صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني




After the battle of Pharsalia and the death of Pompey, Cæsar found himself master of Rome and of the world. Chief citizen of the Republic, he conceived the project of becoming King of his country: this ambition awoke the jealousy of the true republicans who determined the death of the hero whose glory irritated them. Several conspiring his destruction blamed him aloud for allowing his friends to place crowns on his statues they accused him of not paying the Senate a becoming homage, and finally fixed a day to sacrifice him; but a portentous dream alarming Calphurnia, she imparted her fears to Cæsar. His superstition appeared to deter him from going to the assembly, when one of the conspirators presented himself to him, saying: «What will your enemies think when they learn, that, to regulate the most important affairs of the Republic, you await that your wife may have lucky dreams? ■ Cæsar blushed at his own weakness; Calphurnia no longer detained him, and he went to the Senate-House where he fell, pierced with twenty three wounds, in the year of Rome 709.

Cæsar is in the middle of the picture, preceded by Brutus Decimus: near him is Mark Anthony supporting Calphurnia who faints. Junius Brutus and Cassius ascend the steps and follow Cæsar.

This picture appeared in the Exhibition of 1819: it is now in the apartments of the Palais Royal.

Width, 5 feet 10 inches; height, 4 feet 9 inches.


L Palliere pine



D'un génie plein de finesse, rusé et adroit, Prométhée pourrait être regardé comme celui qui le premier exerça l'art de modeler, puisqu'Hésiode raconte qu'avec de la terre il forma le corps de l'homme. Minerve ayant admiré cet ouvrage, elle introduisit Prométhée dans l'Olympe, et lui facilita les moyens de dérober le feu céleste pour animer sa figure. Dans d'autres occasions encore Prométhée trompa Jupiter, et ne se laissa pas surprendre, en acceptant Pandore qu'il lui destinait pour épouse. Le maître des dieux, voulant infliger à Prométhée une punition exemplaire, ordonna à Mercure de le conduire sur le mont Caucase, et de l'y attacher; là un cruel vautour, né de Typhon et de la terrible Échidna, devait lui dévorer le foie toujours renaissant, pendant trepte mille ans; mais trente ans après Hercule tua le vautour, et rendit ainsi l'existence plus douce au malheureux Prométhée.

Cette figure a été peinte à Rome en 1817; c'est une étude académique plutôt qu'un tableau, mais il y en a peu de cet auteur, mort jeune, peu de temps après son retour d'Italie.

Elle se voit dans les appartemens de S. A. R. monseigneur le duc d'Orléans, et a été lithographiée par M. Marin-Lavigne. Haut., 3 pieds 2 pouces; larg., 6 pieds 4 pouces.


Possessing a subtle, cunning, and skilful genius, Prometheus might be considered the first, who exercised the art of modelling, since Hesiod relates that he formed the body of man with clay. Minerva, admiring this work, introduced Prometheus into Olympus, thus facilitating him the means of stealing fire from heaven, to animate his figure. He also deceived Jupiter on various occasions, and did not allow himself to be ensnared by accepting Pandora, whom, it was intended, he should marry. Determined to inflict an exemplary punishment on Prometheus, Jupiter ordered Mercury to carry this artful mortal to mount Caucasus, and there tie him to a rock, where a cruel vulture, born from Typhon and the terrible Echidna, was, during thirty thousand years, to feed upon his liver, which never diminished, though continually devoured. But, after thirty years, Hercules killed the vulture, thus rendering the unfortunate Prometheus's existence less painful.

This figure was painted at Rome, en 1817 : it is rather an academical study than a picture; and there are but few of this author's performances. He died young, shortly after his return from Italy.

It is in the apartments of his Royal Highness the duke of Orleans, and has been done in lithography by M. Marin-Lavigne. Height, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches.

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