What ambition, malice, riot, The world divide, defame, disquiet, When, the Muses put to flight, Marring ev'ry tuneful string, THE WATER MELON. 'Twas noon, and the reapers repos'd on the bank Where our rural repast had been spread, Beside us meander'd the rill where we drank, And the green willows wav'd over head; With smiles, like the season, auspicious, While Folly laughs aloud, and Dulness flaps his Lucinda, the queen of our rustical treat, wing? The sons of Genius pleasures share, And e'en in humble home, Of space's ample dome : Soaring, they snatch a wreath from Fate, Above the creeping triumphs of the great. Had render'd the scene and the banquet more sweet But oh! the desert was delicious! A. A melon, the sweetest that loaded the vine, O! that some spirit from on high would deign Our ever-restless passions to control; Whose tranquillizing influence might restrain This fearful emigration of the soul! O'er fallen Romilly's untimely urn, Dumb be detraction-banished party rage; While all whose hearts can feel, in union mourn The patriot senator-the active sage. Not his th' inglorious course that seeks renown In faction's trammels, lured by rank or place; The mighty genius he might boast his own, Aspired to plead for all the human race. Him future ages shall proclaim their friend, Who raised his voice in unborn millions' "In the seeds which embellished this red juicy core, MOORE'S NATIONAL MELODIES. THOSE evening bells, those evening bells, Those joyons hours are pass'd away, THE DEAD SOLDIER. FROM THE GERMAN OF LAVATER. HB sleeps! The hour of mortal pain This morn these icy hauds were warm, 1 On hearing a Lady sing " Angels ever bright and He has burst from the clay that but shackl'd his fair." ANGELS ever fair and bright, BY MISS M. LEMAN REDB. VEIL'D is the lustre of feminine sweetness! Could not the charms that rose smiling to meet thee The soft ties of nature enshrined in her breast, Cou'd not the voice of the orphan entreat theeThe prayers of the widow thy purpose arrest? O! from the arms of the fondest devotion, She pass'd like the sun in its parting sublime, Descending serene to eternity's ocean, And leaving her name to the homage of time. Her beam was withdrawn, and it shrouded that grandeur Which aw'd the still millions he tower'd above, VALENTINE'S EVE. AWAKE no sigh, record no pain, To hail this blissful ear. That whatsoe'er the schools reveal, And music sooth to peace. Though keen distrust bid misers fear |