LA BELLE ASSEMBLÉE; BEING Bell's COURT AND FASHIONABLE MAGAZINE, FOR AUGUST, 1818. A New and Improved Series. EMBELLISHMENTS. 1. A Correct Likeness of her ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE, Engraved from an original Drawing. 2. A beautiful WHOLE-LENGTH PORTRAIT FIGURE in a PARISIAN WALKING DRESS. 3. A beautiful WHOLE-LENGTH PORTRAIT FIGURE in an ENGLISH DINNER DRESS. 4. Elegant PARISIAN PATTERNS for NEEDLE WORK. No. 1. Parisian Walking Dress ....... ....84 ib. General Observations on Fashion and Dress ib. Review of An Introductory Lecture for the Cabinet of Taste; or Monthly Compendium Diseases of the Ear 91 of Foreign Costumes. Costume of Paris... 86 Description of a young Mogul Beauty ....... 87 Letter from a young Married Lady to her Sister in the Country ib. MONTHLY MISCELLANY; INCLUDING VARIETIES CRITICAL, LITERARY, AND HISTORICAL. THE THEATRES. Haymarket Theatre.-Mr. Warde as Shylock 89 Singular Zoophyte ib. Madame Manson 95 Public Amusements in Paris Superstition among the Gael TO CORRESPONDENTS. Le Portefeuille Francais, published in London and Worcester, shall be revised in due time. The French works that we review are generally those newly published at Paris, and which are trans. mitted from thence for our inspection. Some of the subjects that compose the melange of Le Portefeuille Francais, are not new, and have already been treated of in LA BELLE ASSEMBLEE, which, should it adopt any fresh anecdotes, &c. from Le Portefeuille Francais, the author will be sure to have the credit given to him. The Sojourner is unavoidably delayed till our next Number. The Statement of Facts relative to the case of Mrs. Scarborough, shall be treated of as early as possible; but such statements require close investigation, and caution in the perasal. The valuable Letters and Tale of Female Heroism, from our respected Caledonian Correspondent, came too late for insertion this month, they shall certainly meet with prompt insertion. We thank ZEPHYRUS for his hints; but it is not likely we should contradict in one Number what we are authorized in stating in another. Persons who reside abroad, and who wish to be supplied with this Work every month, as published, may have it sent to them to New York, Halifax, Quebec, and to any part of the West Indies, by Mr. THORNHILL, of the General Post Office, at Madeira, Gibraltar, Malta, and all parts of the Mediterranean; No. 21, Sherborne-lane; to the Brazils, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal; and to France and Holland, at 17s 6d. per Quarter, by to Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Mr. CowIB, at the Foreign Newspaper Office, No. 22, Sherborne-lane. the time of Subscribing, for either three, six, nine, or twelve months.-Orders also, post paid, on The money to be paid at the above conditions, will be punctually attended to, if addressed to JOHN BELL, Proprietor of this Magazine, Weekly Messenger Office, Clare-court, urt, Drury-lane, London. London: Printed by and for JOHN BELL, Proprietor of this Magazine, and of the WEEKLY MESSENGER, Clare-Court, Drury-Lane. SEPTEMBER 1, 1818. |