Searching for Mrs. Oswald ChambersTyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2008 - 165 من الصفحات Who was the woman behind the famed Oswald Chambers? Readers will enjoy this inspirational story of Mrs. Biddy Chambers—wife, mother, hostess, counselor, secretary, cook, comforter, correspondent, widow, businesswoman, and faithful stenographer of the teachings of her husband, Oswald Chambers'. Related by the Chambers' only child, Kathleen, Searching for Mrs. Oswald Chambers tells the endearing story behind the writing of the most celebrated devotional of all time. |
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
answer began believe Bible Training College Biddy and Oswald Biddy Chambers Biddy knew Biddy replied Biddy's camp Carol Stream Christ be praised Christian church Clapham Common Cookie daughter desert devotional hut Dunoon Egypt Eltham Eltham Park England eyes faith felt Gertrude Hobbs glory God’s God's love God's Word grape hear heart heaven Holiness Movement Holy Spirit husband Jesus Christ Kathleen told Lady League of Prayer letter light Little Kathleen live London look Lord Miss Kathleen Chambers morning mother Muswell Hill nest never night Okay Oswald and Biddy Oswald Chambers outlined in Proverbs peace prayed preached Proverbs 31 Psalm realized Royal Arsenal sand smile soldiers soul talk telephone tell thee things thou thought trust truth unto waited walk wanted wife woman women wondered writing young Zeitoun دو