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Page 12. The Copie of a Letter signed by the King's Maiestie, October 29, 1663. CHARLES REX Trusty & welbeloved. Wee greet you well. Whereas wee have made a Grant of the Province of Carolina to our Right Trusty and Right welbeloved Cousin & Counsellor Edward Earle of Clarendon, Our High Chancellor of England, Our Right Trusty & Entirely Beloved Cousin & Counsellor George Duke of Albemarle Master of our Horse & Captain Generall of all our fforces, Our Right trusty & welbeloved Counsellor John Lord Berkley, Anthony Lord Ashley chancellor of our Exchequer and Sir George Carteret Kn' & Bar vice chamberlain of Our Household, Our Right Trusty and Welbeloved William Lord Craven, Our Trusty & welbeloved Sir William Barkeley Kn' and Sir John Colleton Kn' & Bar', to be by them or the assignes planted & setled. And whereas Wee are informed that divers psons under your Goverment have a desire to goe unto that place & settle their, the Country being (as wee understand) proper & fitt for the production of those Comodities for which Our other Dominions are not, and that therefore such removal will be noe wayes preiudiciall but rather advantageous to our settled plantations, by lessening the excessive increase of those Comodities which they produce, which through their abundance have abated the prices to such inconsiderable sums that our Subiects (Planters or Traders therein concerned) cannot subsist by their labour and stock employed upon the same: ffor these reasons & many others, demonstrating a benifit to our selfe & Subiects, it is Our will & pleasure, That you hinder not any free and disengaged person or psons from goeing out of the Island of Bermudas to Carolina aforesaid, upon any p'tence whatsoever which is not sufficient to iustifie your refusall. And for your permission of such their departure, this shall be your Warrant. Given at Our Court at Whitehall the 29th day of October 1653 in the 15th yeare of Our Reighne. By his Males Comand.

WILL MORN [Morrice?]

To Our trustie & Welbeloved the Governor of our Island of Bermudas for the time being, or whome else it may there concerne. Lefroy's Bermuda, Vol. II, page 199. From Mr. W. G. Hinson.)

Page 165. A Proclamation by Sir John Heydon Governo'. 4 Feb: 166.

(1) Whereas Sir John Yeumans Barron' in his Voyage for Port Royall In behalfe of the Right Hone proprietors resident in England, for his Setling of a Colonie there, By vertue of Letters Patents Graunted by his sacred Maiestie of Great Britaine, hath bin put off the aforesaid Coast by violent weather in the Shipp Carolina now at Anchor in the Town Harbor (Capt Henry Brayne Comand' thereof.) And since his arrivall, Servants, and others engaged in the aforesaid Hono"" Expedition, have

bin dispersed abroad in these Islands, and by the Inhabitants entertained. The sayd Shipp being in a rediness to entertaine the aforesaid persons, in pursuance of the said Hono Expedition (soe soone as the aforesaid Comand' shall think fitt to depart, and winde and wether shall permitt). These are in his Maiesties Name to Charge & Comand all house-keepers and others as have entertained any of the aforesaid persons, to dismiss the same, soe that they may repayre aboard the said Shipp uppon Mundaie the 14th day of this Instant. And because all persons concerned as aforesaid, may be left without excuse, These are to give notice, That if any as aforesaid shall withdraw themselves at the departure of the said shipp, their persons shall be arrested, And shall become Servants to this Colonie, untill there shall be an opportunitie of transporting them to Port Royall aforesaid, And after their arrivall there, shall be lyable to serve the proprietors, or their Respective Masters one Compleat yeare (or longer as they shall think fitt) more then what they are to serve according to Contracts & Engagements formerlie made betweene them And the proprietors or their Agents, And Masters as aforesaid.

And as for such house-keepers and others, of whatsoever degree or qualitie, as shall presume to assist, and Countenance any as aforesaid in their Consealing themselves untill the sayd shipp is departed, They are hereby required to take notice That they shall assuredlie undergoe such condigne punishment as myself and Councell shall hereafter think fitt to inflict uppon them as persons being refractorie to this Government.

(2) These are likewise to give notice that Capt. William Sayle is to goe Comand' in Cheefe for the carrying on of the aforesaid Expedition As likewise that if any two or floure capable persons shall bee pleased to goe with him And take a view of the place aforesaid, And the accomodations thereunto belonging in order to the incourageing Inhabitants with us for their transplanting themselves and ffamilies according to the Report of the said two or ffoure persons: the said persons will be allowed their Transportation ffree, with Accomodation of the shipp thither, And are to be sent back againe by a vessell which is to be sent back to these Islands with what convenient speed maybe. If likewise any shall think fitt to goe at the present, with a resolution to Settle with others alredie engaged, They are to be allowed their Transportacon ffree, And Accomodation in the shipp aforesaid, As likewise all privilidges & Advantages as have bin Graunted to the first Settlers of the place aforeGiven under my hand at S' Georges the 4th of ffebrie Ano Dom: Signed J. HEYDON. Ibid, 298.

said. 1669. By Sir John Heydon Knight & Governor 19 Febr. 166%. Whereas I have allredie by Publication, Charged and required all and all manner of persons concerned in the Expedition for Port Royall, to repayre aboard the shipp Carolina upon Mundaie last past, and divers persons concerned as aforesaid, have fayled of presenting themselves accordinglie, And the sayd Shipp (By the order of Capt. William Sayle

Comander in Cheese, And the Comand' of the aforesaid Shipp) being appointed to saile from these Islands uppon Mundaie next. These are therefore to Will and Require, And in his Maiesties Name to Charge and Comand all persons concerned as aforesaid, to repayre aboard the aforesaid shipp upon Mundaie next ensueing the Date hereof, in the forenoone by eyght of the clock at the farthest. And if any shall dare to absent themselves (Contrary to the Expectations of the aforesaid Comand', and their Assistants in the aforesaid Expedition), I doe hereby declare, in behalfe of the Right Honoble Proprietors, And the Comand aforesaid, That the Transgressors as aforesaid, shall be proceeded against as contemnors of them, and this Gover'ent. These are furthermore to require all manner of Officers, both Military and Civill, to be ayding and assisting, in forth convaying such, as have allredie absented themselves, unto myself, or on board the sayd shipp as aforesaid. And such persons as shall be active in bringing and convaying Transgressors aboard, or to myselfe at S' Georges as aforesaid, They shall be satisfyed for their diligence in and about the premises by the Comanders aforesaid. Given under my hand at St Georges the 19th day of februarie An° Dom: 1669. JOHN HEYDON. Ibid, page 300.

Barbadoes September the 13th 1670.

S The Lords Proprietors of Carolina hath Comanded mee to convey the inclosed Lett' to you, of which opytunitie I am joyfull that I amongst the rest may p'sent you my thanks for your kindness shewed to the people of that Designe. I beseech you S' to continue your generous temper still. And as you did assist them before they went to Cayawah soe please to continue it now they are there setled, which will not onlie claime an acknowledgement from the Proprietors and all noble soules, but particularlie from your most humble servant THO: COLLETON. To the Honoble St John Heydon Governo' of Bermudas, these present. Whitehall the 15th Maie 1670.

Sffrom o people that put into Bermudas in the Shipp Carolina, Wee understand of Your verie great Civilitie & kindness to them, And great assistance to the prosecution of their designe in hand, which though it be his Maties and the Nations business as well as ours, wee think wee ought not to omitt giveing you our pticular thanks for the same. And alsoe doe desire you to give o' thanks to the people under Your Government, Whom Wee understand have alsoe bin verie courteous and assisting to o' people, And to assure them and yourselfe, If Wee may in anything be serviceable to either of you, You shall finde that Wee have a gratefull Sense of your Obligation which by this Action you have Conferred on Your verie affectionate friends

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To the Honourable S' John Heydon Governo" of Bermudas.


page 321.


Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society. Volume I. 1857.


Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society. Volume II. 1858.


Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society.

Volume III.



Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society. Volume IV. 1887. Unbound, $2.00. Bound, $3.00 Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society. Volume V. Paper, $2.00 Oration delivered on the third anniversary of the South Carolina Historical Society, by James Louis Petigru. 1858.



Memoir of Professor F. A. Porcher, late President of the Society. 1889.


Journal of a Voyage to Charlestown in So. Carolina by Pelatiah Webster in 1765. Edited by Prof. T. P. Harrison. 1898.


The History of the Santee Canal. By Prof. F. A. Porcher. With an Appendix by A. S. Salley, Jr., 1903. 40C. The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine. Edited by A. S. Salley, Jr. Volume I. 1900.

Unbound, $4.00.

CONTENTS: Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Judge William Johnson, Mission of Col. John Laurens to Europe in 1781, Papers of the First Council of Safety of the Revolutionary Party in South Carolina, June-November, 1775; The Bull Family of South Carolina, A Cherokee War Document, Blake of South Carolina, Letters from Judge William Johnson to Thomas Jefferson, First Rules of the St. Cecilia Society, Middleton of South Carolina, Circular Letter from Gov. Guerard to C. K. Chitty, The Colleton Family in South Carolina, Book Reviews and Notices, Exchanges, Notes and Queries, The South Carolina Historical Society, Publications Received, Obituary, Index.

The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine. Edited by A. S. Salley, Jr. Volume II. 1901.

Unbound, $4.00.

CONTENTS: Papers of the First Council of Safety of the Revolutionary Party in South Carolina, June-November, 1775, Mission of Col. John Laurens to Europe in 1781, Letter from Gen. Christopher

Gadsden to Mr. Thomas Morris, May 30th, 1790; Barnwell of South
Carolina, Gen. Thaddeus Kosciuszko to Maj. Alexander Garden,
Col. Miles Brewton and Some of His Descendants, Letters of
Ralph Izard, Izard of South Carolina, Army Correspondence_of
Col. John Laurens, Captain William Capers and Some of His De-
scendants, Notes and Queries, Publications Received, The South
Carolina Historical Society, Necrology, Index.

The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Maga-

zine. Edited by A. S. Salley, Jr. Volume III. 1902.

Unbound, $4.00.

CONTENTS: Papers of the First Council of Safety of the Revolu-

tionary Party in South Carolina, June-November, 1775; Army Cor-

respondence of Col. John Laurens, Daniel Trezevant, Huguenot,

and Some of His Descendants, Letters from Hon. Henry Laurens

to His Son John, 1773-1776; Col. Moses Thomson and Some of His

Descendants, The Harlestons, Papers of the Second Council of

Safety of the Revolutionary Party in South Carolina, November,

1775-March, 1776; Officers of the South Carolina Regiment in the

Cherokee War, 1760-61; Capt. John Colcock and Some of His De-

scendants, Notes and Queries, Publications Received, The South

Carolina Historical Society, Necrology, Index.

The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Maga-

zine. Edited by A. S. Salley, Jr. Volume IV. 1903.

Unbound, $4.00.

CONTENTS Papers of the Second Council of Safety of the Revolu

tionary Party in South Carolina November 1775-March 1776; Let-

ters from Hon. Henry Laurens to His Son John, 1773-1776; The

Descendants of Col. William Rhett, of South Carolina; Letters of

Rev. Samuel Thomas, 1702-1706; South Carolina Gleanings in Eng-

land, William Smith and Some of His Descendants, The Butlers of

South Carolina, Historical Notes, The South Carolina Historical

Society, Necrology, Index.

The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Maga-

zine. Edited by A. S. Salley, Jr. Vol. V. 1904.

CONTENTS: Letters from Hon. Henry Laurens to His Son John,
1773-1776; Records of the Regiments of the South Carolina Line,
Continental Establishment; Documents Concerning Rev. Samuel
Thomas, 1702-1707; Fraser Family Memoranda, The Battle of
Stono, Documents Concerning Mrs. Samuel Thomas, 1707-1710;
South Carolina Gleanings in England, Governor Joseph Morton
and Some of His Descendants, The Hayne Family, The Moultries,
Historical Notes, Necrology, Index.

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A. S. SALLEY, JR., Sec. and Treas.,
Charleston, S. C.

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