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النشر الإلكتروني

ever Charge the Master may be at in respect to Carpenters work Please to advance. There are 13 Ca: Sweetmeats.1



London, 3 March, 1731 [1732.]

On the other side is a copy of what we wrote you by Capt. Bonner. we have since received the Goods for your Legacy and have enclosed you an Invoice and Bill of Lading for them. The Goods amounted only to £151. and the Remainder, being three pounds, was paid us in money. We have also sent your Account Current, as you desired to have it frequently, the Ballance is £459:17:3 in our favour. we hope it is to your satisfaction, but if there be any mistakes please to let us know and they shall be rectify'd. We cannot yet meet with any Captain that will carry your Horses.2 there are several Ships would carry them to Antigua if you could afterwards conveniently transport them to Rhode Island. Our Sugar Market is still very dull, and it is to be feared will not be better this Crop. We are Sir etc. ROW'D AND SAM'LL FRYE

P. S. There is a Bounty on the eight peices of Norwich Crapes of six pence per pound as they are made of worsted and silk. the charge of the Debenture is about 20/, so that there will be a small matter coming to you, for which you shall have Credit as soon as we receive it.

1 Governor Belcher describes the New Hampshire export trade in 1631 in words which will apply to New England in general: "The chief trade of the Province continues (as for many years past) in the exportation of masts, yards, bowsprits, boards, staves, and rafters for England, but principally to Spain and Portugal, and some to the Charribee Islands, with lumber and refuse fish, and the better sort of fish to Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc. Some sloops and small vessells go in the winter (with English and West India goods) to Virginia, Maryland and Carolina and return with corn and flesh." Belcher Papers, I. 71.

2 "We have been endeavoring to get some captain to carry your coach-horses, but cannot persuade any one of them to do it. They say there is a great risque in it, and they will loose their Freight unless they bring them alive; if you please to make some agreement with any captain there, we can get the Horses in a weeks time, and otherwise we are afraid we shall never be able to send them." Rowland and Samuel Frye to Abraham Redwood, April 26, 1732.

3 Silk stuffs mixed with grogram-yarn, incle, cotton, or worsted, having at least two-thirds parts of the ends, or threads of the warp, silk or enough silk to be obvious and apparent to the customs officer, the silk to be double the value of the bounty, received six pence a pound bounty on export. It was first allowed in 1722.


Copy per Homans.1


[Antigua, April, 1732.]

THIS by Capt. Pope incloses you a Bill of Lading for Forty Hhdds. and three Barrels of Rum, with sixty one Barrels of Sugar, which goods I hope will come safe to hand; The Barrels of Rum markt 41. and 42. are what I made for your own peculiar use, and wish they may please you; I think they want nothing but Age. 43 is a Cask of Highwines for fear some of the Rum shou'd have lost part of its strenght before it gets to you.

The Governour has given Capt. Nugent a Lease for your Land. I beleive he writes you by this opportunity.

After a miserable spel of dry-weather God has blest us with such plentiful Showers, that our next years Crop that was just upon dying, begins now to look fresh: The Rains will be of vast service, even to this years Crop, both as to quality and quantity.

I shall wait your further orders about your Works, not having had a line from you since my two former, one by way of New York, the other directly to your Island; and whatever your orders are they shall be punctually followed. I have sent you a dosen pounds of Bohea Tea, and a Barrel of Herrings, for Mrs. Redwood, according to a memorandum of Collo. Gunthorpe's.3

My Wife desires Mrs. Redwoods acceptance of three Cags of sweet meats, with two dosen Pint-Bottles of Citronwater, Oranges, and Lemons, none to be had, the dry weather having been so very severe that they dropt from the trees before they were half grown; I am, Sir, Your most assured Friend and Humble Servant

1 A captain also appearing in Belcher Papers, I. 213.

2 Bohea is derived from the name of two ridges of hills in the province of Fuhkien, China, whence tea was first imported into England. Early in the eighteenth century it was the name of the finest kinds of black tea. 3 John Gunthorp. See next letter.


I have bought you a pipe of Wine according to your order. I have shiped to Messrs. Frye's Eighty Hhdds. of Sugar and shall follow your orders in shipping on.


Deare Abraham,

Antigua, April the 23th, 1732.

I SHOULD have wrote to you by several oppertunities since my arrival here, if my indisposition had not prevented me, which continued very severely upon me ever since I left you till about fourteene days agoe, from which time I have beene upon the recoverie and am now in hopes I shall live to see you again; We have had an exceeding dry spell of weather from November till the begining of this month, but thank God now its as favourable as we can desire:

I have sent you by your Sloope my Spanish Stone Colt which I hope will be acceptable to you, as I think him as compleate a beautie as any of his Species, when he is in goode order, and has beene the moste admird litle Creature here, we have had among us. My Son tells me he discoverd a litle lamness in his right foote or shoulder when he carried him downe to towne, which hapend as we immagin from his breaking loose from the boy that led him and scampering about for some time before they could catch him again; but if itt continues and should prove in the shoulder, make the Farrier putt in a French Rowill 1 below the Setting on the Shoulder, and turn him to grass, and he'l soone be well; The Old Horse is in fine order and pritty well, and much admired by my Wife, who takes her self abundance of care of him; I think you [I] have sent you what you gave me a Memorandum for, and I assure you my goode Friend, Pope should have carried Mrs. Redwood and yourself a plentifull share of the several sort of fruits of this Island if any were to be had, and noe oppertunitie shall escape me when I can have itt in my power to oblidge you therwith or any thing else. Jack Tomlinson tells me he now writes you the mortifieng account of the Governours signing Newgent a Lease for your Lands contrary to your request to him, which I think is not verie kind, however you may make that voide by a Course of Law when you please, as your Attorney Tomlinson did not consent thereto. If time or my health would admitt, I would write more fully upon the occasion and demonstrat to you how great a sufferer you are and will be thereby during the Lease; but perhaps I may be thought officious and too busie therein, and it were more advisable not to concern myself therewith; I should not doe Captain Pope justice if I did not acquaint you of his Diligence in your bussiness, and singular care and regard to your interest, and take my word for itt, that whenever you part with him, you will scarse meet with his equal for fidelity to serve you; but of that I dare say you have no thoughts. I am in hopes you will dispatch him back again immediately, and let me have fraight on board the Sloope for what I have to bring from Rhoade Island, according to your promise. Pray excuse me to Major Martin for not writing to him by this oppertunity, and my Landlord also, but I will not slip the next if I am able; my Wife joyns with me in our best respects to Mrs. Redwoode and your self, and beleive me to be, Dear Abraham,

1 A seton inserted in the flesh of an animal.

[merged small][merged small][graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic]



The above was wrote you by Ct. Carey who carried 3000 of Red Stock Bricks for your Account, which we hope you received in good order. this encloses the 2d Bill of Lading.

We have lately received 10 hhds. of your Sugar by Capt. Stewart, 20 hhds. by Draper, and 18 hhds. by Sutcliffe. they are come to a most miserable market, nor is there any prospect of its being better. pretty good Sugars sell now for 16/ per C. as yours are but indifferent we shall not be able to get so much for them, tho' our best endeavours shall not be wanting. We shall render you the Accounts Sales of all your Sugars as soon as they can be made out.

We have not received any letter from you of late so have nothing further to add but to assure you that we are, Sir, Your most humble Servants

London, 5 July, 1732.

[Endorsed,] Per Capt. Winslow.



Deare Abraham,

Antigua, July the 24th, 1732.

THOUGH you have not wrote to me by Pope or any other oppertunitie since my last to you, yet you may perceive by this I am unwilling to drop a Correspondence with a Friend I have contracted an intimacy with, and entertain so good a regard for, as let me assure you I doe for your self, and notwithstanding your refusal to fraight my frame and Roofe in your sloope this last trip she has made, according to your repeated and faithfull promises to me, which alone engadged me to bespeake itt, yet am I far from cherishing any ill will, or harbouring the least resentment against you for itt, as I have mett with noe dis

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