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النشر الإلكتروني

sixty barks, with salt, go already up the river to Smolensk, as well as up some of the branches of the Dnieper; viz. the Pripit, Desna, Beresang, to the wharfs of Novogorod, Severskoy, Pinsk, and Borovitz. The salt is conveyed above 700 versts by land, to Krementchuk, from the Crimea, by a great number of oxen. When the Cataracts are cleared, the land-carriage will be reduced to 120 versts, from the Crimea to the Bereslasskoy Wharf on the Dnieper; and the salt may be conveyed straight by water from the Salines of Kinburn.

Branches of, or Rivers falling into, the DNIEPER.

A river of the Dnieper's magnitude has naturally many smaller streams falling into it; which are the more worthy of attention, as their banks and circumjacent country abound with vast forests of oak, &c. out of which hardly any timber has yet been drawn. Most of these rivers, particularly those falling into the Upper Dnieper, are already navigable, or capable of being made so, unless in such seasons of great drought when even the Dnieper itself is hardly passable.

a nation, with the command of men that Russia has, does not surmount the difficulty. Greater exertions have been made by Companies of individuals in England." Note by Mr. R. Corner.

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The DRUZA, Small and not navigable, joins the Dnieper at Rogatchef.

BERESINA, pretty considerable. 700 versts along this river, masts are carried down to the town of Borisof, and even to the wharf of Pedoserskoy. In this passage, a landcarriage of thirty versts was unavoidable, from the wharf to the town of Kransnic Luki; whence they were floated down by Essa, to the Oulla, at Lepela, Measures were, in consequence, taken to effect a junction between the Beresen and the Essa. In 1801, the work was already done, except some sluices, and other improvements necessary to be made. The Beresen was to be joined to the Rivulet Sergutz, and the Lake Plavio, and Beresta; and thence, with the Skogy and Menezso, with the Essa and Oulla. This will be of immense advantage to the trade of the Dnieper with the ports on the Baltic. On the Beresen three wharfs are already established; at Bobrusha, Borisof, and Pedoser: the last is only for timber, To the two first, about twenty barks are annually towed up, with salt, for the province of Minsk. Among the great number of rivulets falling into the Beresen, the most considerable is the Svirtotz, which is navigable as far as Minsk, from the Spring

to July. It is particularly convenient for floating down of timber; which may be procured, in any quantity, from the immense forests that are in its course, and which hitherto have remained untouched. The SOSHA is considerable; and only few improvements are necessary to enable vessels to ascend to the town of Mstistof: it has its course near Smolensk. It is now navigable, until the month of July, the extent of 4 to 500 versts. Kiof is supplied with timber by this river.

The PRIPIT is the principal branch of the Dnieper: it takes its course from west to east, and separates Lithuania from Volhynia. Almost all the timber to Cherson goes from this river. Barks, carrying each from 8 to 10,000 pouds of salt, are easily towed up, above 500 versts, to Pinsk.

The following Rivers fall into the PRIPIT: The PINA, became partly navigable through the King's Canal; but sluices are necessary to be built, for vessels to frequent it during summer. The STRUMEN, or the Suchona, must be cleared of some stones, and then vessels may go as far as Kovel.

YATZOLDA is the estuary of the Oginsky

Canal, and only wants clearing of weeds, &c.

It has a very weak current, which runs, in general, through marshy ground.

GORONA and SLUTZA could be made navigable for the extent of 4 or 500 versts; and through these a communication with all Volhynia might be opened, by means of sluices in their upper parts, to be built at the dams of the many mills there existing.

STIRA could easily be made navigable to Lutenza, and even as far as Dubno, if twelve sluices were built.

ZNA and LAN. During high water, some timber is brought down these rivers from Lithuania. OU DOBRE, a small river from Volhynia: this might be improved for some hundred versts. PTISHA, a pretty considerable river from Lithuania: on this a great quantity of timber is floated down.

OUSHA wants improvement, to be made navigable to Obronsk,

Continuation of the Rivers falling into the DNIEPER.
The TETEREVA, now of little use, but capable of
being made navigable, even to Grtomis.
DESNA, equally with the Pripit, is of the highest

consequence to the trade of the country in general; and even of more, in some respects, ..than the latter, as it takes its whole course through the most fruitful provinces and well

wooded districts. It is navigable the extent of 800 versts past Tchermgof, Novogorod, and Severskoy, to Bransk. Provisions, timber, and other goods, are carried by it from Bransk to Cherson, and even sometimes to Smolensk, by means of the Dnieper. From one to three hundred barks depart out of it annually; and more than this number return to it from Krementchúk with salt. It was proposed to join the Desna with the Oka, by means of the Volva and the Zishdra; a project of the highest importance to the inland communication of Russia. By this junction, the conveyance of home-products from the Ukraine, Little Russia, &c. and of those of the Levant, through the Black Sea, would be greatly facilitated. No doubt the Board will, in due time, take these advantages into consideration.

ROSSA, though small, is yet abundant in water during spring.

The SOULA might become of great importance, being navigable from Luben, were the Cataracts of the Dnieper cleared, and opportunity given for exporting the products of the country it waters.

PICOL. This river, flowing through a steppe, is hardly worth improving; it is navigable only during the spring, and is dry in summer.

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