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النشر الإلكتروني
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his daughter's marriage, it was on condition that it should take place the 1st of April.

It is a curious fact that the present will not be the first connexion of little HesseHombourg with England. As far back as the year 1294, Hombourg became, by a singular bargain, a fief of our Edward I. The Emperor Adolphus (of Nassau) was involved in a dispute with Philip of France, with whom our Edward being also disposed to quarrel, he entered into a close alliance with the Emperor, and engaged him to declare war against Philip. The chief agent

HOMBOURG was, before the late system of making and unmaking sovereigus, an appanage of a younger branch of the fa-between the two sovereigns, and promoter

of the alliance, was Adolphus's favourite, Eberhard, Count of Catzenellenbogen, and Lord of Hombourg. The King of England, in his anxiety to secure him to his interest, persuaded him to become his vassal, seconded his proposal by five hundred pounds, English gold, which, it appears, possessed as much attraction to little Princes in those days as in these. The Count could not resist the offer, and actually took the oath of allegiance, before an English ambassador, to the English King, for the castle and town of Hombourg.


mily of Hesse Darmstadt, and under the sovereignty of the Grand Duke of Hesse, with a territory literally not much exceeding in size that of Lilliput, as described by Gulliver, "twelve miles in circumference." Now the little state is swelled into an absolute mouarchy: a patch of territory is given to it on the opposite side of the Rhine; it masters from eighteen thousand to twenty thousand subjects, and contaius ten square German, about fifty English miles. This enormous aggrandizement is owing to the influence at Vienna of the four or five sons of the reigning sovereign, distinguished and meritorious officers in the service of the Emperor of Austria. Of the elder brother, the hereditary Prince (the husband of the In a cavern in the island of St. Lucie, on Princess Elizabeth), every body speaks well, the borders of the sea, is a large basin, of as a brave honest soldier. One of the bro- the depth of about twelve or fifteen feet, thers is married to a Princess of Prussia.- the waters of which are brackish, and the Hombourg is a pretty little place, in a bottom composed of rocks; from which beautiful country, under noble mountains: are constantly ascending substances, which, the reigning sovereign a worthy, infirm, at first sight, resemble beautiful flowers, old Prince. The revenue of the state, about having very much the appearance of marififteen thousand pounds a-year. The here- golds, but of a much more bright and glarditary Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin has ing colour. These apparent flowers, at the long been attached to the Princess of Hesse- approach of a hand or any instrument, reHombourg, the only sister of the husband tire like snails, probably into the interior of our Princess; but there is "one fair of the rocks. On observing them closely, daughter and no more;" and the old sove- four filaments of a brown colour are perreign of Hombourg loving her more than ceptible, something similar to the legs of passing well," tong declared the impossi- spiders; these antenae, which move rapidly bility of parting with her. He has now, at round a kind of petal, are armed with pinlast, been induced to consent, with tears in cers to seize the prey that may present his eyes, to the separation, but he cannot itself; and no sooner is it seized, than the bring himself to remain at Hombourg dur- yellow flower closes, to prevent the object ing the marriage, and will return to it only escaping that it holds in these pincers.to welcome his married son and his illustri Beucath the flower is a brown-coloured ous Engish daughter-in-law. The old stalk, probably the receptacle of the aniLandgrave is somewhat bizarre in his cha-mal. This zoophyte appears to feed on racter; and when he at last assented to the spawn of fish, and water insects.



They are found of all colours in the north seas during the summer; they lose their beauty when taken; and cause blisters on the hands of those that touch them.


THE following letter was written lately by Madame Manson to the editor of Le Journal des Debats :

"TILL now I have constantly refused to sit for my portrait; indeed, I have taken all possible means to disappoint the schemes of some certain artists, during the trial concerning Fualdes: is it out of revenge for my refusals that they have produced those grotesque and ridiculous figures, to which they have done me the favour of putting my name? This is Madame Manson,' it is said, and curiosity eagerly runs after it.

"Since it is my fate to see my portrait dispersed through every corner of the king. dom, I should wish, at least, it might resemble me, and prove that whatever portraits have hitherto been published of me are only those of fancy and imagination. I will, as much as lies in my power, prevent the French from being duped; and if there are a few individuals who wish to see the likeness of a woman, unfortunately, alas! too celebrated, I can certify that the only painter to whom I have sat is M. GarnierNarcisse, and that the portrait he has taken of me is a faithful resemblance.


"N. B. M. Garnier-Narcisse intends to send this portrait to London, and to other capital cities."



this specific, which often had hardly been placed round the sufferer, when a fine boy or girl inhaled the vital air. The reason is obvious: in tedious cases, the time re. quired for nature to effect her operations is completed while the envoy has been procuring the charm.


RECKONING together theatres, balls, concerts, foreign spectacles, evening entertainments, and public gardens, there are, in Paris, one hundred and fourteen places of amusement where it is requisite to pay at the doors to gain admission: added to which there are a number of public houses in the suburbs where the lower classes dance, several rural balls and village fètes. In Paris there are likewise a prodigious number of coffee houses, billiard tables, and gaming-tables, both public and pri vate; and every one of these places are thronged with people, every one of the fifty-two Sundays in the year.

One single Boulevard, that ofthe Temple, within the small space of one hundred and thirty feet, contains five theatres, four or five exhibitions of curiosities, a public garden, and a dozen coffee-houses: some of which are ornamented with as many looking glasses as there were in the whole palace of Versailles, in the time of Louis XIV.; and, thanks to gas-lights, better illuminated than the palaces of the Cæsars, when in all the height of their glory.

People of cynical manners will assert, that the increasing number and splendour of these numerous places of dissipation, are proofs of the deplorable corruption of morals in the present age: while, in the eye of the optimist, it seems the gratifying testimony of the progress of industry, and the increase of wealth and ease among the inferior classes of society. Probably there may be something of that: but when they give also that as a proof of the progress of the arts to the attainment of perfection, it is no such thing. This myriad of theatres, from that in the Rue Transonain to the theatre of the Porte St. Martin, does not prevent the Parisians from feeling how difficult it will be to get the Theatre Fran

AT Cluny, the residence of the chieftain of the M'Phersons, there is a magical circle, or belt, four yards wide, supposed to contain a virtue, which, in the most dangerous extremities, procures parturition with perfect safety to the mother and child. This talisman is called, in Gaelic, Cris Vreck, or speckled girdle. It consists of tanned leather, about four inches broad: it is doubled, and, at short distances, embroidered with crosses, figures of birds, fishes, and qua drupeds. Forty years since, horsemen andçais on its former footing: how will they

footmen came express, at the distance of many days' journey, to solicit the use of

ever replace Fleury, Saint-Prix, Caumont, and Mademoiselle Raucourt?


At Grove-House, Blackheath, the Right Hon. the Countess of Huntingdon, of a son. We understand it is Lord Huntingdon's intention to commemorate his succession to the title, by naming this boy Robin Hood.

At Xeres, in Spain, the lady of John David Gordon, Esq. jun. of Wardhouse, Aberdeenshire, of a son.


By special licence, at St. George's church,

Hanover-square, by the Hon. and Rev. the Dean

of Windsor, the Marquis of Bute, to the Lady Maria North, eldest daughter of the late George, Earl of Guildford. The bride was given away by his Royal Highness the Duke of York.

Charles Aston, eldest son of Dr. Key, of London, to Anne, third daughter of the late Rev. Samuel Lovick Cooper, of Great Yarmouth,

In Dublin, in the 83d year of his age, Cornely, the father of the Irish stage, and the contemporary of Edwin, Shuter, O'Reilly, and Ryder. In his time he was an excellect come. dian, and the particular friend and companion of O'Keeffe.

At Brompton, in the 75th year of her age, deeply regretted by her family and friends, Miss Pope, of Newman-street, Oxford-street, formerly of the Theatre Royal, Drury-lane.

At Dundee, in the 100th year of his age, John Fraser, a native of Strathspey, and one of the few remaining adherents of Prince Charles Stuart-having fought under that unfortunate Prince

in 1745 and 1746.

At his house, Broad-court, Long-acre, aged 56, Mr. Thomas Goold, wholesale fruiterer of Covent-garden market. He was a sincere friend, and truly honest man; much esteemed by those who had the pleasure of knowing him, and re

Norfolk, and niece of Dr. A. Cooper, of London. || gretted by the trade, of which he was a worthy


At his Lordship's seat, Port Eliot, Cornwall, the Countess of St. Germains.

At his house, in St. James's-square, Viscount Anson. His Lordship, who was descended from a sister of the first Lord Anson, and who inherited the estates of that family, was born in 1767, and was created a Peer, by patent, in 1806. He was married, in 1794, to the second daughter of T. W. Coke, Esq. of Norfolk. There are seven surviving children of this marriage; of whom, Thomas William, the eldest son, born in 1795,

succeeds to the title and estates.

In Grosvenor-place, after a lingering illness, the Right Hon. General Lord Muncaster, aged 73. His Lordship inherited the title and estates on the death of his brother, in 1813, and is succeeded in both by his only son, the Hon. Lowther Angustus John Pennington, a minor.

In the 76th year of his age, Francis Newbery, Esq. of St. Paul's Church-yard.

Mr Abraham Thornton, sen. farmer, of Castle Bromwich, Warwickshire, father of Abraham Thornton, tried and acquitted of the murder of Mary Ashford.

Lately, in the United States of America, Sir John Oldmixon, once known in fashionable life, but having retired from this country about twenty-five years ago, he sunk into obscurity, and has died neglected and forgotten.

Lately, at Paris, in the 70th year of his age, M. Monge, one of the greatest geometricians of the age, and a distinguished member of the French institute. He was one of the men of science who formed part of Bonaparte's expedition to Egypt.

member: he has left a widow to bemoan his irreparable loss.

At the Ville of Dunkirk, near Boughton-underthe-Blean, David Ferguson, aged 124 years.Ferguson was a Scotchman, but had resided in the Ville of Dunkirk between fifty and sixty years; he was, until a few years back, a very industrious, active, and hard-working labourer. The following account which he gave of himself is extracted from a memoir of this remarkable old man, lately published: -" He was born at Netherud, in the parish of Kirkuid, about ten miles north of Drumieguir, the youngest of fifteen children; his father's name was James, his mother's maiden name Somerville. He was at school at Dunsgre, in Lanarkshire, about nine miles from Lanark; his mother's friends came from Niebiken, in the parish of Carnwaith; he was bred a shoemaker at Linton, on the Dumfries road, about three miles from Cair Muir; he first entered into the army in a regiment of dragoons called the Glasgow Grays (not the present Scots Grays); after this he served in the 70th regiment; that he was about twelve or thirteen years old at the battle of Sheriff Muir; was at the battle of Malplaquet; remembers Queen Anne, and has seen the Duke of Marlborough in England; he recollects Lord Stair calling upon his father, who was a farmer, and left the estate of Cair Muir, in consequence of Lawson, of Cair Muir, throwing three farms into one for sheep." The remains of the old man were interred in Boughton Church-yard, attended by a numerous assemblage of both old and young persons; and one common sentiment of regret seemed to pervade all classes, at the last farewell of their old friend, who was universally beloved.

London: Printed by and for JOHN BELL, Proprietor of this MAGAZINE, and of the WEEKLY MESSENGER, Corner of Clare-court, Drury-lane.

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