صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Thy name, for Thy judgments are made manifest?" And that they and all others may take warning, and hear, and fear, and do no more so wickedly; which I truly desire for their sakes: for though I am an utter enemy to all persecution, yet a friend to all



London, the 10th of the
Ninth month, 1702.

* POSTSCRIPT.-Since the writing of the passage in page 152, about Thomas Maule, I have seen a letter of his in print, to Cotton Mather, showing his abuse, as to the words he alleges against him, Book VII., page 96, That they were not, "That the devil, sin," &c., "are nothing;" but, "That they had no being by creation;" which differs greatly. And by another book, intitled, New England Persecutors Mauled, that "they seized and burned Sixteen pound worth of the said books;" and not only so, but tried him for it in 1696, but was acquitted by jury; and that he had suffered by imprisonment, whipping, and spoiling his goods, ten times, whereby the deceit and falsehood of the said Cotton Mather is further manifested, in pretending, "That they have renounced all laws against liberty of conscience," and yet act such things still.


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ADDERTON, Major-General, reproved

by W. Christison for his pride,

his sudden death, 305.

A Few Words to the King and both
Houses of Parliament, etc., 176.

Alden, Ralph, fined and imprisoned,

Alexander, Nicholas, banished, 327.
Allen, George, fined for non-swear-
ing, 147.

Allen, Joseph, fined for non-swear-
ing, 142.

Allen, Matthew, fined for non-swear-
ing, 147.

Allen, Ralph, fined for not removing

the hat, 127;

fined for non-swearing, 142.
released from Boston prison, 211.
Allen, Ralph, the younger, fined,


Allen, William, fined for not remov-

ing the hat, 127;

Ambrose, Alice, returning to Dover,
is dragged through the snow
and over rough fields face
downward, 235;

thrown into the water and nearly
drowned, 236;

put in the stocks at Hampton,

disputes with Priest Millet, 252;
is roughly handled at Boston,

goes to Flushing, Long Island,

is imprisoned and banished, 276;
whipped in Virginia with knotted
nine-corded whip, 287;

returning to Boston, is ordered
to be whipped through three
towns, 288, 301;

same sentence repeated, 303.
Ames, William, in the Palatinate, 18.
Apology of the Government of Massa-
chusetts as to the persecutions, 7.

heavily fined on many charges, Appendix to the book entitled New

released from Boston prison, 211.
Ambrose, Alice, arrives from Eng-
land, 227;

visits convinced persons about
Dover, 229;

sentenced to be tied to cart, and
whipped through eleven towns,

England Judged, being certain writ-
ings of those persons who were there
executed, 336.

Archer, Samuel, Marshal of Salem,
suddenly cut off, 323.
Austin, Ann, see Mary Fisher.

BAPTISTS, Persecuted, pleaded for by
Independents in England, 505.

agely whipped, 56;
befriended by Magistrate Cud-
worth, of Plymouth, 135;
whipped at Plymouth, 136;
is sent away from New Haven,
157, 173.

Barlow, George, Marshal of Sandwich, ❘ Brend, William, put in irons and sav-
cruelty toward Friends, 142, 249.
Bellingham, Richard, Deputy-Gover-
nor, his treatment of Mary
Fisher and Ann Austin, 10;
of Ann Borden, 44;
of William Shattock, 50;
of John Small and others, 51;
favours hanging Quakers, 172;
banishes E. Wharton from Bos-
ton, 199;

tempts the wife of J. Chamberlain
to disown him while in prison,

causes Ann Coleman to be whip-
ped, so that she nearly dies,

contends against W. Christison,

banishes and imprisons several
Friends, 327;

dies distracted, 328.

Birkhead, Christopher, imprisoned in
Holland and in France, 20, 21.
Boston, Visitation of, by fire, 550.
Bower, Benanuel, cast into prison and
fined for giving food to E. Hooton,


Bowne, John, of Flushing, imprison-
ed, is banished to Holland, and re-
turns via Barbadoes to Long Island,

Bradstreet, Simon, Magistrate, 60;
his treatment of N. Phelps, 66;
threatening words to Wm. Led-
dra, 192;

sent to England to defend the
Provincial authorities, 216;
brings back a Declaration of Lib-
erty of Conscience, 217.

Brend, William, arrives at Boston, 9;
imprisoned and shipped away,
comes to Salem, 54, 407;
is sent to Boston, 55;

Brewster, Margaret, her testimony as
to the appearance of the small-pox,
329, 473.

Brokesup, Joan, accompanies Eliza-

beth Hooton from England to
Virginia, thence to Boston, 260;
is sent to jail by Governor En-
dicott, 261;

is driven into the Wilderness,

visits Rhode Island and Barba-
does, 264;

returns to Boston, and is sent
away, 265;

goes to Virginia and to England,


Buffum, Joshua, sent to Boston, 55;
appeal to Court from jail, 63;
fined and whipped, 69;
banished to Rhode Island for re-
fusing hat-honour, 73, 86.
Burden, Ann, visits Boston to collect
debts owing her, 45;
is sick and in prison, 45;

is sent back to England, 46.
Burrough, Edward, his prophecy con-
cerning the persecutors, 542.
Burton, John, taken to Boston, 51.
Butter, Edward, Treasurer of Salem,
foiled in selling Quakers, 92;
continues to persecute them, 249;
cruelty toward Elizabeth Kitch-
in, 250.


Friends, 17.

Cambridge scholars abuse Friends,

Case's (Thomas) crew, Story of, as re- | Christison, Wenlock, returning to

lated by Increase Mather, and con-
futed by George Keith, 497.
Chamberlain, John, for commiserat-

ing Friends, is put in prison,

brought into Court and remand-
ed, 191, 193;

banished on pain of death, 199;
released from Boston prison, 211;
returning, is tied to a cart and
whipped through three towns,
and dealt with three times in
this manner, 220;

his wife's constancy, 225;
forbidden to reclaim a thief, 226.
Chapman, Thomas, with the Indians,

Charles II. orders Quakers under sen-
tence of death or other corporal
punishment to be sent to Eng-
land, 214;

proclaims Liberty of Conscience
in the Colony, 217;

Address to him respecting the
Sufferings of Friends in New
England, 318.

Charter of Massachusetts forfeited, prisoned, and banished, 45, 401.


Chatham, Catharine, sails from Lon-
don to Boston, and in sack-
cloth warns, the inhabitants,

put in prison, whipped, and ban-
ished, 211, 273;

coming again to Boston, is im-
prisoned, 273.

Chauncey, Priest, against Friends,


Chichester, William, the ship-master,
takes away Mary Fisher and Ann
Austin, 12.

Christison, Wenlock, banished from
Boston on pain of death, 169;
flogged at Plymouth, 170;

Boston, shows himself in Court
at the trial of William Leddra,

warns John Endicott against
shedding any more innocent
blood, 195;

apprehended and put in prison,

his trial before the Governor, 207;
his death-sentence pronounced,


his remarks when sentenced, 452;
prophesies that no more Quakers
shall be put to death by the Pu-
ritans, 210;

is released, with twenty-seven
other Friends, 211;

carried away from E. Wardel's
house, 251;

goes to Boston with E. Wharton,

again visiting Boston, is ordered
to be whipped through three
towns, 288, 301;

the same sentence repeated, 303.
Clark, Mary, of London, whipped, im-

Clifton, Hope, visiting C. Holder in
prison, is herself committed, 98.
Coale, Josiah, with the Indians, 28;
imprisoned at Sandwich, 138.
Coddington, William, of Rhode Is-
land, unjustly treated by Bel-
lingham, 327 ;

kindly receives Bellingham, 470.
Coleman, Ann, visiting Friends about
Dover, is sentenced to be tied
to a cart and whipped through
eleven towns, 230;

returning to Dover, is maltreat-
ed, 235;
whipped through three towns,
so that she nearly died, 279;
imprisoned at Dover, 281.


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