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النشر الإلكتروني

would have thee be well inform'd what Estate thou art master of and then thou mayst be as liberall as thou pleaseth. I return thee my hearty thanks for thy kind present of Cheeses, and am with due regard to thy self, Wife, and family, they assured friend and Loving Cousin,

Antigua, 27th of Sept., 1729.


P. S. I understand that thou hast an undoubted right to 2 thirds of they Fathers Negroes, and thy Mother the other third during her life; so that if thou canst buy her third, it would be better than any Body else should have them. Vale.


Antegua, Aprill 4th, 1729.

SUR, according to Edward Byam, Esqr. order I heare in put you a bill of Loding for a Negro Mane named John which came from Road Island he has promised a great amendment and I wish he may come saf to your Hands which is all from your Most Humbell Servant to comand. WILL HILLHOUSE



Antigua, the 21st August, 1729.

I REC'D yours directed in the absence of Capt. Rob't Carr to me, and as per bill of Ladeing I have rec'd the Ninty bbs. of Flow'r, Twenty Seven Boxes of Sope and Seven boxes [of] Candels, and shall disposte of them to your best advantage as soone as possible and make you returns by same Sloop, not haveing an oppertunity to dispose of her as order'd. Nor is their any Salt at Anguilla or St. Martins or likely to bee. Shingles, and Stave unsold. You loste Fifteen Sheep the rest have solde at Thirteen Shill's each. Flower is at Eighteen but sells slowly. Our Cuntry produce of all sorts is scarce and dear, Rum from Twenty One pence to Two Shill's, Sugar 22/6 per Cwt at your owne Estate, Cotton 101⁄2 pence per pound, Mollasses none to be had, unless should happen any from Guardeloupe. We have had noe Advice whear Capt. Rob't Carr is arrived but hope him well. My Deligence shall not be wanting for the Dispatch of your Sloop, unless a Chapman should offer. in the Interim I remain with Respects Your Oblidged

Humble Senant
Henry Bonnin


P. S. Capt. Dan'l Pearce arrived the 14th Instant. [Endorsed,] To Mr. Abraham Redwood, Merchant at New Porte Rhodeisland. Per Capt. Tillinghast, Q. D. C.




I WROTE you lately by Capt. Shewell since which I have honoured your Bill £180:13:4 to Mr. George Byam. the Crop is now over I propose to send your Account Current by the next Ship.

Sugar still bears a low price and there does not seem to be any prospect of its rising, for the French have supplyed the foreign Markets, and we have a large Quantity on hand.1

1 The value of imports into Great Britain from Antigua in 1730 was £268. 801, and of exports to that island, £32.582. The exports to New England in the same year were £208. 196, and the imports, £54.701. The two divisions nearly balanced the movement. The custom house year ran from Christmas to Christmas. Anderson, Origin of Commerce, Iv. 36.

About 1725 the French began to supply, in considerable quantities, the European markets with sugars from their colonies of Martinico, Hispaniola, etc. This commerce had hitherto been almost monopolized by the English, a small quantity coming from Portuguese Brazil. The Dutch colony of Surinam also came into the market. The imports into London, for one month, May, 1730, of sugar from the American colonies was 1421 hogsheads; but in the year 1731 the re-exports from London of colonial sugar amounted to 58.446 cwt. The British colonies on the American continent, however, supplied their needs in sugar, rum and molasses, by importing from the Dutch and French sugar colonies, and also brought in European goods and manufactures, in contravention of the navigation laws. English merchants dated this illegal trade from 1715, and in 1731 their complaints led to the preparing of a bill prohibiting the importation of sugar, rum or molasses, of the plantations of foreign nations (except Portuguese), into Britain or Ireland, or any of the King's Dominions in America, under forfeiture of lading, ship and furniture. The terms of the bill and the arguments raised are summarized in Anderson, Origin of Commerce, III. 177.

We beleive that there will be a Governour soon appointed;1 there are 2 or 3 Persons talked of, but I cannot learn who will have it. I am, Sir, Your most humble Servant,

London, 9 December, 1730.

[Endorsed,] Per C. Lightfoot.

Dear Sir,



Antigua, 7th January, 1730/1.

I MUST once more return you my hearty thanks for all favours perticularly for your kind recommendation in my favour, to my Brother, he has ever since treated me more like a Father then a Brother. I am well assured it's on your Account only, for before he almost heated me, and I must own it was in some Measure my owne fault; but for the future, hope shall take care to meritt the Carractor you gave him of me. I am sure he loves you intirly, for in all companey he talkes of you after the handsomest manner, and tells them how much he's obliged to you for renting him Land, when at the same time you refused others. I understand Young Mr. Langford designes to quitt your Estate in a little time. I am not sertain whether he designes it or not; but its publickly talkt of here. if he should, I know my Brother would verry read'ly take the same charge, on him, and would be glad to have it in his power, to doe you any Service. if you don't take care you'l loose your Money in Giles Watkins's Hands. I believe if you would write to my Brother he would putt you in a way how to gett it, for I heard him say it was a pitty you should be so treated, and he protested had he power he would make him pay it imeaditly. I give you this Hint for your Goverment. I hope in a little time, to have the Honour of takeing you by the Hand. Pray my kind Service to your good Spouse,1 Mrs. Betty, Content, and the Little Ones, not forgetting Captain John Browne, and all freinds, and please to accept the same from him that is with great Esteem, Worthy Friend

1 Lord Londonderry, appointed governor of the Leeward Islands in 1728, died September 12, 1729. William Matthew, the Lieutenant Governor, acted until October 30, 1733, when he was appointed governor, and held the office until his death, August 14, 1752. 2 Walter Nugent.

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Your mosh

Michord lugenh

P. S. I begg you'l not mention anything of the above, to any body. I am Yours, R N.



I WROTE you lately to Antigua and sent your account current, but I since understand that you are at Rhode Island, and now enclose you there a Copy of it, which I hope you will find to be right, the Ballance is £715:17:8d in your Favour.

I have honoured your Bill to Thomas Richardson for £140: - tho' I have had no advice of it. I beleive it would be proper for the future to send advice, when you draw, least any one should forge your hand or alter the Tenour of your Bill.

1 Martha Coggeshall.

Sugar bears but an indifferent Price with us nor are they likely to be high this year, there is so much of the last Crop on hand. Midling sell at 21/ to 23/ very good to 26/ per Ct. I am, Sir, Your most humble Servant,

London, 17 February, 1730/31.
[Endorsed,] Per C[apt.] Holmes.



Worthy Sir,

Antigua, 11th March, 1730/1.

THE above is coppy of my last. This goes via Boston to advise of your Granmothers1 Death in Barbadoes, fourteen days agoe, and that your kinsman Jonas Langford has taken possesion of his Popeshead Estate, and designes [to] quitt yours, in five or six days. I offred my Service to take care of your Estate in his roome, but he tells me, the Governour has promist young Major Tomlinson, untill he has your final Determination, whome you'l chuse. I have nothing to say against the Gentleman, but you are best Judge which of us, you scincearly believe has your Interest most at heart. you always told me, and I don't in the least doubt your Honour, that you would serve me in any thing in your Power. its now in your Power to serve me and your self alsoe. Just now he came to me and told me he came from the Governor where he was making Interest to Manage your Estate, and desired the favour of me to give him a line to you in his favour. I told him he must excuse me; for I was in hopes you would come and settle your Estate your self, which I heartly wish, it may suit with your Conveniency so to doe; but if you did not, I did not in the least doubt, but you would give me

1 Mrs. French? See the next letter.

2 John Thomlinson, Jr.

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