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النشر الإلكتروني
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I RECEIVED yours about a week after Capt. Browne sail'd from our Island, otherwise should have sent an answer by the same opportunity. I note the Contents of your Letter and according to your desire have spoke to the Governour about the money you wrote to him for and he assured me that he had ordered you the same and was willing for your Coming over provided you had your Fathers Consent. I am glad to hear of your good health which mercy we at present enjoy. pray make our loves acceptable to your

1 The original is in the Newport Historical Society.

2 Abraham Redwood, the elder, born in Bristol, England, 1665, traded between London and Jamaica. In 1687 he settled in Antigua, where he married Mehetable, daughter of Jonas Langford, and thus became possessed of a large sugar plantation on the island, the Cassada Garden, with many slaves. In 1715 he removed to Salem, Massachusetts, and later to Newport, Rhode Island. He died there January 17, 1729, aged 64 years. This letter is addressed to his son, Abraham.

3 John Browne.

4 Edward Byam, commissioned as Lieutenant-Governor of Antigua January 28, 1715, and again October 17, 1727. Antigua was one of the Leeward Islands, and John Hart held the governorship of these Islands, 1721-1727.

Brother and Sister and all our relations and believe I am

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Deare Cousin Abraham Redwood,

SINCE my last by Capt. Bell wherein I inform'd thee that I had spoke to the Governour to remit to thee the money thou wrote to him for, which he promised me he would by the next oppertunity have not had any from thee, but have heard by Capt. Browne that thou hast had a severe fitt of Sickness, but now pretty well recovered of the same, and if so with the advice of thy Father and the rest of thy friends, I would have thee come over and look into thy affairs that thou mayst have some notion how and after what manner we gett our Bread in these parts. I write thus free to thee as being one of the nearest relations I have, and would not have thee be lost as the rest of thy Brothers were in Road Island. pray make my respects acceptable to all my relations and accept the same thy self from thy Loving Kinsman.

ANTIGUA, 10th, March, 1726/7.

[Endorsed] By Captain Browne.


1 Captain William Bell commanded the sloop Elizabeth and Mary, of Rhode Island, and was taken by the French off the coast of Martinico in 1727. New England Weekly Journal, July 10, 1727.



Antegua, July 21th, 1727.

By Edwa'd Byams Esq. order I heave sent you enclosed a bill of Loading for one bag of Cotton wich came to hand after the Gouenor had got the bills of Loding for the six hhd. of Rome and had enclosed them in his Letter, therefor he desired me to send you it with an acc't. thereof which is as onder nath wich is all at present from, sur, your Most Humbell Servant To Command,


Invoise of one bag of Cotton shiped by Edwad Byam Esqr one the Schooner Mercy Capt. Richard Gill, Master, one act. of Mr Abram Redwood Jun. being markd as Margin [A.R.] etc.

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Antigua, the 23d November, 1728.

Respected Kinsman Abraham Redwood,

HAVEING the good fortune by my sons marring to bee still nearer related then before makes me take the Liberty to give the a few Lines; and understanding thy Interest hear is like to be in thy one posesion in a short time, I have this Request to the to lett my husband have the management of it, whoe I belive the may trust and find him verry just and honest to thee in that affair, and the may give the Governer a hint that my self being thy Relation the was willing my husband should have the offer off it. If the writes to Cousin Langford he will I know forward it he being our perticular friend; but I beg thy favor that none of them may know that I write to the, because it may make some people that are now uppon it our Enimis as wee are strange but may only signifye that the hears my husband meets with noe seafareing buisness which put the uppon imploying him in thy affairs, soe that will be verry sufficient for a Reason soe Dr. Cousin I beg thy Consideration and a speedy anser before any one tryes to intercept us with kind Loue to thy self and spouse I am thy Verry Obliged Kinswoman,

1 In 1727 Manchester was said to contain at least fifty thousand persons, and its prosperity rested upon the manufacture of cotton in all its varieties. This industry, evidences of which are found at Manchester as early as 1635, owed its preeminence to immigrants from Antwerp about 1685, and drew its material "from beyond the sea." The cotton wove thin came from the Levant, and fustians were the principal product. As early as 1727 the eastern cotton had been largely supplanted by cotton from the English colonies in America.

2 The original is in the Newport Historical Society.

Parah darfon

pray my Loue to all my new Relation as well as old ones as the hast fredom.




London, 18 April, 1729.

I HAVE by order of Mr. Edward Byam Esq. the Governour of Antigua, sent to Boston Certain Lead and Iron Work for your Account amounting to £91:0:9 as per Invoice and Bill of Lading enclosed. there will be no Vessell from hence for some time, bound directly to Rhode Island, or should I have sent the Goods to this place, but was directed if there was not, to send them by the first Ship to New England, and have also ensured £100 on the said Goods which at 2 per Ct. policy and Commission is £2:14:6. I have also ensured per order of Governour Byam £80 on Capt. Davis to this place at the same Premio. The charge is £2:4:6. The Ship1 arrived yesterday with 8 Casks of Sugar for your account, which I shall dispose of to your best advantage and will then transmitt you the Account of Sales per Capt. Hammerden3 I am, Sir,


Your most humble law
Fond frys

On the other side is Copy of what I wrote you by Capt. Hammerden. this encloses Copy of the Invoice and 2d Bill of Lading.

I have sold your 8 Casks Sugar per Davis at 25/ and hope to send you the Acct. Sales very shortly. I am Sir, Your most humble Servant


London 8, May, 1729.

[Endorsed,] Per Capt. Henderson via Boston.



Deare Cousin,

By Capt. Pearce I was favoured with thine, and perceive that thou intendst to give thy partes that feell to thee by they Fathers death to thy mother. I am not at all against thy being kind to her and her Children but I

1 The Parham Galley.

2 A cask, hogshead or chest of sugar contained twelve hundred pounds - more or less. These eight casks gave a net sale of £60. 14. 6.

3 "On Tuesday morning the 22d Currant, a New Ship Burthen about 180 Tons, Francis Hammerden Commander, lying at the Long-Wharffe [Boston], took fire as is supposed by a Candle, and was burnt, the Value whereof is reckoned about Two Thousand Pounds." New England Weekly Journal, August 28, 1727.

4 His father had married for a second wife Patience (Howland) Phillips, daughter of Joseph Howland, of Duxbury, Mass. As Jonas Langford Redwood, the eldest son, had been killed in 1724, by a fall from a horse, Abraham inherited the Antigua property.

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