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النشر الإلكتروني


Dear Cousin:

Antigua, Sep'r 26, 1747.

THE Island having had dry Weather for some time past, which probably you might hear of, suppose the Postage from Boston will not be thought much of when you are acquainted that about this day sevenight2 we had a small Hurricane which did no considerable Damage in this Isld, and have continued Rains since, so that the ponds are filled and thereby a fine Prospect for the Crop which before was in great Danger. Our Family are pretty well only tired with nursing Issabell. She hath now been given over by the Doctors fourteen weeks and only supported by good Attendance, and is considerably better her first Disorder was a Lax, tho I think she never was perfectly will since the Measles. As to the Commodores affairs, leave them to Coll Thomlinson who was one of the Committee, but by his flying from his Accusers 'tis plain he would not bring his Deeds unto the Light, and he hated the Light because his Deeds were Evil. My best Love and Respects attend my Cousin, with Cousin Hitty, and the rest. I am your affectionate and obliged Kinsman

Mich. Levels

After I had sealed this Letter we recd terrible accounts from St. Chris:, St. Eustatia, etc.

MATHIAS JONES TO SAMUEL AND WILLIAM VERNON 3 Gentlemen, Nevis, April 4th, 1748.

I AM favour'd with yours per Capt. Richards of the 11th February last, and am sorry to hear of your very ill and unjust Treatment by Capt. Carr and Frye. these Cap

1 The original is in the Newport Historical Society.

2 September 13. See Boston Weekly Post Boy, October 26, 1747.

* See Mason, Annals of Trinity Church, Newport, 153 n.

tains brought in here a French privateer sloop of Eight Carriage and Tenn Swivell guns and other warr like stores, and put them into my hands when they went on another Cruize, with full power from under their hands to dispose of them at publick vendue to the highest bidder, which was done, as per inclosd account more fully will appear; and as to the privateer sloop they themselves sold to one Capt. Cradock and self for £350 Current money, and wee to run the risque of her being claimd, which said sume of £350 was paid them as per their receipt on the Register, which they took out in their names after Condemnation now by me, and which I shewd Capt. Richards, Copy of which receipt I have now inclosd, for your further satisfaction. they made a Flagg of Truce of this their prize before they sold her to us, for which the publick of this Island paid, paying all Charges carrying their said prisoners to Guardolopa, £100 Currancey. as to the bill remitted by Capt. Frye was paid by Capt. Cradock in part discharge of the sloop sold to us, which was the only bill they reced here. all the papers and accounts I deliver'd Capt. Carr and have both their receipts for all the Transactions, Copys of which I now inclose you. every step towards receiveing the head money was taken before our Governour, and am afraid it will be impracticable to procure the like, without one of the Captains or other chief officers of one of the said two privateers being on the spot. however rest fully satisfy'd I shall do every thing to serve you in this affair. I am with best respects,

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Esteemed Friend Abraham Redwood,

Philadelphia, 2nd Sept'r, 1748.

SHOULD have writ thee per Capt. Pearce, and acknowledged the Receipt of thy favour of 20th of 5 mo:, inclosing a Bill of Exchange for £40. Sterling, but that James Logan, junior, who had been for some time in a declining Condition had concluded to go in the Vessell to Rhode Island for his health, but she sail'd sooner than was expected, and left him and the Letters that were to have gone by him: It was well for the Ladd, I believe, that it happen so, for he has had a bad Fever almost ever since, tho' we hope is now a little better, and in a likely way in time to get well again; but its very probable if he had gone in Pearce, he would have dyed on the Passage. Was glad to hear thou and Family were in good health. I and the rest of mine through mercy are partakers of the same favour; Jonas has been indisposed with a great Cold, had a Bleeding at his Nose, and something of a Fever, but is got quite well, tho' it has made him look paler and thinn. Sometime before thine came to hand, we had advice of a Cessation of Arms with France, on which Bills immediately fell to 70 per Cent. which was the highest price given when thine came, and accordingly have credited thy Account at that Exchange, since are fallen to 65 per Cent. My Wife joyns with me in kind Respects to thee and Spouse, and am Thy Assur'd Fr'd

John Reynell

P. S. We have just come over from London a Latin School Master of our Society, which Fr'ds here sent for in order to have their Children instructed in that and the Greek Language.

1 The original is in the Newport Historical Society.


J. R.



London, the 16 of May, 1750.

THIS serves only to enclose you Bill of Loading and Invoice for the Goods you were pleased to order, except the two peices of Callicos which I could not gett printed in Time. as soon as done shall send them. The Bill now in parliament for regulating and restraining the Paper Currancy in America, has for some time past, and do's still take up a good deal of my time,1 that I can not at present enlarge, only shall refer you to the Bearer Captain Richards for a particular account of what difficultys we have mett with in that affair, and in what Sittuation that Bill at present is, and am with true Esteem, Sir, Your Most humble Servant

John Thomlinsory


[Endorsed,] Per Captain Richards, Q. D. C.2



Anamaboe, 20 Febu., 1752.4

THIS third of mine to you, and now I am to let you Know my proceed❜gs Since my Last Daited 3th Jan."; and I have Gott on bord 61 Slaves and upards of thirty ounces of Goold,

1 See Davis, Currency and Banking in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, 1.258. 2 Imports from New England into Great Britain in year 1750 were valued at £48.455; exports to that region, £343. 659.

Original in the possession of Mr. George C. Mason, in Reminiscences, 11. 106. 4 In order to extend and improve the trade with Africa Parliament enacted in 1750 a law, 23 George II. c. 31, the preamble of which read: "That the trade to and from Africa being very advantageous to Great Britain, and necessary for the supplying her plantations and colonies with a sufficient number of negroes, at reasonable rates, ought, for that reason to be free and open to all his Majesty's subjects: it was therefore enacted, that it shall be lawful for all the King's subjects

and have Gott 13 or 14 hhd3 of Rum yet Left on bord, and God noes when I shall Gett Cleare of it ye trade is so very Dull it is actuly a noof to make a man Creasey my Cheef mate after making foor or five Trips in the boat was taken Sick and Remains very bad yett then I sent Mr. Taylor, and he got not well and three more of my men has sick. James Dixson is not well now, and wors, then I have wore out my Small Cable, alto ockam, and have ben oblige to buy one heare; for I thought the conciquance of yr Intrust on bord this vessel was Two great to Rusk with bot a cable to trust to. therefor I begg you not Blam me in so doeing. I should be Glad I coold Com Rite home with My slaves, for my vesiel will not Last to proceed farr we can See Day Lite al Roond her bow under Deck. however I hope She will carry me Safe home once more. I need not inlarge. heare Lyes Captains hamlet, James, Jepson, Carpenter, Butler, Lindsay; Gardner is Due; Ferguson has Gone to Leward all these is Rum ships. Butler is in a brig with 150 hhds from Barbados belong to Cape Coast Castle. Ivve sent a small boye to my Wife. I conclude with my best Endevors for intrust, Gentlemen, your faithful Servant at Command. DAVID LINDSAY

N. B. on the whole I never had so much trouble in all my voiges I shall Write to barbadoes in a few days.

[blocks in formation]

It is agreed between Philip Wilkinson 2 and Comp. on the one part and Richard Penmure on the other, That the said Philip Wilkinson and Comp. oblige themselves to fitt and

to trade to and from any place in Africa, between the port of Sallee, in South Barbary, and the Cape of Good Hope, without any restraint whatsoever, except as herein after expressed." The claims and possessions of the Royal African Company passed to this new company, "The Company of Merchants trading to Africa," but the trade became open to all, and so remained.

1 The original is in the Rhode Island Historical Society.

2 A merchant associated with Daniel Ayrault, Jr. Mason, Annals of Trinity Church, Newport, 73 n.

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