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النشر الإلكتروني
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Round dress of Bombazine, elegantly finished at the border with broad black


velvet, surmounted by a flounce of fine white muslin, headed by a rouleau of the Black velvet spenser, with a sautoir, or half handkerchief, of mourning shawl manufacture. Bonnet of white crape, with full plume of black ostrich feathers. Bouilloné ruff of fine muslin. Black chamois slippers and gloves.


Andalusian robe of black crape, worn over a black satin slip, ornamented at the border with crape flutings. The robe vandyked with black velvet, richly ornamented with trimming of twisted crape, down each || side. The sleeves confined at the mancher ons by a superb knot of jet. Henrietta ruff of white crape broad hemmed. Black velvet toque ornamented with jet, and black cypress feathers.

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Health and youth light their torches at her fane, and the solemn pomp of woe suits not with her varied votaries. Yet, as if presaging this dire event, never, even in the ancient courts of Spain and Portugal, was black so prevalent as it has been for this last fortnight, both for the evening costume and for the promenade. Black satin and black velvet spensers have become almost universal among the higher classes for the morning walk.

Among the bounets, on the present mournful occasion, we have been favoured with the sight of one made by Mrs. Bell for a lady of high rank: it is of transparent black crape, very large, and ornament


THE stagnation that prevailed for several weeks in the motley regions of Fashion's extensive empire, shewed that we were, in a great measure, prepared for an event which was almost to be desired by the friends of the Royal sufferer, as a sure relief from the anguish she endured, and the certain conviction that virtue meets its reward in heaven, and which reflection makes us submit with resignation to its unerring ||


Fashion is the power which is generally arrayed in the varied robe of Iris, and to whom is consecrated

-" the dimpled smiles, "Such as glow on Hebe's cheek.”

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at the edge by a full cheveux-de-frize trimming: a superb cluster of the blossom called honesty, is laid in a kind of studied negligence between the crown and the brim; emblematic of the honest grief of a British bosom for the consort of him they still revere; while they bless for ever the generous heir apparent who, possessed of all the dear affections of nature, has shewn such unremitting and dutiful attention to his late venerable mother.* A black velvet college cap, with a plume of cypress feathers, is n high favour; and a large black satin bounet for morning walks, trimined with folds of crape, is much in requisition.

A new Scottish toque is much worn for paying morning visits, or for friendly dinner parties; it is composed of crape and black satin, with laurel leaves affixed on the left side, of the same materials. A dress cornette is, however, more prevalent on the above occasions. It is formed of white

crape, and ornamented in front with a full half wreath of black crape flowers: the

* Nothing enhances so much the excellent qualities of the Prince Regent's heart as his incessant and unwearied affection to his august and virtuous mother, which has never ceased from boyhood till the present mourniul hour,

were published in a Supplement to the London Gazette of Tuesday the 17th of November:

crown terminates loosely behind, and is || specting the Court and General Mourning, formed of black crape: there is a taste and fancy in this head-dress which confer high honour on the invention of Mrs. Bell. An evening toque of black velvet, trimmed with rows of jet, dividing the crown from the head-piece, is also another specimen of her unrivalled powers in the article of taste.

The bonnets are still worn very large; cypress feathers are more worn than we expected. Opera cloaks of dark grey, lined with black, are in favour at present for the general mourning, but we prophecy that they will become too common to be adopted by the higher classes, by whom they are seldom worn, except at entering the Theatres, or in the early spring and late autumual season, in an open carriage.

N. B. Our Cabinet of Taste is unavoidably closed at present: every European court will, no doubt, adopt the "sable garb of woe" for Britain's virtuous Queen.

COURT AND GENERAL MOURNING. THE following orders of the Lord Chamberlain and the Deputy Earl Marshal, re

"Lord Chamberlain's Office, Nov. 19.

"Orders for the Court's going into mourning on Sunday next, the 22d inst, for her late Majesty the Queen, of blessed Memory, viz,

"The ladies to wear black bombazines, plain muslin or long lawn linen, crape hoods, chamois shoes and gloves, and crape fans. "Undress-Dark Norwich crape.

"The gentlemen to wear black cloth, without buttons on the sleeves and pockets, plain muslin or long lawn cravats and weepers, chamois shoes and gloves, crape hatbands, and black swords and buckles.

"Undress-Dark grey frocks."


"Heralds' College, Nov. 19. "In pursuance of the commands of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, acting in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, these are to give public notice, that upon the present melancholy occasion of the death of her late Majesty, of blessed memory, all persons do put themselves into deep mourning.

"H. H. MOLYNEUX-HOWARD, Deputy Earl Marshal."



THE little novelty represented at either of our national Theatres, at the commencement of last month, and their close on a Jate lamented occasion, will, we trust, be an apology to our readers for omitting at this time of universal sorrow, our usual dramatic intelligence; while we devote these remaining pages to the present Royal subject of a nation's regret.


Iris at length our duty to announce this melancholy, though not unlooked for termination of a course of human suffering uncommonly protracted and severe. That her Majesty should not have sunk before, under the complicated maladies which assailed her at so advanced an age, is, we

are taught to believe, more surprising to her medical attendants, than that she has ultimately yielded to their violence. The Queen was born on the 19th of May, 1744; having from nature a sound and vigorous frame. Until within these two years, her Majesty enjoyed an almost uninterrupted state of health; and, as is sometimes the case with those whose habits are regular, and whose various bodily powers are thence exposed to a pretty equal pressure, the first very serious attack of disease was that which indicated a general breaking-up of her constitution. The water which accumulated in her limbs and on her chest, was an unequivocal symptom of the deadly stage at which her Majesty's sufferings had arrived. This source of distress and immediate alarm was, however, acted upon, from time to time, both by medicines and

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