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النشر الإلكتروني



Providence, November 25, 1772.

We wrote you monday last and sent a parcel of Shakes and pails, but find thro' the neglect of the boatman they are not yet delivered. we now add to them 30 more Shakes which came in yesterday: and are sent by the same Boat by Mr. Justice. We can have a parcel made by a Cooper in Town which are reckoned better than the Country ones and are valued at 3/ per s here, at which price we must take them in lieu of Casks. if they will suit you at the price to be discounted as Cash will send them down next trip. these now last sent are some of them longer than the common size which shall charge all together at 2/9 per s. Your humble Servants,


30 Shakes at 2/9 per s.


Dear Sir,


Bristol, Ist December, 1772.

I HAVE the pleasure of seeing before me your two much esteemed favors of 21st July and 25th September.

In your first favor you advise of your intentions to consign me your new Ship of 160 Tons; in your next, you order £1800 Stg. insurance on her and her cargo and freight, which was accordingly effected by good underwriters, and the Account Cost is herewith, amounting to £54.16.0 to your Debit in Account. she (the Henry) does not yet show herself; but as the wind is got fair, I hope soon to see her. Oil is in great demand, and notwithstanding you gave so high a price for it, I flatter myself I shall render you a gaining Sales. I wish to God she may make her appearance, so that we may sell it before any more arrives, a deal will depend upon that. the Ship we cannot think of selling 'till towards Spring. in winter time trade is dead, and Vessels of course out of demand.

I return you my sincere thanks, Sir, for the continuance of your care and attention to my unfortunate concerns with the Estate of the late John Channing; and as to the two Osbornes-what shall I say of them? Peace to their Manes! they deceived me, abused you, and berogued many. their flagitious principles proved them Brothers. let you and I make a Merit of Necessity, and not only forgive the Injuries and Injustice we receiv'd from them, but pray God also to forgive them, and be merciful unto them.

These Impositions and Abuses are enough to banish all confidence from amongst Mankind; but, blessed be Nature's God, who hath provided a something, a grave oblivion, in which we may bury all remembrance of past sufferings, and be again happy by looking forward.

Your Account has Credit for £2.1.7 additional Disbursements on the Ship New York, Captain Jones.

Immediately upon receipt of your favor, I wrote a letter to Mr. Nath'l Grant, and another to Capt. Wright (Copies of them you have herewith) desiring (in the strongest terms) they would send me some satisfactory account of the protested Bills returned to Mr. Grant; I join with you in easily believeing [the] Conduct of the parties, and the neglect of this Bill, are occasioned more by the want [of honesty] than the want of abilities to pay it. for my part, I can [only] with truth declare, I seldom have fallen into the hands of any one [ ] Person in that Island, but I have suffer'd by them.

Agreeable to your proposal, Dr. Sir, I do now send you my Order on Nath'l Grant for the Amount and Damages on said Bill of £150, drawn by Daniel Moore, and for the Damages of the £100 which was remitted in part. I wish with all my heart Captain Wright may be able to recover it and punish the Delinquents. they are a disgrace to the name of Merchants.

Let me conclude this letter (as nothing else occurs) with thanking you kindly, Sir, for the Attention you paid to my recommendation of young Wyatt, the Collectors favorable answer to you has made all his friends extremely happy; if you would do me the honor to make my acknowledgments and respectful compliments to him, you will further oblige, Dear Sir, Your affectionate Humble Servant




THE Poffeffor of this Ticket (No.210)

shall be entitled to any Prize drawn against faid Num-
ber, in a Lottery granted by the General Afsembly
of the Colony of Rhode Island, in 1772.



Friend Champlin,

Newport, the I m. 1, 1773.

As its my principle not to contract debts beyond my ability to comply with in a short time, am very uneasey that I owe thee. thought I would [ask] if thee was uneasey as its some time sence did not know but thee would think me thoughtless of the debt when its not the case but its out of my power to pay the money at present tho have Effects of our own in the shop, and as I dont sel on creidit am in hopes of making pay in time if thou art willing to alow me that privilege, for altho thee told me when I took them I might make payment as I sold them, yet I could not be easey without ecknowleging the debt and tel thee the goods are cheif of them yet on hand. as I have not an assortment they sel but slowly, and as I have not money to purchase more must be content and do as well as I can with what goods I have, if thou art not uneasey, which I beg thee would let me know.

I dont like to be in debt or I might have more goods; but the fear of not selling so as to make payment soon, and ecknowleged as an additional favour done thy Friend I know thy mind, which will be a Satisfaction to me, and Disadvantage, makes me afraid of venturing more untill the thoughts of having peoples money in my hands to their

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Barbados, January 7th, 1773.

We wrote you of the 6th of November per Captain Steele via Philadelphia in answer to your favour of the 11th September. since which we are favoured with yours of the 6th October advising us that you had heard of Captain Tuells arrival and that it was possible he might be with us in November, but he does not yet appear. soon as he does we will deliver him your letters, and you may depend on our rendering him our best Services. Negroes keep up with us and good Slaves will command a high price. we sold Captain Wantons Cargo which Captain Rogers brought in a few weeks past at £36 and £35 Stg. round, but they were prime, and such Slaves will always meet a good and ready Market. Slaves have been high at Carolina, but by the last Accounts they were fallen, and from the low price of their Rice it was the opinion of the Factors that slaves wou'd still fall. we shall be happy if Captain Tuells slaves arrive in order, so as to enable us to take him up, as it will give us real pleasure to render you our best Services, being with respect, Gentlemen, Your most hmble Servants,

Dear Sir,



Charles Town, 8 Feb'y, 1773.

I HAVE your much esteem'd favor of the 8th ultimo covering an Account and Bill of Lading for 8 Quarter Casks of white and Two of Red Lisbon. the Red might answer very well here, but the People in this Province are quite unacquainted with it, and the white comes to dear for this Markett, as I might have bought better here for less Money,

1 The original is in the Newport Historical Society.

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