Absence of mind, 328. Brockett, L. P., article by, 127. Abstract terms, learned by Laura Bridgman, 379. Bridgman, Laura, training of, 383. Academy of Science in Sardinia, 479. Burgdorf, Pestalozzi's school at, 71, 84, 91, 119 Academy of Military in Sardinia, 480, 482. Burleigh, Lord, notice of, 161. Academy of Music in Sardinia, 485. advice to his son, 161. Adult schools, Prussian, 249. on school punishment, 155. Agricultural education and schools, 252, 371, 486. Alphabet, Thayer on teaching, 220. Amedeus VIII., benefaction of, 43. Arithmetic, mode of teaching, 237. use of, 331. Art in education, 191. Art, institutions of, in Sardinia, 479, 484. Ascham, Roger, "Schoolmaster," by, 155. as a teacher, 165. Association, Teachers, 252. Astely, John, 165. Astronomical observatory, 59. Astronomy, on teaching, by Diesterweg, 243. Asylum for Idiots in New York, 417. Attendance, Luther on, 440. Austin, Mrs., 14. Bad language before children, 424, 426. Backus, F. F., mover in behalf of idiots, 417. Barbier, C., music printing for the blind, by, 137. 363, 417, 520. Basedow, 125. Belles-lettres, in University of Turin, 52. Caccia, his college, 485. Cara, lectures by, 43. Cheke, Sir John, 165. Chemnitz, industrial school at, 252. Church authority in management of schools, 498. Children, Lord Burleigh on management of, 162 Cincinnati, system of public schools, 520. statistics of public schools, 520. public high schools, 520. Clindy, Pestalozzi's school at, 112. Cleomenes, remark by, 471. Clergy and public schools in Sardinia, 500. Common schools in New England in 1824, 14. Benefactions, educational, by E. Dwight, 17, 22. Compulsory school attendance, 440. Blind, institutions and instruction for, 127, 140. Course of study in Sardinia secondary schools, 42. number of, 128. printing for, 134. peculiarities of, 139. Blindness, causes of, 127. statistics of, 127. Borrowing and lending, 163. Books, educational effects of, 266. Book notices, 272. Botanic garden in Turin, 59. Course of study in Sardinia elementary, 490. Paris institution for blind, 132. Sturm's school, 169, 401. Chemnitz industrial school, 252. Cousin, V., report on Prussian schools, 14. Deaf and dumb, institution at Turin for, 41. notice of, 164. Hampton, B., notice of, 165. Hanover High School, weekly lesson-bill of, 250. Hauschild's method in modern languages, 252. Hauy, Valentin, labors of for blind, 130, 134. Hesse, Jewish normal school in, 258. Hieronymians, 167. Hintze, E., on teaching natural history, 240. History, of Education, Raumer's, 149. class for in Munich University, 257. errors in teaching, 318. Home education, Lord Burleigh on, 162. "Irish Schoolmaster," by. 183. Hospice des Quinze Vingts, Paris, 129. Hospitality, Lord Burleigh on, 162. Hospitals at Turin, 51. "How Gertrude teaches her children," by Pesta lozzi, 72. Howe, Dr. S. G., his alphabet for blind, 135. article by, 383. Diesterweg, Dr. A., articles by, 233, 237, 239, | Haddon, W., on punishment, 156. 242, 243, 343. translations from his "Almanac," 233, 505. Discipline, appropriate methods of, 322. Dwight, Edmund, portrait of, 1. memoir of, 5. Dwight, Miss M. A., article by, 191, 229. Education, influence of printing on, 73. art in, 191. Luther on, 429. list of them, 494. requisites of, 285. Education and crime, Cyrus Peirce on, 298. of Pestalozzi, 65, 126. in pronunciation, 226. of Sturm, 405. in family, Luther on, 421, 424. in training memory, 315. in teaching reading, 317. arithmetic, 317. geography, 318. history, 318. language, 320. logic, 320. philosophy, 322. mathematics, 333. Educational history, how to write, 152. development, 329. works, list of, 261. lecture, by D. Masson, 262. publications, Sardinian, 489. address, 285. Eloquence, real, 472. Emmanuel Philibert, benefaction of, 43, 58. Eton college, expenses at, in 1560, 259. Europe, institutions for the blind in, 133, 138. at entering Sturm's classes, 170, 182. of teachers at Dresden, 251. letter on Reform School for Girls, 359. Idiots, asylum for, Syracuse, 417. examples of training, 419. Irish national, aid to, 372. Lütken's, Hamburg, 257. Inspection of schools in Sardinia, 502. in Ireland, 369. see Supervision. Instruction, C. Peirce's method of, 22. details of, Pestalozzi's, 84. details of, Sturm's, 169, 401. catechism on methods of, 233. Montaigne on, 461. Intuition, defined, 214. Intuitional instruction, method of, 233. Investigation, human tendency to, 310. Examples of training idiots, by Dr. Wilbur, 419. Ireland, system of national education in, 363. Expression, conditions of, 470. Family education, 262. Luther on, 421, 424. Fine Arts, institution for, Turin, 484, 485. Frankfort-on-the-Maine, schools in, 257. Geometry, method of teaching, 239. German schools, ancient and modern, 343. rules and regulations respecting, 365. Jardine, Prof., on logic, 321. Jewish normal school, in Hesse, 258. Jurisprudence, course of, University of Turin, 47. Krüsi, Hermann, 71. Lanenster Reform School for Girls, 359. Pestalozzi on teaching, 77. proper use of, 470. use of senses in learning, 385. details of Laura Bridgman's instruction in, 392 Languages, study of, 432, 444. order of learning, 473. Latin, Ascham on teaching, 155. Sturm's method in, 171, 409. Great Britain, blind institutions in, character of, Montaigne on learning, 473. 133, 138. Guillié, Dr., 131, 134. Gymnasia, Prussian, week's lessons in, 247. statistics of, 1856-7, 248. Lawsuits, Lord Burleigh on, 163. Leipzig, school of modern languages at, 252. Lesson-bill, weekly, in Prussian gymnasia, 241. of Rendsburg real school, 250. Chemnitz, 252. Lexington, normal school at, 289. of King of Sardinia, 483. of public schools of Cincinnati, 52. Libraries, public, Luther on, 438. physical exercise, 464. excessive study, 468. Moreau, Pierre, his letters for the blind, 130. Mother tongue, study of, 473. Munich, infant schools in, 257. university, historical school in, 257. Music, as a pursuit for blind, 137. Lowell Mason's career in teaching vocal, 141. Lieber, F., vocal sounds of Laura Bridgman, 400. Musical works of Lowell Mason, 148. Literature of education; extracts, 183. Lloyd, poem on reading, 225. Locality, educational influence of, 262, Sturm's method in, 178. Logic, right and wrong mode of teaching, 320. Luther on studying, 447. Louis of Savoy, benefaction of, 43. Luther, educational views of, 421. address to town councils of Germany, 429. on dead languages, 432, 444. public libraries, 438. school organization, 442. universities, 443. compulsory attendance, 440. music, 448. punishment, 425. logic and rhetoric, 447. physical exercise, 448. duty of establishing public schools, 420. parents' educational duty, 422. studying the Bible, 443. family education, 421, 424. studying history, 445. natural sciences, 445. Lütken, Doris, infant school of, 257. Macbeath and Milne, alphabet for blind, 136. Manners, Lord Burleigh on, 163 Mason, Sir J., on punishment, 156. notice of, 164. Musical institutions, Boston, 144. Musical institutions, Turin, 485. building for, 417. government of, 417. success of, 418. Nicasius, 165. Niederer, appearance of, 88. quarrel with Schmid and Pestalozzi, 103. Normal school at Lexington, Mass, 289. Observation, Pestalozzi on, 75. importance of student's own, 339. Opinions, independent, 464. Oral teaching, value of, 270. Mathematics, course of, University of Turin, 55. Paintings, sundry prices of, 197. family system in, 359. Orphan education; Pestalozzi at Stanz, 69. visit to, 361. Osgood, Rev. S., letter on Edmund Dwight, 22. Masson, D., lecture by, 262. use of study of, 332. Parental authority, how to be yielded, 389. May, Rev. S. J., article by, 275. Parental educational duties, Luther on, 442. Medical schools, Sardinia, 49, 55, 58, 483. Paris, city schools in, 257. Medicine, course of, University of Turin, 49, Parsons, Hon. Theop'lus, letter on E. Dwight, 19. Memory and conception, 324. Memory, office of, 201. right use of, 315. training of, 323. Men, knowledge of, 466. Methods, catechisms on, 233, 505. Mildmay, Walter, noticed, 164. Military education, Sardinia, 480. writings of, sundry, 65, 72, 86, 115, 117. on human development, 66. at Stanz, 69, 350. at Burgdorf, 71, 119. and Fellenberg, 87 at Yverdun, 87. chief followers of, 354. Fichte on. 150. Pestalozzi, H. Mason, adopts principles of, 141.Royal academy of agriculture, Turin, 486. Rules in reading, how useful, 222. Sackville, Sir R., on educating youth, 157. Sacrobusto, extract from, 181. Salaries of Irish national teachers, 375. technical and professional schools of, 37, 479. scientific schools, 479. reform and preventive institutions, 40. hospitals, 51. charitable education endowments, 57. school supervision, 61, 489, 502. press, 487. school law of 1857, 495. definition of public school, 499. School system of Sardinia, 37, 479. of artillery, Sardinia, 482. "Schoolmaster," by Ascham, 165. Severity, Lord Burleigh and others on, 155. Montaigne on, 469. Smith, Sir Thomas, noticed, 165. Sturm, John, life and labors of, 152, 166, 167, 401 Superficiality, 73. Supervision of Irish national schools, 365, 369. 502, 503. in Sardinia, 61, 497, 502. Supreme council of public inst'tion, Sardinia, 63. Talking, superfluous, Pestalozzi on, 73. Teacher, German, daily & yearly expenses, 258. influence of on schools, 343, 349. Philanthropinum, Basedows, 125. use of studying, 334, Physical exercise, Luther on, 448. Montaigne on, 464. compulsory teaching, 166. Lowell Mason, 141. Position in reading, 227. efficiency, 476. Prayers, public, in colleges, 23. Prussia, school law of, 1854, 245. in old and modern German schools, 345. Quintilian on compulsory teaching, 166 Ramsauer, J., extract from biography of, 84, Raumer, Karl von, on Pestalozzi & his system, 65. biographical sketch of, 149. on Sturm, 167, 401. on Luther's educational views, 421. list of works of, 153. Rayneri, Prof. G. A., 491. Reading, arrangement of classes in, 227. and writing together, 234. errors in teaching, 317. C. Peirce's method for, 293. use of, 337. Real schools, Prussian, statistics, 1856-7, 248. Saxon, weekly lesson-bill, 251. Reflecting faculties, cultivation of, 309. Regulations of Irish national schools, 365. Rendsburg real school, weekly lesson-bill of, 250. Luther on studying, 447. Rosmini, Antonio, account of, 491. list of works of, 494. Royal college of the provinces, Sardinia, 57. academy of surgery and medicine, 483. committees for progress of science & art, 485. scarce in Switzerland, 258. training, schools for, 380. Pestalozzian association for children of, 252. Teachers' schools in Sardinia, 503. Technical schools, Sardinian, 37. Tenny, Mr., early benef tor of L. Bridgman, 387 Terzi, Padre, on teaching the blind, 130. Irish national, supply of, 368, 381. German historical, 518. Sardinian, 489. Tharand, school of, pupils in, 1857, 252. Thoughts to be aimed at, 470. Tone in reading, 221. Truth, as object of human action, 313. supremacy of to be acknowledged, 465. Turin, technical school at, 37. reform and preventive schools in, 40. hospitals in, 51, musical academy at, 485. academy of agriculture at, 486. Udel, Nicholas, 156. Understanding identical with reason, 217. University of Turin, 43. eminent teachers and scholars of, 44. course of study in, 44. entering examination, 41. Victor, Amedeus II., benefactions of, 43, 58, 59. Emanuel II., benefaction of, 43. Visitors at Irish national schools, 370. Wadsworth, Jas. S., benefaction of, 14. Woodbridge, W. C., and Lowell Mason, 142. plans of school houses, 5. William, benefaction of, 520. Work-house schools, Irish national aid to, 375. Zeune, Dr., his statistics of blindness, 127. |