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النشر الإلكتروني

Am with greate Esteem your Most Obedient Hur ble Servant and Tenders of Service,


Hast had like to prevented my mentioning about our Schooner Ranger. She arrived safe at this Island with ninteen day passage broat every thing in with out any damage happening to the goods. at my arrivall found shee had not desposed of more then one third of her Cargoe the other two thirds on hand. I beleve the young fellow has taken all the pains in his power to sell his cargoe and has been verry carefull in getting his pay when ever he despos'd of any article, for which I commend him much. I have not rec'd Capt. Allen's account sales yet; therefore cannot advise you but you may depend on having the particulars per the first Opertunity. I still do not despair, but yankey dodle will do verry well here, notwithstanding times at present do not seem any thing inviting, and if you will please to call and see my little famely when ever convenency will admitt, will greatly add to the many favours allready conferred on your humble Servant

N. B.


was obliged to open this letter after it was seled to

mention the Schooner Ranger.


Dear Brother,

Charlestown, December 8th, 1768.

THIS is the first oppertunity that presents to acquaint of our arrivall here 18th November. the same day arriv'd here a Ship and a Sloop from Boston laden with Rum and Scamme Horne 8 days before us notwithstanding that quantity arriving at once have sold all ours at 14/6, Apples about 3£, Cheese 2/6, Soap and Wax candles at prime Cost Spermacatia Candles must carry to the West Indias, as I have not sold one Box nor had an offer for any. the

loaf sugar is a very bad Comodity here at present, as their's such quantitys of Bristoll Sugar sold here at Vandue. I dont expect to make sale of half ours what I have sold got only 4/4, and here's a duty 4d per lb which had we known before we saild we might sav'd 7/8 of it. however what I cant sell shall leve with Russell who will advance me near the amount in Rice.

Produce here is extravagantly high. Rice broke at 70/, and large quantitys ship'd at that Price for the Foreign Markitts. it is now at 60/, and its redus'd to a certainty it will not be lower untill the 20 January. Therefor shall purchase as soon as I conveniently can and proceed to Jamaca, as theirs only one Vessell gone there, and she saild the day I arriv'd with 200 Bar: at 70 /. theirs 4 Sale gone to Windward, all of which have carr'd Rice more or less. Pork has not yet come to markit. shoud any arrive timely and at a proper Price will take 20 or 30 Barrs. on deck; otherwise shall fill my deck with Shingles, which I think will turn to more profit than Pork at the price they talk of: shall write you particular in my next in regard to my Purchas. I am in Health, your Brother,


P. S. Since I closd the above I find two ships which enterd out for Europe are destind for Jamaca. They are allmost loaded at 70/ and will sale 10 days before I can. should they absolutely proceed to Jamaca, I think our best chanc to Windward, of that shall write you more particular in my next. Rice in 24 h[our]s has advanced from 60/ to 62/6, and very little at market; but make no doubt it will be at 60/ in 3 or 4 days.

Dear Brother,

G. C.

Charlestown, December 13th, 1768.

WHAT is containd on the other side is a Copy of my two last to you, since which have purchas'd my Cargoe of Rice at the extravagant price of 62/6, which is the Cash price and will continue so sometime. I expect to sale in 3 days

if wind and wither permit, but am much at a loss to say whare, as think the Chance of a Markit according to what accounts I can get to be near equal at Jamaca or Windard therefore shall be guided in that respect by the wind when I am at Sea. if can goe to Windward without much beating shall give that the preference, otherwise shall proceed to Jamaca. at my arrival at either place shall neglect no oppertunity to acquaint you thereof. I rec'd your letter by Burk, and hourly expect Durfey's Arrivall, which will nock Rum down to 12/6, as theirs 200 hhds. West India Rum enterd here within 4 days, and the greater part of my Rum and the Boston ships is now in store and the Merchants tell me they'd be very glad to take the money they gave us. The Still Houses have a stock 600 hhd. Molosses, and run of 6 hhd. a day. their's only 4 Barr's. Pork been at Markit yet, and that sold at 14£, and dont expect to git any therefore our Cargoe will consist in only four articles, One Hundred and forty three Tierces Rice, thirteen thousand Shingles, all our Spermacatia Candles, and about five Hundred dollars in cash; I am with wishing we may arrive safe to a good Markit, Your Brother, etc.


P. S. shall git the start of the ships before mention'd in that case shall proceed to Jamaca without fail.



Bristol, December 22nd, 1768.

I HAVE your favors of 28th September and 6th October, with Invoice, and Bill Lading, for some Pott Ash, and Spermacoeti Oil, receiv'd by the Pitt. fearing any more Oil may suddenly drop in, as this is the Season, and much expected, I sold yours, and the rest that came in her, at Public Auction immediately upon landing. two Lotts went at £26 per Ton, one a. £26.5., and one Lott at £26.7.6 Sterling, a Sale that I hop will merit your Satisfaction.


the Pott Ashes I sold in like manner at £26 per Ton. soon as these Articles are deliver'd will make out, and render you Sales. inclosed is an Account of £200 Sterling Insurance made on them, Cost £5.8.; likewise Account of £300 on the Jacob, cost £17.5., both Sums are to your Debit.

This Day's Post brought me a Letter from Mr. Mendez, covering on your Account only one poor Bill at 60 days for £150 Sterling. it is sent to London for Acceptance, and if paid shall be to the Credit of your Account Current. by our God, 'tis cruel! I am, Sir, Your humble Servant,

Hen: Cruger, JR.

29th December. I just now receiv'd an Account of the Bill remitted me by Mr. Mendez being noted per Non-Acceptance, and don't expect 'twill be paid at Maturity.

H. C. JR.


HENRY CRUGER, JR. To Aaron Lopez

Bristol, December 31st, 1768.

On the other side is Copy of my last Respects via Boston, since which have receiv'd your esteem'd favor of 11th November covering my Father's draft on me for £100 Sterling, that when due shall be plac'd to your Credit. the Insurance noted in your said favor shall be effected and per my next you may expect Account thereof, and a more particular Reply than I have time at present to make.

I observe your Remark touching the Duty's on Rum and Piemento per Pitt, in which can discover no Error. at foot you have the particulars which hope may appear clear to you and cause you to note the same in Conformity.

Your Account is debited £7.9.2 Sterling for sundrys

Paid a note for dieting the America's People 2nd Voyage, which the woman brought in only a few days past. This happen'd a day or two be- 0.15.2 fore the Ship sail'd and the Crew being in Town went to this Person's House by Osborne's Order. Pilottage of the America, 3rd Voyage, from Kingroad to Bristol.


this last Note I paid the Pilott, but as there was some Concerns between Osborne and him, Osborne desir'd I wou'd not charge it to you saying he would repay me himself. his motives I am a stranger to; but still complyed with his request, but as he is now no more, am oblig'd to debit you for it, which I presume can make no difference to you, seeing you never before have been charg'd with said Pilottage. I remain with respectful regard, etc.


Musqueto Mahogany 4d to 41/2d per foot. Pigg Iron £5 to £7.7 per ton, as in Quallity.



Savanna la mar, 2 January, 1769.

THIS serves to advize this my third Letter, hope the other two came safe to your hands, which will acquaint you of the low marketts I arriv'd at. I have sold the greatest part of the Jacob's Cargo. what remains on hand consists of flour and Spermacety Candles, the former about 30 barrells the latter about 30 boxes. my oyl all dispos'd of except 4 barrells, none of this article has been sold under six pound per barrell. the pine boards receiv'd from Capt. Andrews sold at £10 per M, the Boston boards at £8 per M, White oak Staves and heading £12 per M, R[ed] O[ak] Staves at £10 per M. Spermaceti Candles from 2/6 to 2/9 per pound, but the greatest part at 2/6 per lb. Shingles from

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