صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

other travellers to Siam, and adds much, which they, as being only paffengers, could not obferve. The work is divided into four parts: the first contains the defcription of the country; the fecond the laws, cuftoms, manners, and government of that nation; the third the religion; the fourth fpeaks of the king, royal family, and court. Biblioth. Univerf. vol. X. P. 516.

Relation nouvelle & exacte d'un voyage de la Terre Sainte, ou defcription de l'etat prefent dies lieux, ou fe font paffées les principales actions de la vie de Jefus Chrift. Paris 1688, 8°. This is a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and therefore writ in a religious style, and contains an account of all the holy places in Palestine, and defcription of Malta; and is a good guide for fuch as defire to travel into thofe parts.

Voyages de M. de Thevenot en Afie & en Afrique. Paris, 1689, 3 vols. 12°. It is to be obferved, that whereas before mention is made of Thevenot's travels, that is a collection of other men, as appears there, but these are M. Thevenot's own travels, divided into three parts; the first of the eastern countries under the turk; the fecond continues other eastern parts, proceeding towards Perfia; and the third the East Indies. It is one of the most curious and exact works of this nature hitherto published, and well deferving to be read by all that are curious of travels. Biblioth. Univerf. vol. XIII. p. 246.

Voyages d'Amerique, hiftoire des avanturieres qui fe font fignalez dans les Indes, &c. Par Alexander Olivier Oexmelin. Paris, 1688. 2 vols. 12°. This was a furgeon sent over in the service of the french west-india company, and fold in America, where he lived feveral years. The author of the Biblioth. Univerf. gives a great character of this work, and fays, no man has yet given fo good an account of the manner of living in those parts, befides very good defcriptions, and all that is requifite in fuch a work; of which see more in the faid Biblioth. Univers. vol. XVIII. p. 129.

Nouveau voyage d'Italie fait en l'année 1688, avec un memoire contenant des avis utiles à ceux qui voudront faire le meme voyage. A la Haye, 1691, 2 vols. 12°. Par monfieur Mison. This author gives a general account of all things obfervable in Italy, and therefore is the more diverting. He begins his travels in Holland, of which he gives a fhort account; then croffing Germany and Tirol, he runs down Italy by the Adriatick fhore, and returns on the other fide through Tuscany, Genoa, Piedmont, Swifferland.

Voyage en divers etats d'Europe & d'Afie, entrepris pour decouvrir un nouveau chemin à la Chine. Par le P. Avril. Paris, 1693, 12°. The first book contains the author's travels from Marseilles to Erivan in Perfia; the fecond from Erivan to Moscow; in the third he gives an account of Tartary, but it was fuch as he received


from others, for he was not in that country; and in the fourth, of his return to Poland, thence to Conftantinople, and thence for want of health to France. Biblioth. Univers. vol. XXIV. p. 203.

Hiftoire de la revolution de l'empire du mogol. Par monfieur F. Bernier, 8°. This hiftory of the revolution of the empire of the mogul, contains the whole account of Aurenge Zeb dethroning his father, with all the intrigues and wars on that account; the defcription of Agra and Delhi, capital cities of that empire, many particulars of that court, the doctrines, customs, &c. of the indians, the mogul's journey to Cachemire, and many other curious obfervations made by the author in his travels in that country.

Relation d'un voyage en la Mauritanie. Par le fieur Roland Frejus, 8°. The author of this voyage into Mauritania was sent by the king of France's order in the year 1666, to fettle trade in the kingdom of Fez, and gives a very just, though brief account of his voyage and negotiation. There is added to it a letter of monfieur Charant, who lived twenty-five years in Suez and Morocco, giving an account of the religion, manners, trade, &c. of those people.

Voyages en Afie, Afrique, & l'Amerique. Par monfieur Jean Mocquet, 8°. See this among the english, 8°.

Voyage par monfieur du Quefne aux Indes en 1691 & 1692, &c. See more of this among the englith, 8°.

Voyages hiftoriques & curieux en Allemagne, Boheme, Suiffe, Holland, c. de monfieur Charles Patin, 8°. See this among the english.

Voyages aux Indes, de Dellon, 2 vols. 12°.

Hiftoire de la Chine fous la domination, des Tartares. Par le P. Greflon de la comp. de Jefus, 8°. Paris 1672. We have here a fuccinct history of China from the year 1651, till 1669, delivered by a millioner refident there many years; his principal fubject is the aftronomy of China, which gained the first admiffion to the miffioners; of which, and all its parts, and how used and practifed there, he treats very ingeniously and learnedly. Giorn. de Letter.

Voyage du Levant. Par monfieur de Loir, 12°. A voyage to the Levant in ten letters, containing all things remarkable in the iflands of the Archipelago, Ephefus, Smyrna, Conftantinople, Scutari, Negropont, Greece, the Morea, and all the coafts to Venice; in which are all the ancient and modern names of places, and what authors have faid of them, compared with what was when the author travelled. A work no lefs learned than curious. Giorn. de Letter. An. 1673.

Voyage d'Angleterre, par monfieur Sorbierre, 12°. This account of England is not methodical, but contains fome obfervations worth reading.

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Relation univerfelle de l'Afrique ancienne & moderne, par le fieur de la Croix, 4 vols. 12°. Lyon 1688. This is the fulleft and most perfect account yet extant of that great part of the world, being a judicious and laborious collection of all the best that has been writ on the subject. Giorn. de Letter. An. 1689.

Hiftoire de l'ifle de Ceylon, par le capitaine Jean Ribeyro, traduite du portugais en françois, 12°. Paris 1701. This fhort hiftory of Cey lon, though writ originally in portuguese, and publifhed in the year 1685, is here inferted in the french tranflation, because the tranflator Mr. le Grand has added to it several chapters, collected from the beft authors that have writ of that island. It is divided into three books; the firft is the defcription of the island, its government, religion, product, &c. the fecond treats of the wars there between the portuguefes, the natives, and the Dutch: and the third, of the errours the portuguefes committed in their conquests of India, and the power of the dutch in those parts. Journ. des Scav. vol. XXIX. p. 389.

Nouveau memoires fur leftat prefent de la Chine, par le P. Louis le Comte, 2 vols. 12°. Paris 1696. F. le Comte's memoirs of China have appeared in English; they have abundance of very remarkable paffages and fingular curiofities, and have been too much talked of to require much to be faid of them. Journ. des Scav. vol. XXV. p. 58.

Dernieres defcouvertes dans l'Amerique feptentrionale de monfieur de la Sale, mifes au jour par monfieur le chevalier Tonti, governeur du fort S. Louis aux flinois, 12°. Paris 1697. This is an account of a vaft difcovery in North America, being the whole length of the river Miffiffipi, from the french plantations in Canada down to the gulph of Mexico to the fouthward, and from the fame plantation to the fource of the said river northwards. Journ. des Scav. vol. XXV. p. 311.

Relation d'un voyage fait en 1696 & 1697, aux coftes de l'Afrique, detroit de Magellan, Brezil, Cayenne,&ifles Antilles, par le fieur Froger. This is a relation of an expedition of fix french fhips fitted out during the war with Spain in thofe years; it is looked upon as very faithful, and adorned with a great number of maps and cuts of all forts. Journ. des Scav. vol. XXVI. p. 164.

Memoirs du chevalier Beaujeu, contenant divers voyages en Pologne, Allemagne, & en Hongrie, 12°. Paris 1679. The author of thefe memoirs having travelled in Poland, Germany, and Hungary, undertakes to rectify many mistakes in the maps as to distances of places; he gives a particular account of thefe countries, and moft efpecially of Poland, and all things relating to it. Journ. des Scav. vol. XXVI. p. 284.

Relation du voyage du fieur de Montauban capitain des Flibuftiers en Guinée, dans l'année 1695. This was a privateer voyage, which ended in the blowing up the fhip; but fo that the captain


efcaped, and got afhore on the coaft of Afric, of which he gives fome account; thence he got over to Barbadoes, and thence into France.

Relation curieufe & nouvelle de Mofcovie, contenant l'etat de cet empire, 12°. Paris 1698. This account of Mofcovy is compofed by Mr. de Nouville, envoy from the king of Poland to the czar, who during his refidence there collected the best account of a way through Mofcovy and Tartary to China, as convenient as any for travellers in Europe, which he fays he was told by one that travelled it twice; but that the czar at the request of the dutch has prohibited merchants trading that way.

Journal du voyage des grandes Indes, contenant tout ce qui s'y eft fait & paffe par l'efcadre de fa majesté, envoye fous le commandement de M. de la Haye, 12°. Orleans 1697. This is a voyage of the french fleet to the Indies in the year 1670, it defcribes Goa, and gives fome account of these coafts, of taking the city of S. Thomas or Meliapor, and the lofing it again to the dutch and infidels, with the return of the french.

Voyage d'Italie & de Grece, avec une differtation fur la bizarrerie des opinions des hommes, 12°. Paris 1698. This author fet out from France in the year 1691, and gives fuch a defcription of the countries he paffed through, and of the adventures that befel him, as renders it extremely diverting; concluding with a reflection upon the extravagant humours of men, whofe behaviour he condemns in many particulars, which are rather pleasant and diverting than folid. Journ. des Scav. vol. XXVI. p. 535.


Hiftoria del Gran Tamorlan. Itinerario, y relacion de la embaxada que Ruy Gonzales de Clavijo le hizo por mondado del fenor Rey D. Henrique tercero de Caftilla. Sevil 1582. fol. This is the first fpanish book of travels, at least of any reputation, now extant, and is of no lefs than 300 years antiquity; for though the book was published as above, the embafly was in the year 1403, in which the author fpent three years, faw a confiderable part of Afia, following Tamerlan's camp, and befides what he saw during thofe years, had an ample account of all that mighty prince's wars it is a book rare and of great value.

Comentarios do grande Alphonfo de Albuquerque capitao general da India, collegidos por feu filho das proprias cartas, que elle efcrivio ao rey D. Manoel. Lifboa 1576. fol. This is a large relation of the actions of that great man, who was one of the first portuguese conquerors of the Eaft-Indies; and a particular encomium of it is given by Anthony Ferreira in his poems.

Naufragios de Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca, y.

Comentarios de Alvar Nunez Adelantado y governador de la provincia del Rio de la Plata. Valladolid 1555. 4°. The first was

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writ by Alvar Nunez himself, wherein he gives an account of his fhipwreck, and unparalleled fufferings in Florida. The fecond was compofed by his order by Peter Fernandez his fecretary, and is an account of the province of the river of Plate, where he was governor: both curious and scarce.

Nuevo defcubrimiento del gran Catayo, o reynos de Tibet en el anno de 1624 Madrid 1627. It is writ by F. Anthony de Andrada, a jefuit, who in it gives an account of his travels in the most remote eaftern countries.

Verdadera defcription de la Tierra Santa como eftava el anno de 1530. Alcala 1531. 8°. It is an exact account of the Holy Land at that time, writ by F. Anthony de Aranda, who travelled it all over as a pilgrim at that time.

El devoto peregrino viage de la Tierra Santa. Madrid 1654. 4°. The defcription of the Holy Land in a pious ftyle, for the help of pilgrims, by F. Antony del Caftillo, a francifcan; who was fuperior of the monaftery at Bethlehem.

Relacion de lo fucecido a los padres de la compania de Jefus en la India, y Japon, en los anos de 1630 y 1631. Valladolid 4°. An account of the travels and actions of the Jefuits in India and Japan, by F. Antony Collaco.

Jornada de arcebispo de Goa D. F. Aleino de Meneses, c. as ferras de Malabar, & lugares em que moram os antigos chriftaos de S. Thome. Coimbra 1606. fol. It was writ by F. Antony de Gouve of the order of St. Auguftin, who treats very curioufly of the inland parts of Malabar, and chriftians of S. Thomas there.

Hiftoria general de los hechos de los caftellanos en las illas, y tierra firma del mar oceano, efcrita por Antonio de Herrera. Madrid 1615. 4 vols. fol. A moft excellent and complete hiftory of the difcovery and conqueft of America by the Spaniards, not omitting to mention the discoveries made at the fame time by other nations. It reaches from Columbus's firft difcovery An. 1492 till 1554, divided into four volumes, and thofe into eight decads, with a very just description of that vaft continent.

Hiftoria general de la India oriental, los defcubrimientos y conquista que bon hecho los armos de Portugal en el Brafil, &c. hofta el ano de 1562. Valladolid 1603. fol. This though ancient is the fulleft account there was till that time of the portuguefes in the EaftIndies and Brafil, writ by F. Antony de S. Roman of the order of S. Benedict.

Hiftoria de la conquifta efpiritual de la provincia del Paraguay. Madrid 1639. 4°. It is an account of the progrefs of the preaching jefuits in that province, and written by one of them who was rector of fome colleges in that country.

Itinerario da India a Portugal per terra anno 1520. Coimbra 1565. 16°. A journal of Antony Tenreiro's travels from India by land into Portugal. It was more rare in those days than now, yet there are good remarks to be found in it.

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