WESTMINSTER CENTRAL MART, SOUTHAMPTON-STREET, STRAND, LONDON. THE Plan upon which the WESTMINSTER CENTRAL MART is conducted will, upon a very superficial examination, he admitted as the most successful means of promoting the purposes of the Establishment. The Proprietors of this concern undertake immediately, upon application at their MART, to furnish the Nobility and Gentry with SERVANTS of a superior class. Merchants, Tradesmen, Public Offices, and Academies may be also suited immediately with competent Assistants. The Conductors of the WESTMINSTER CENTRAL MART flatter themselves that the plan which they have adopted for the purposes of obtaining SERVANTS, will be the means of removing those evils which must invariably attend the engagement of SERVANTS who offer themselves in a private way; as by such engagements, Employers are subject to many disadvantages, and which can only be remedied by the advantageous plan which the WESTMINSTER CENTRAL MART affords. This Establishment is open daily from Nine to Six o'Clock, and personal attendance given by the Proprietors themselves; being persuaded that such attention is the ooly means of making the Establishment respectable and worthy of Public patronage. LA BELLE ASSEMBLÉE; BBING Bell's COURT AND FASHIONABLE MAGAZINE, FOR SEPTEMBER, 1818. A New and Improved Series. EMBELLISHMENTS. 1. A Correct Likeness of her ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS OF KENT, Engraved from an original Drawing. 2. A beautiful WHOLE-LENGTH PORTRAIT FIGURE in a PROMENADE PARISIAN DRESS. 3. A beautiful WHOLE-LENGTH PORTRAIT FIGURE in an ENGLISH AUTUMNAL HALF DRESS, 4. Elegant PARISIAN PATTERNS for NEEDLE WORK. Curious particulars of Mr. Day ............................................. ib. Folkstone .... ...... ib. Hythe in Dress FASHIONS FOR OCTOBER, 1818. No. 1. Promenade Parisian Dress No 2. English Autumnal Half Dress Account of a dreadful Murder of Foreign Costumes. Costume of Paris 133 Commercial Advantages Remarks on the Progressive Improvements .. MUSICAL REVIEW-A Refutation of Falla- ..... 132 142 143 ib. Domestic Comfort ib. TO CORRESPONDENTS. SEVERAL original articles for the Poetical department of LA BELLE ASSEMBLEE having been unavoidably postponed, we shall be obliged to attend to them before some effusions sent us by G. P. B. The Drama that he has sent will certainly be too long for our monthly columns, but shall be noticed in our SUPPLEMENT, or yearly Review. Persons who reside abroad, and who wish to be supplied with this Work every month, as published, may have it sent to them to New York, Halifax, Quebec, and to any part of the West Indies, by Mr. THORNHILL, of the General Post Office, at No. 21, Sherborne-lane; to the Brazils, Madeira, Gibraltar, Malta, and all parts of the Mediterranean; to Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal; and to France and Holland, at 17s 6d. per Quarter, by Mr. COWIE, at the Foreign Newspaper Office, No. 22, Sherborne-lane. The money to be paid at the time of Subscribing, for either three, six, nine, or twelve months.-Orders also, post paid, on the above conditions, will be punctually attended to, if addressed to JOHN BELL, Proprietor of this Magazine, Weekly Messenger Office, Clare-court, Drury-lane, London. London: Printed by and for JOHN BELL, Proprietor of this Magazine, and of the WEEKLY MESSENGER, No. 104, Drury-Lane. OCTOBER 1, 1818. |