at, agreeable to your Bills of Loading, make all possible despatch in order to compleat your Voyage, agreeable to the Instructions herewith given you, which desire you'll observe as particular as possible, its our Opinion its best to go North about, best to avoid an Enemy and your Men from an Impress,1 dont speak with any Vessil in your Passages without their is absolute necessity of it, neither lay out any Money on your Vessil, if can be avoided, as you well know our Voyage depends upon Frugality. You have ten small cask of Rum on board, which dispose of in the best manner you can for the proceeds bring home any thing you think will answer best, be cautious dureing the Voyage to avoid any danger - especially shou'd there be a Warr you must suspect every Vessil you see to be your Enemy, even when you return upon this Coast. I need say no more, as you well understand every difficulty that may happen by being incautious. It is agreed that you shall have in lieu of Primage, etc. Twelve Pounds Stg., to be paid in Urope, and also Two shilling and Six pence sterling per Day while in port. We wish you a good Voyage and safe return and are yours, etc.3 1 The son had formed a partnership in London, Thomlinson, Trecothick and Company, which became in 1762, Trecothick, Apthorp and Thomlinson. Barlow Trecothick was later prominent among the English merchants with American connections during the stamp and other tax agitations. The foregoing is Copy of my Orders which I promise to observe. 1 In Queen Anne's war an act of Parliament was passed forbidding impressment of seamen in the English colonies in America; but in 1716 and again in 1740 the crown law officers decided that the act expired at the end of the war. Law Papers, 1. 112, 116. * Primage was a customary allowance made by the shipper to the master and crew of a vessel for loading and care of the cargo. It has become a percentage addition to the freight, paid to the owners or freighters of the vessel. * Pinnegar had made a voyage to Hamburg, for Vernon and Stevens, owners of the snow Venus, commencing September 10, 1754, and continuing until October, 1 Original in the possession of Mr. George C. Mason, in Reminiscences, II. 146. 2 A printed form filled in, in the possession of Mr. George C. Mason, in Reminiscences, III. 195. WILKINSON AND AYRAULT TO DAVID LINDSAY 1 Newport, Aug. 15th, 1755. Sr, you being master of our Schooner Siraleone and ready to sail, Our orders are that you Imbrace the first opportunity of wind and weather, and Proceed for the Coast of Affrica; where Bless God you arrive, there Dispose of your Cargoe on the best terms you can for Gold, slaves, etc. when you have finished your trade (which we desire may be with all convenient Dispatch) Proceed for the Island of Barbadoes, and if your Slaves will fetch Twenty Seven pounds, round, great and small, you may sell them. Though shoud it be a Warr we expect they will fetch a much better Price which we leave to you. as also to Proceed Directly from the Coast of affrica to St Christophere, If you think best. but if they will not sell at Barbadoes, If you goe there or to St Christophere, you will proceed without loss of time for the Island of Jamaica, or else where as you will have Letters of Direction Lodged for you at Barbadoes or St. Christophere. you are to have five out of six for your Coast Commissions and five per Cent sales in the West Indies and five per Cent for the Goods you purchase for return. Your chief mate and second mate are to have Two slaves each Privilege and five for yourself. we wish you a good Voiage and are your friends and most humble Serts. PHILIP WILKINSON Above is a Copy of order rec'd wch I promise to follow. DAVID LINDSAY S. S. BILL OF LADING 2 Ship'd by the Grace of God, in good Order and well Conditione'd by Philip Wilkinson & Co, owners of the Schooner Sieraleone, in and upon the good Ship call'd the Schooner Sieraleone wheref is Master, under God, for this present Voyage, David Lindsay, and now riding at Anchor in the Harbour of Newport and by God's Grace bound for the Coast of affrica, to say, Thirty eight hogsheads, seven large barrils and Twenty six halfe barrils of Rum. Tenn firkins Butter, one cask tobacco, Twenty one barrils and half Beef and Pork, one barril sugar, one barril flour and 15. 1-18 Bread. being marke'd and numbered as in the Margin, and are to be delivered in the like good Order, and well Condition'd, at the aforesaid Port of the Coast of Affrica (the Danger of the Seas only excepted) unto the said David Lindsay or to his Assignes, he or they paying Freight for the said Goods nothing, with Primage and Avarage accustomed. In witness whereof, the Master or Purser of the said Schooner hath affirm'd 3 Bills of Lading, all of this Tenor and Date; the one of which 3 Bills being accomplished the other two to stand void. And so God send the good ship to her desired Port in Safety. Amen. Dated in Newport, Aug. 16, 1755. DAVID LINDSAY Sir, HENRY LLOYD 1 TO AARON LOPEZ 2 Boston, April 3d, 1756. TALLOW is the only thing in demand that commands the Cash quick, is now 3/ and on the Rise; can have 3/8 per lb. for 40 or 50 Boxes Candles, 10 or 11 to the pound, if made of good Tallow, and without any mixture of Hoggs Fatt. Molasses 11/6 Cash; Sugar £12 to £16, and sell pretty readily. Cocoa about £30, Coffee 6/6, Pimento 9/; Ginger wanted for the Army, the last sold at £12. Cotton 1 In 1774 Henry Lloyd was one of the addressers of Governor Hutchinson, and was then described as "merchant and contractor for the troops," and of Long Wharf, Boston. He went to Halifax in 1776, and was proscribed and banished in 1778. He removed to London and died there in 1795-96, aged eighty-six. 2 Aaron Lopez came to Rhode Island in 1750 and died in 1782, aged fifty-one years. His father-in-law, Jacob Rodrigues Rivera, is said to have introduced the manufacture of spermaceti into America. Newport Historical Magazine, II. 98. His wife Abigail, died May 14, 1762. Rhode Island Historical Magazine, vI. 85, 90, 93. |