The Works of Virgil: Translated Into English Prose as Near the Original as the Different Idioms of the Latin and English Languages Will Allow, with the Latin Text and Order of Construction on the Same Page, and Critical, Historical, Geographical, and Classical Notes in English from the Best Commentators Both Ancient and Modern, Beside a Very Great Number of Notes Entirely New, المجلد 2

الغلاف الأمامي
P.A. Mesier, no. 107 Pearl-street; T. & J. Swords, no. 160 Pearl-street; and E. Duyckinck, no. 102 Pearl-street, 1811

من داخل الكتاب

الصفحات المحددة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 16 - Earth trembled from her entrails, as again In pangs ; and Nature gave a second groan ; Sky lour'd, and, muttering thunder, some sad drops Wept at completing of the mortal sin Original...
الصفحة 16 - Earth felt the wound, and Nature from her seat Sighing through all her Works gave signs of woe, That all was lost.
الصفحة 16 - I led her, blushing like the morn : all heaven, And happy constellations, on that hour Shed their selectest influence : the earth Gave sign of gratulation, and each hill ; Joyous the birds ; fresh gales and gentle airs Whisper'd it to the woods, and from their wings Flung rose, flung odours from the spicy shrub, Disporting, till the amorous bird of night Sung spousal, and bid haste the evening star, On his hill-top, to light the bridal lamp.
الصفحة 163 - ... the ocean breeds under its smooth plain. These principles have the active force of fire, and are of a heavenly original, so far as they are not clogged by noxious bodies, blunted by earth-born limbs and dying members. Hence they fear and desire, grieve and rejoice ; and, shut up in darkness and a gloomy prison, lose sight of their native skies. Even when with the last beams of light their life is gone, yet not every ill, nor all corporeal stains, are quite removed from the unhappy beings ; and...
الصفحة 161 - Meanwhile ./Eneas sees in the retired vale a grove situate by itself, shrubs rustling in the woods, and the river Lethe, which glides by those peaceful dwellings. Around this, unnumbered tribes and nations of ghosts were fluttering ; as in meadows on a serene summer's day, when the bees sit on the various blossoms, and swarm around the snow-white lilies, all the plain buzzes'
الصفحة 135 - Here ^Eneas, disconcerted with sudden fear, grasps his sword, and presents the naked point to each approaching shade : and had not his skilful guide put him in mind that they were airy unbodied phantoms, fluttering about under an empty form, he had rushed in and with his sword struck at the ghosts in vain.
الصفحة 142 - Trojan ^Eneas, illustrious for piety and arms, descends to the deep shades of Erebus to his sire. If the image of such piety makes no impression on you, own a regard at least to this branch (she shows the branch that was concealed under her robe). Then his heart from swelling rage is stilled : nor passed more words than these. He, with wonder gazing on the hallowed present of the fatal branch, beheld after a long season, turns toward them his lead-colored barge, and approaches the bank. Thence he...
الصفحة 199 - ... ceu quondam torto volitans sub verbere turbo, quem pueri magno in gyro vacua atria circum intenti ludo exercent; ille actus habena 380 curvatis fertur spatiis; stupet inscia supra impubesque manus, mirata volubile buxum; dant animos plagae.
الصفحة 170 - Who can in silence pass over thee, great Cato, or thee, Cossus? who the family of Gracchus, or both the Scipios, those two thunderbolts of war, the bane of Africa, and Fabricius in low fortune exalted? or thee, Serranus, sowing in the furrow which thy own hands had made?
الصفحة 66 - ... ^Eneas with the more zeal pursues the sacrifice begun in honour of his father, in doubt whether to think it the genius of the place, or the attendant of his parent.

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