صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

(as is conceived) this will be a princip" means to lead on the Regular building &c (P. 66*) M' John Boon the English Interpreter & cap' Titus the Indian Interpreter came this day voluntarily. before the G Counc" & did declare that the Indian prisoners wch the Sowee & other neighbour Indians have lately taken are Enemies to the s Indians who are in Amity wth the English & that the sa Indian prisoners are willing to worke in this country or to be transported from hence, upon weh it is conceived that the s Indian prisoners may be transported by any who have or shall purchase them.' [p. 367.]

January viii 1675 present: The Governor, Godfrey, Owen, Bull, Percivall, Conant, S. West, Yeamans, Donne.

Upon a suit betw" James Sayle marin' by Jos: West, Landgrave his atty Plaintf & Josias pitt, plan' def', Def' excepts ag the suffic of the Govern's letter of Att'y whereupon the Question is put whether the Govern" authority now shewed unto the Court be suffic' to prosecute the suit & it is voted in the negative. Resolved that s Josias pitt give security &c for any damage to the estate of James Sayle or the heirs of Nathaniel. Sayle in this province.

January xv, 1675 present: The Govern', Godfrey, Mathews,

'An abstract of the records of all grants of lands that have been made in the Province of South Carolina, from the first establishment of the Colony, specifying the names of the grantees, the time when each grant was made, the quantity of acres, and the quit rents, if any reserved thereon, and expressing the situation and location of each grant to 31 October, 1765. The following are abstracted for 1674 and 1675:

[blocks in formation]

Percivall, Owens, Conant, Bull, Portman, Donne, Yeamans, Marshall, Dalton.

Upon cons'n of better security &c of the public stock of gun powder from suddane accidents of fire or otherwise Advised that 2bbl be lodged at Lt Col: Godfrey's house bbl at Cap' Mau: Mathews his house 1 at Jos: Daltons house & the remainder in the Govern custody. Cap' Mau: Mathews having set forth that some of the neighbor Indians have requested him to direct them to settle a Town &c for &c as in time the same may be of great use to this settlm'. Resolved that he (being willing to undergoe the trouble) doe instruct the s Indians & settle them in a towne in some convenient place not injuring the English settlm" & w" done make report thereof to the Ga Councill.'

[Bk. 1672, 94.]

11671. 1686 Lists of names of Landgraves, Cassiques and Deputies in Carolina, by whom nominated, and date of nomination, viz. Names of Landgraves: John Locke, Sir John Yeamans, James Carteret, James Colleton, Edmund Andros, Joseph West, Thomas Colleton, Joseph Morton, Daniel Axtell and Richard Kyrle and John Price. Names of Cassiques: Capt. Henry Wilkinson, Major Thos. Rowe, John Gibs, Thomas Amy, John Smith and John Monke, by nomination of the Duke of Albemarle. Names of Deputies and by whom nominated: T. Gray and Andrew Percivall by the Duke of Albemarle, Stephen Bull by Lord Cornbury, John Godfrey by Earle of Craven, Maurice Mathews and Joseph West Register of writings, by Earl of Shaftesbury, Sir John Yeamans by Lord Berkeley, Joseph West and Joseph Dalton, secretary, by Sir G. Carteret, and William Owen by Sir Peter Colleton. Mostly in Locke's hand. Col. En. Bk. 20, p. 80. A. & W. I., 721.


Pages 119, 165. Bermuda, arrived "Jan. 12, 1670 The ship 'Caroline' (wherein came Sir John Youman in his expedition for Port Royally captain Henrie Braine Comander thereof, sailed from these Islands the 26 of Ffebruarie vppon the expedition aforesaid, whereof Capt William Sayle went Comander in cheefe therevnto called and made choice of for the manadgeing the said honble expedition By the Right Honble Proprietor (Resident in England) Agents Sir John Youmans Captain Joseph West &c Since their arrival in these Islands as aforesaid." Lefroy's Bermuda I., page 737.

Page 119. Capt. Wm. Sayle was in the Bermuda Council 1630, Sheriff 1638-40, Governor 1641-42 and again 1643-45; was wholly guided by the ministers' 'tho' himselfe not a member (his wife being).' 1646, he and Rev. Wm. Goulding went messengers to Parliament, page 3. Ibid. Page 250. Mrs. Margery Saile was presented Oct., 1647, “for absenting herself from frequenting the ordinances of God." She went to Eleuthera, but returned to Bermuda; arrived “march 1657 The 'John' from Eluthera with Capt W. Saile, his wife, 3 children & 13 other passengers." Oct., 1658, Margery Saile releases Capt. Wm. James for darnages to property of my husband Capt. W. Saile at Eluthera." Ibid. Page 280. Bermuda, arrived "July 16, 1670, the sloop Three Brothers;' she sailed thence “Sept 7, 1670." Ibid.

Pages 279, 281. Bermuda, arrived “Feb. 16, 1671 The vessel 'Blessing' from Jamaica For Carolina carrying with him Richard Hanke (a Quaker) his wife, 9 children & one negro man.” Bermuda, March 15, 167, Gov'r & Council write "after reading y' gen' letter we sent M' Sampson Bond a copy of y' order for his dismission. The next Council Table he sent a petition &c In answer &c that y' order be put in execution &c there being seuerall shipps in Harbor fit for acomodation som bound for old England and New &c and one vessell for Carolina to Ashlie river &c send another minister over to supply Mr Bonds place that wee may have more peace in the Countrie." Ibid, 692.

Page 390. Bermuda, "1672 a Ketch, was spoken with on the south Coast of the islands March 22 That was sent out of England by the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, Bound for.the same Port, having in her two Indian Princes.'" Ibid, 740. The Wm. & Ralph, page 372? or the Blessing? Perhaps the Cassique's sons taken to Barbadoes on the Carolina, entertained by Colleton, page 249.


Abaco (Bahamas), 160, 221,' 278.
Abapoola creek, 188.'
Abercromby, David, 331.
Abrahall, Ens. Rich., 60, 73, 82.
Abrahall point (Bay point), 73-4.
Abroad, 301, resented, 295, 413.
Academy, 304.

Accabee, 287, 339, 396, river, 397.'
Accounts, Carolina, 56, 132-3, 155,
Va. cargo,

336, 392, 455, 471.

326; stores, 128, 130-1, 204,
317-8, 354-5, 402; ships, stores,
crews, 141, 143, 233-4, 236,
300, 328, 462.
Acorns, 275.
Acosta, Joseph, 265.
Actions, 179, 276, 295; suits, 106,

180, 346, 359, 414; form, 430.
Acts Parlm't, 38, 39; how pass'd,
36-7, 52, 106-7, III, 323, 325,
337, 405; referred to, 222, 295,
358, 369, 391,' 460;' keeping
Sabbath and stock, 292, 296;
civil actions, 346, 359, 430;
Counc'l proceedings, 346; Sec-
t'y &c., fees, 346; masters and
servants, 358; rates pipe staves,
346, 358-9; artificers, 358; ag't
selling arms, 358, 394; retailing
drink, 358; fugitives, 383, 394,
421, 423; entry ships, 369; L'd
Pr's' debts, 358, 386, 416, 435-
6, 450; building C. T., 393;
bridge at, 393, 409, 413, attain-
der, 407, 430.
Adams, Clement, 265.
Adams, Dr. Robert, 136.'
Addresses, 49, 57, 85-6, 88, 289,

359, 416, 471; Mr. Barnwell's
on S. C., i-xx.

Adeleyers, Don, com'r St. Aug. 26.
Administration, 403; estates, 112,

Admiral of Ca., 94, 103, 155, 159,

324, 403; Admiral's court, 102-3,
106, 413; marshal of, 324, 403;
suit, 34.
Adventure, 30, 33, 60, 248, 289, 419.
Adventure, ship, 10, 18, 21, 26-29.
Adventurers, Barb's, 10, 11, 12, 16,

29, 30-2, 33, 39-41, 53, 83, 88,
254-5, 304; C. Fear, 41-2, 46,

82-4, 87-8; Car'a, 30, 41-2, 44,
87, 164, 184, 207, 211, 254-5,'
281, 286-7, 298.
Advowsons, patronage, 36.
Aeno or Enoe (town), 411, 453.
African Co., the Royal, 240,'
Agents, L'ds Pro's C'a., 130, 208,

211-2, 220, 243, 432, 455, 467;
Barb's, 30, 30, 36-7, 45, 53.87,
175, 212, 260, 267, 283, 417.'
Agrarian Laws, 405, 433, 450.
Yeamans, West, T. Colleton.
Agreem'ts, L'd Prop's, 33, 51, 91,

92, 403, 432, 445, 447; others,
99, 212, 332, 409, 410, 419.
Ague, 193, 224, 347.
Agriculture, 229,′ Indian, 24.
Alarum Caseekas' brother, 409.
Air, 14, 104, 218, 250, 261, 266, 386.
Alarms (Span.), 179, 184, 187, 191,'

194-5, 198, 200, 202-3, 225, 227,
248-50, 256, 258, 263, 342; none,
266, 269, 271; Westo, 395, 409,


Albemarle Co., 32-3, 43, 50, 55, 60,

159, 285, 391, 468;' river, 15, 60,
266; Lat. and map, 264, 266;
Governor, 15. 50, 159, 468'
(Drummond, Stevens), Sect'y,
50; Sur. Gen., 55, 391;' Collec-
tor, 285'-6,391;' Deputies, 159.
P. Carteret, Godfrey, Jenkins,
J. Willoughby.
Albemarle Point, 176, 227, 256,
309; town at, 188, 227, 254, 275:
Letters from, 173-4, 181, 185-6,
190, 192, 204, 268, 271, 273, 277,
281, 287, 289, 294, 300.
Albemarle, Geo. duke of, Ld Gen'l
5, 8, 9, 29, 50, 57, 63, 91, 122,
128, 153; grant to, 4, 7, 13, 14,
55; Palatin C'a, 5, 130, 155, 159,
323; his deputy, 132, 323; his
venture, 151-2; death, 5, 159,
210; Com'ns by, 15, 117, 123,
130, 132; letters from, 13, 14,
Albemarle, Christ'r, duke of, 159,
16; to, 5, 12, 175, 176.
204, 431-2, 436, 473: Treas'r

Carolina, 159; grants to, 180,
207; letters to, 280-1; his dep-
uties, 159, 222, 229, 231, 277,'

330, 352, 391, 440, 452, 473, Argal, Sir Samuel, 265.

Albemarle sloop, cost, crew, 137,

143, 145, 151; voyage, 133, 153;
wreck, 156.

Aldermen, 12, 113.
Aldridge, Abel, 463.

Algiers (see Angiers), 468.'
Aliens, 116; alienat'n, 94, 98.
Alestree, Mr. Paul, 389.
Alexander, Richard, 134.
Allegiance, oaths, 35, 116, 120, 122,
306, 373.

Allen, Wm., 142, 278.
Alleys, 308, 343, 358./
Allowance (daily), 128, 137, 174,
194, 250, 257.
Almonds, 41, 382, 387.
Alush (Ind. Capt'n), 20, 170.
Ambassador, Spans'h, 130, 204-6,


Ambergris, 116, 160, 209, 213, 280.
Ambuscade, 195, 238.
America, 57, 81, 161, 187; discov-

ery, 58, 265; Provinces in, 8,
58, 82, 130; Car'a, 176, 416,
425; Ashley river, 202, 206, 287;
superstitions, 201.'
Amity, 388, 446,' 461,' 474.
Ammunition, 29, 38, 57,′ 91, 103,
161, 394, 460.

Amory, Jonath'n, Esq., 341.'
Amy, Thos., Esq., 434, 475,' Ann
and Elizabeth, 434; Wm. and
Katharine his wife, 6.'
Ancient (ensign), 26, 28.
Anchors, 69, 138-9, 144-5, 157-8.
Anchored, 68, 71, 74, 166–7, 169–70,
238, 419.

Andros, Sir Edmond, 475.'
Animals, 462.

Animosities, 115, 386, 401.
Answers, 16, 384.

Antigua, 30, 160, 162, 230, 257-8,

471; hurricanes, 252; emig'n
to Car'a, 230, 251-2.
Antimony, 316, 459.
Apallachia, 198, 223; Indians, 463.'
Apallachicola, 223; river, 460.
Apallachian mountains, 332, 463.'
Apothecary, 329.

Appeals, 98-9, 102, 105, 106, 108.
Applewaight, Mr., 319.
Apprentice, 414.
Apricots, 308.

Arandows, Gov. don A., 25, 28.
Archcraft, Thos., 329, 412, 418, 452.
Archdale, John, Esq., 433, 434;

Thomas and Mary, 433,' 434-1

Argent, William, 410, 414; Peter
(his son), 414.

Arguiles, Capt. Alonzo, 26, 27, 28.
Arkhurst, Major, 330.

Ark of God, The, 180.
Arlington, Henry, Lord, 9, 89;' his
family, 163.
Armour, 38, 147.

Armory ground, The, 385.'
Arms, Lords Proprietors, 9, 95, 97:

Carolina, 9, 95; Judiciary, 353.
Arms (small), 29, 31, 38, 42, 44.
57, 59, 91, 103, 123, 147, 161,
208, 239, 297, 351, 353, 394, 455.
460; fixing, 144-5. 407, 412:
under, 20, 116, 170, 199, 227,
296, 346, 395.
Armed, 32, 42 ( 45.
Army, 102, 103.

Arraignment, 383; arrest, writ, 412.
Arrival, 179, 187, 251, 336, 459.

462, 465; first, 156, 158, 165,
167, 168-9, 221, 288, 290-1,
335, 395; lists, 299, 370; entries,
369, 429; rights, 42 ( 46.
Arrows, 19, 168, 169, 199, 239, 308.
Arthur, Gabriel, 452; John, 29.
Articles, Heath's, 6, 7, 9; Lords

Prop's, 31, 93, 211, 417, 431-2,
438, 443, 445, 447, 467: Fun.
Cons., 95, 107, 219, 324-5, 405;
Peace, &c., 218, 253.
Artificers, rates, 358.
Artillery, 33, 103.

Artists (surveyors), 285, 332, 381.
Ash, 63, 188, 308, 333, 354-
Ashipoo, 223, 234, 439; Indians,

199, 334; Caseeka, 65.
Ashley, Anthony, Lord, Chanc.
Ex'cqr, 5, 7, 8, 9, 29, 57, 61, 63,
91-2, 122, 128, 152, 159, 202,
222, 231, 325; Earl Shaftes-
bury, 206, 389, 418, 423-4, 432.
455-6, 457, 469; com'ns from,
52, 117, 123, 130, 330, 362, 405,"
431, 439, 455, 466;' Inst'ns,
&c., from, 253, 264, 322-3, 325.
367, 372, 431, 437, 439-40, 445.
450; Letters from, 1670, 164, 204.
207-8, 213; 1671, 310, 312 (a
315, 317, 326-7, 342, 351;'′ 1672,
375-6, 397-8, 400, 402-3, 405.
414. 416; 1673, 427; 1674, 440,
445-6, 448-9; 1675, 464-5, 468.
Letters to, 1669, 133, 137.
153-5, 157; 1670, 160, 171, 173-
4, 181-2, 185-6, 188, 190, 192.
196, 202, 214, 217, 220, 222, 225,

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