صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

"The image and likeness of God in you seeks expression in perfect Life, Wisdom, Love, Purity and Peace, and is satisfied with the consciousness of Spirit."

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I should like to present the subject of the table and food, to be discussed in the Family Department as they are very important factors in the home problem. As the new light dawns upon us we discern, man eats to live and not as it sometimes seems lives to eat. We want to know how to simplify the matter of providing wholesome nutritious food for our tables and do away with meats and pastries and every thing that creates artificial tastes, and hold to customs that enslave the housewife. Isn't there a more natural and simple way of living? If the Truth makes us free are we not to find freedom from unnatural and unnecessary appetites and dietary customs?-Mrs. F.

Yea, verily we are; else we are slaves to our senses. It is written, "His servants ye are to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey." Now, in striving to serve our highest understanding of life, we find more joy in ministering to the needs of soul than sense and feel hampered at finding ourselves still outwardly enslaved to mortal customs and demands.

We'er glad our good Sister has set the ball rolling and trust it will gain velocity and wisdom through what it gathers from month to month by calling out new and helpful ideas from all who are interested in this vital question. A free soul must find freedom of expression. When once a wife and mother sees clearly that her service to her family demands the best her mind and heart can give them, she will no longer be content with frittering her time away on fancy recipes nor in trying to appeal to her husband's better nature through his stomach. She will first of all, take into consideration that she is dealing with intelligent beings and will proceed to fill her home with wholesome thought and literature. "Man shall not live by bread alone." Then she will gradually inaugurate her food reform, wisely pre

fering evolution to revolution in her system of change. Realizing, that back of the symbol is the Substance, she will busy herself both mentally and spiritually in the preparation of her food, putting into it words of Spirit and life, strength, joy and satisfaction until her simple dishes shall contain a feast fit for the gods, and her family will partake with a relish born of something higher than sense appetite.

We shall be glad of individual experience from those who are interested in this vital question and learn what you find simplest and most satisfactory in foods. If any are looking for special help in vegetarian cooking, send to the Unity Tract Society for their new Cook Book, just out.

Will some one please send me a prayer or formula for table blessing. I am always thankful but I can't think of an audible blessing suitable for my little boy. I would like one for us both.-MRS. D.

Gratitude and

It is well to give thanks always. thanksgiving not only insure good digestion, but—some go so far as to say, it has power to multiply and increase the quality and quantity of the food. I remember hearing a lady tell how after she had adopted a certain table blessing, though the number of her household increased the amount of her grocery bill diminished. We have no right to dispute her, since we believe in the blessing that increased five loaves and two small fishes till they fed five thousand hungry people. Here is a table-blessing one of our small boys used to sav:

"We thank Thee our beautiful, bountiful God."
Who can supply good table-blessings?

It is worth a thousand pounds a year to have the habit of looking on the bright side of things.-Dr. Johnson.

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IT is found when many people hold the same thought there is unity, al

though they may be separtedby thousands of miles, and that all who are conected with that unity are in touch with higher spiritual states, even Jesus Christ.

So there has gradually grown up this Society of Silent Unity, in which thousands in all parts of the world join every night at 9 o'clock in thinking for a few moments one thought, which is given each month in the magazine UNITY. This we call the Class Thought," and every member is expected to hold it at least five minutes at the beginning of the silence, in order to make the unity connection; after which, "Ask what ye will in my name, and it shall be done unto you."

Certificates of membership are issued without charge to those who make personal written application for them. To meet expenses, we ask members to send us freewill offerings, as no charge is made for any service we render. This Society has been in existence nearly twenty years, and has about 20,000 registered members. Through its ministry thousands have been healed mentally and physically, and its power grows stronger day by day. The silent hour is 9 p. m., your local time. The Spirit will adjust geographical differences in time.

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Beginners usually have a great many questions to ask, and they require a course of lessons and reading. To such we recommend the "Lessons in Truth," by H. Emilie Cady. Cloth, $1.00: paper, 50 cents, and 'Christian Healing," by Charles Fillmore. Paper, 60 cents; cloth, $1.25; or UNITY and "Christian Healing." by Charles Fillmore, $1.45; or UNITY and "Lessons in Truth," by H. Emilie Cady, $1.35. A Special Course of Lessons by Correspondence will be given to those desiring it.

UNITY is published monthly, and contains a large amount of instruction. The price of it is $1.00 per year.

Absent healing is just as effective as present healing. We treat people in all parts of the world, also in the next block, without seeing them. People here in the city call us by 'phone and get relief quickly. We can be reached day and night by letter, telegraph or telephone. Give name of patient and trouble in telegram.

The Unity Tract Society is the business department, and the Society of Silent Unity is the healing department. Please keep them separate in your communications.

The simple written request to be enrolled a member of the Silent Unity Society is all that is required to ioin with us. Address


Unity Building, 913 Tracy Ave.,




MARCH 20, 1910 TO APRIL 20, 1910


I am alive in Christ.


MARCH 20, 1910 TO APRIL 20, 1910


I am no longer bound by thoughts of lack; I am enriched and elated in the consciousness that "All that the Father hath is mine.”


From Letters Written to Students and Patients by the Society of Silent Unity

These extracts represent the general trend of the doctrine taught at this Center, and they will be helpful to all who are under instruction or treatment:

Astrology, like all that men formulate and call science, has some truth in it, but it is not the Absolute Science taught by Jesus Christ, hence we do not favor its study. It gives the stars power over man. "It is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings," said Shakespeare.

The Scripture that came to you, "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" is a message from the Holy Spirit to you, calling your attention to the All-Power of God when you put him into everything that you do. The reason you do not always get results in your spiritual work is, you do not acknowledge God in all ways. "If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."

We are glad that you like UNITY. We try to keep it up to the Jesus Christ standard.

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When fear tries to come near you, say, easily and as a matter of fact, "You are nothing." The idea that you argue with is receiving a certain recognition, and will persist in coming. If you fight a thing it fights back. You know that there is no reality in the thing you are dismissing. Do not look upon it as real. Brush it aside. It is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord that we accomplish things.

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The lesson in your experience is that you shall not confine the bounty of God to any special avenue. God in you is riches and the living substance of all you may desire or wish for. Whenever the thought comes to you that God is going to manifest his bounty through some individual, say "All people are the stewards of Omnipresent Bounty, and everybody and everything pours upon me its opulence."

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There is nothing strange in your knowing that a letter is coming. There is but One Mind, and those who get into the Universal are not bound by the limitations of personality. As to your pastime, fortune-telling, you should be careful as to suggestions you give others. It is their belief, conscious or unconscious, in what you say that brings your predictions to pass. No one can say what will befall another, because all that comes into one's life is the result of his thought and if he is holding a certain line of thought, he will reap the fruit of it, unless he changes his mind. But the privilege to drop old habits of thought and adopt new ones belongs to every individual. Therefore, there is no fixed future for anyone, but each is free to make his own future.

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"Letting go" is a conscious surrender of the limited

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