صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

chapels, opening each on alternate days. Sometimes, even with the attraction of a foreigner to stare at and listen to, we do not get a single soul to come in. But this seldom happens. It is comparatively easy to get a few dozen people to sit and listen to a discourse, but almost impossible to stimulate them to ask questions concerning what has been said. They listen and assent to everything with a provoking coldness. But of the many hundreds who have listened to the Gospel in our public chapels during the past year, we can only point to one man-a bannerman -who has come forward as an inquirer. He has two satisfactory points about him. viz., diligent attention to the books of instruction put in his hands, and anxiety about the conversion of his wife and children. There is another regular attendant at our chapels, about whom I am very anxious, and have some hope. He is a Buddhist priest, who became acquainted with Christianity three years ago through reading the New Testament. He got this copy of the New Testament from a Christian in connexion with the American Mission, who once was a Buddhist priest also. His story evidently shows that he has been all his life seeking a satisfactory religion. He is now very much dissatisfied with Buddhism. But what his views of Christ and His work are is not so clear. He is very anxious to throw up the office of priest, and I am afraid he will meet with a good deal of malice and perhaps persecution from his fellowBuddhists. The punishment said to be laid down for the priest who becomes a "renegade" is burning to death-an "orthodox" way of disposing of heretics. Fortunately the civil law does not allow this part of the Buddhist penal code to be put in force. I feel our duty towards him for the present is merely to set forth Christ crucified, his Redeemer and God.

During the past year I made five journeys into the country, three of them being on famine relief business. My first journey was a preaching tour of three weeks in the Yung-ch'ing district in company with a catechist. We generally preached from the steps of shrines and temples, and sometimes in private houses. Without exception I found the people friendly and willing to listen. But, as we find in Peking, I found it next to impossible to get them to talk or ask questions about Christianity. Most probably, if they had done so, I should have been often nonplussed. Yet I had much rather be puzzled by questioners than listened to with formal and polite assent. The general impression I got of the people was that their minds are an utter blank in matters of spiritual religion. As I live among them I am more and more confirmed in this opinion. There are indeed shrines and temples in every village, but the " gods many and lords many" worshipped in them seem to be looked to for temporal good only. Again and again we were asked, Would the Lord Jesus give them rain, good crops, and such things, if they believed in Him and worshipped Him? And when I could not answer that such blessings would, without doubt, be bestowed upon them in return for their worship, they ceased to question further or take any interest. found the farming classes more accessible than the traders or Government servants. I remarked on this to the catechist, and he told me a story about a shopkeeper who declared that Christianity was "all correct," but that it would be very inconvenient for mercantile people to believe in Jesus, seeing that the religion of Jesus calls upon men to give up lying and fraud.


During these journeys in the country I have found the people very friendly, and far more polite to the foreigner than the Pekingese. But it takes a long, long time to get their thoughts fixed upon any subject outside the very limited range of their daily lives. If there is no open opposition to the Gospel, there is the secret hostility of hearts hardened by sin and besotted by gross ignorance. And if it were not that we have the sure promises of the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, and of the converting grace of the Holy Spirit, we might well give up in despair.


The Special Fund to meet the deficiency of £24,000 in the Society's funds for the last two years has now reached £12,000.

The vacant bishopric of Jerusalem was offered to and declined by the Rev. Canon Tristram, who, amongst his many avocations-clerical, literary, and scientific-is the active Association Secretary of the C.M.S. for Durham and Northumberland. Dr. Joseph Barclay, who has now been appointed, was for ten years minister of the English Church at Jerusalem, and Examining Chaplain to Bishop Gobat, and was also for four years at Constantinople. He is a Hebrew, Arabic, and German scholar, and has translated parts of the Talmud, with a commentary.

A Valedictory Dismissal of Missionaries took place at the Islington College on July 1st. The Instructions of the Committee were delivered to the following, who are returning to the mission field after a period of rest at home-The Rev. J. B. Wood, to Lagos; Revs. Dr. Baumann and A. Clifford, to Calcutta, and Rev. H. Newton, to Ceylon; also, Mr. Isaac Oluwole, of Fourah Bay College, Sierra Leone, and a B.A. of Durham University, who goes to Lagos as Principal of the Grammar School; and the Rev. Nasar Odeh, returning to Palestine after educa

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tion in England. Also to the following, who are going out for the first time-Rev. J, C. Price and Mr. H. Cole, to Mpwapwa; Rev. A. Manwaring, to Nasik, Western India; Rev. G. H. Parsons, to Krishnagur; Rev. J. J. Johnson, to Benares; Rev. A. R. Macduff (late Vicar of St. John the Baptist, Leeds), to the North-West frontier of India; Rev. C. A. Neve, to the Cottayam College, Travancore; Rev. R. Shann (late Curate of Holy Trinity, Tunbridge Wells), to Ningpo; and Rev. J. B. Ost, to Shaouhing.

In addition to the foregoing, the following will also (D.V.) return to the field this autumn:-The Rev. A. and Mrs. Mann, to the Female Institution, Lagos; Rev. R. A. Squires, to Sharanpur, Western India; Rev. H. Stern to North India; and Rev. R. Clark and Mrs. Elmslie, to the Punjab. The Rev. Dr. E. F. Hoernle is also to proceed to Persia as a medical missionary; and the Rev. C. S. Harington, M.A., formerly of Oriel College, Oxford, who has just offered himself to the Society, to the Old Church, Calcutta.

Seven of the Islington men ordained on Trinity Sunday are not mentioned above. The Committee have been compelled, in view of the Society's financial position, reluctantly and regretfully to keep back these seven for the present:-The Revs. T. C. Wilson and J. Verso, appointed to East Africa; Rev. C. Mountfort, to Western India; Rev. J. Redman, to Sindh; Rev. J. Ilsley, to North India; Rev. W. Bannister, to China; Rev. W. G. Peel, to Japan.

The Rev. G. S. Winter sailed for York Factory, Hudson's Bay, by the Company's annual ship, on July 1st.

In consequence of the article in the last number, entitled "Refused for lack of Funds," a lady has offered to provide the £60 a year required to occupy the village of Abûd, in Palestine.

Messrs. Stokes and Copplestone reached Kagei on the Victoria Nyanza, on Feb. 14th, all well. They had heard nothing of Mr. Wilson or Mr. Mackay; nor have we any news of these brethren, or of the Nile party.

On Easter Sunday, the first adult baptisms of the freed slaves at Frere Town took place. Previous baptisms have been either of the "Bombay Africans" or the Wanika and Giriama people in the neighbourhood. These belonged to the cargo of slaves landed from H.M.S. Thetis, in 1875. Although they have proved mostly quiet and tractable, it has been extremely difficult to instil Christian truth into their minds; but the thirty-two adults (with nine children) now baptized give evidence of true and simple faith in Christ. Mr. Streeter writes a deeply interesting letter respecting them, which we hope to print next month.

The Chinese mandarins have brought an action of ejectment in the British Consular Court at Fuh-chow against the Rev. J. R. Wolfe, with a view to turn the C M.S. Mission out of the convenient ground on the Wu-shih-shan, or Black Stone Hill, which it has occupied for nearly thirty years (see the picture in the GLEANER of April, 1876). The trial came on before Chief Justice French on April 30th, and lasted nine days. Judgment was reserved, and we do not yet know the result. The case has excited much interest in China, and is regarded as of the greatest importance, not only to missionary enterprise, but to British rights generally.

During his recent visit to the Yoruba Mission, the Bishop of Sierra Leone held eight confirmations, at Leke, Otta, Shunren, Abeokuta, Oshielle, and in and around Lagos, laying his hands on 563 African candidates. On March 2nd, at Lagos, he admitted to priest's orders the Rev. C. H. V. Gollmer, and three Native clergymen, the Revs. Charles Phillips, Nathaniel Johnson, and Daniel Coker.

The famine in Kashmir has again been very severe, and our missionaries, Mr. Wade and Dr. and Mrs. Downes, have witnessed most distressing scenes. They have been working nobly to alleviate the sufferings of the people, and have under their care several hundred orphans. The Rev. James Stone, who was the first student of St. John's Hall, Highbury, to offer for C.M.S. work, and joined the Telugu Mission in 1876, has lately settled, with his wife (a daughter of Archdeacon Hone), at Raghapuram, the remotest and loneliest station, and the scene of the Rev. T. Y. Darling's labours. There are 750 Native Christians in the district, and a very large heathen population.

The Rev. A. Schapira is now actively carrying on the new C.M.S. Mission at Gaza. There is a large population almost wholly Mohammedan. Two schools, hitherto maintained by Mr. W. D. Pritchett, have been adopted as a nucleus for the Society's work.

The C.M.S. Committee have been considering the possibility of establishing a sanatorium for missionaries labouring on the West Coast of Africa, on the Cameroon Mountains, which rise to a height of 13,000 feet just in the angle of the Gulf of Guinea, opposite Fernando Po. In February last, Mr. Ashcroft and Mr. Kirk, the Society's industrial agents, went thither in the Henry Venn, and ascended the mountain to the highest peak. They found a most suitable site, but the expense of the project will probably prevent its being carried out at present.

A fund, amounting to Rs. 7,800 (about £650), has been raised as a memorial to General Lake, the interest of which is to be applied to provide two annual prizes for Biblical and useful secular knowledge, to be competed for by natives of the Punjab. The C.M.S. Committee will administer the fund.

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"Talk ye of all His wondrous works."-Ps. cv. 2. WONDER how many of us have observed this among our marching orders? and how many of us have been obeying it? Think of the last month, for instance, with its thirty-one days; on how many of those days did we talk of all His wondrous works? and if we did so at all, how much less did we talk about them than about other things?

Just consider what a power in the world talking is! Words dropped, caught up, repeated; then ventilated, combined, developed, set brains and pens to work; these again set the tongues to work; the talking spreads, becomes general; public opinion is formed and inflamed, and the results are engraven in the world's history. This is what talking can do when exercised about the affairs of "the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them." And we, who have been translated into the kingdom of God's dear Son, we have tongues too, and what have we been talking about? how have we used this same far-speaking power ? Only suppose that for every time each English Christian had talked about the day's news of the kingdoms of this world, he had spent the same breath in telling the last news of the kingdom of Jesus Christ to his friends and casual acquaintances! Why, how it would have outrun all the reports and magazines, and saved the expense of deputations, and set people wondering and inquiring, and stopped the prate of ignorant reviewers who "never heard of any converts in India," and gagged the mouths of the adversaries with hard facts, and removed missionary results and successes from the list of "things not generally known"!

God intends and commands us to do this. We often quote "All Thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord, and Thy saints shall bless Thee." That sounds tolerably easy, but what comes next? "They shall speak of the glory of Thy kingdom, and talk of Thy power." Is this among the things that we ought to have done and have left undone? Are we not verily guilty as to this command? "Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law!”

Perhaps we say we have kept it; we have had sweet converse with dear Christian friends about the Lord's kingdom and doings, and surely that is enough! No, read further; there is not even a full stop after "talk of Thy power." It goes on to say why and to whom: "To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of His kingdom." Not just talking it over among our likeminded friends, exchanging a little information maybe, but talking with purpose, talking so as to make known what great things our God is doing, not gently alluding to them, but making the sons of men know things that they did not know were being done. Some very intelligent and welleducated "sons of men do not seem to know that there is such a thing as "His kingdom" at all; and whose fault is that? They do not and will not read about it, but they could not help the true report" of it reaching their ears if every one of us simply obeyed orders and talked, right and left, "of the glory of Thy kingdom," instead of using our tongues to tell what we have just seen in the Times.

But the bottom of not talking is generally the not having much to talk about. When our Lord said "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh," He knew what was in man better than we know ourselves. We don't give ourselves the trouble to fill our hearts so that they cannot help over

flowing. If we gave even the same time to supplying our minds with the telling, yes, and thrilling facts happening day by day in His kingdom, that we give to the "other things" reported in papers and periodicals, we should quite naturally talk of all His wondrous works. We should want to tell people what we had read and heard, not stale news picked up accidentally months ago, but something interesting from its very freshness in our own minds. When we have just read of a remarkable political event or military victory, don't we forthwith talk about it? and if the next person we meet has not heard of it, do we hesitate to tell them all we know about it on the spot ? It does not look as if we cared very much about our glorious Captain when we are not sufficiently interested in His latest victories in the Mission field even to talk about them, especially to those who know nothing at all about them.

Now, what can we find, even in this month's GLEANER, which we can tell and talk about to those who have not read it? Begin at once.


RIDAY, July 25th, is a day to be remembered in Church Missionary annals. For some time past the Society has been desirous to obtain the consecration of Missionary Bishops for three or four of those countries or districts where its Missions are in an advanced state; and on that day, in St. Paul's Cathedral, two C.M.S. missionaries were solemnly admitted to the Episcopal office for two of these fields of labour, viz., the Rev. William Ridley, formerly of the Punjab Mission, for the new Diocese of Caledonia, which will include Metlakatla and other stations in the North Pacific; and the Rev. J. M. Speechly, for Travancore and Cochin, where he has worked for nearly twenty years. Caledonia is a Colonial Diocese, carved out of the existing Diocese of British Columbia, and will have an ecclesiastical position similar to Moosonee and Athabasca, or to the New Zealand sees. Travancore is not in the Queen's dominions, and its Bishop has to be consecrated under the Act passed forty years ago, at the time when the Bishopric of Jerusalem was founded, which enables the Crown to authorise the Archbishop of Canterbury to consecrate Bishops of the Church of England for service in foreign parts. Bishop Russell in China, and Bishop Crowther in Africa, come under the same Act.

Two other Bishops were consecrated at the same time, one of whom, Dr. Barclay, the successor of Bishop Gobat at Jerusalem, will be closely associated with the C.M.S. Palestine Mission, and has expressed his hearty desire to promote the Society's work in every way; while the other, Dr. Walsham How, Suffragan Bishop of Bedford," may almost be called a missionary bishop in view of his work in East London.

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The consecration was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, assisted by the Bishops of London, Rochester, St. Albans, Lichfield, Gibraltar, British Columbia, and Bishop Alford. The Dean of Ripon (Dr. W. R. Fremantle) preached from Acts i. 7; in which verse our Lord commands His apostles to be witnesses unto Him "both in Jerusalem and unto the uttermost parts of the earth." They did, we know, go forth and preach everywhere; and the verse that tells us so adds, "The Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following." May all the four new Bishops find a like happy experience!

A notice of the Diocese of Caledonia appears on the following pages. Next month we hope to give some account of Tra



[We are glad to be able to give, with the portrait of Bishop Ridley and the map of the country in which his new Diocese is situated, the following statement from his own pen.]

HE Diocese of Caledonia stretches from Cape St. James and Dean Channel 52 deg. north latitude to the 60th parallel; from the Rocky Mountains to the North Pacific Ocean, and also includes the numerous adjacent islands. The best known place in it is Metlakatla. [See GLEANER of July.] Our lay missionary, Mr. Duncan, laid the foundation of that Indian settlement in simple faith, and it has become the most prosperous of its kind. To the 60,000 aborigines of the province the Metlakatla community of Christians is as a star of hope. Before it arose we feared that as a race they were doomed to extinction. The 20 millions of Indians our forefathers found in North America have dwindled down to two millions. The 200,000 natives found by Captain Cook in 1776 at Tahiti have been reduced to 8,000; the Sandwich Islanders from 400,000 to 80,000; the Maories in forty years from 1836 have decreased from 180,000 to 40,000; the Tasmanians are gone. Brainerd's translations are unintelligible; not one of his Delaware Indians survives. The subjects of Montezuma have vanished like a dream; gloomy is the prospect of the Moravian Missions in Greenland and Labrador. Humboldt met with only one creature that could then speak any words of a once mighty Indian nation's language, and that survivor was a parrot that had outlived its teachers. Civilisation threatens to blot out these inferior races, but on it their disappearance leaves a blot and a crime. Its pioneers-drink, violence, and debauchery-destroy their few virtues, leaving them more wicked than before, and only less dangerous because less vigorous. I thank God that most of the Indians of my Diocese, especially the Hydahs, have been so savage as to make the trader's risk greater than his hope of gain.

My first thought and most tenacious endeavour will be to snatch a victory from Satan, and upraise and keep aloft the banner of Christ and Him crucified before the eyes of the perishing Indian population. With them the present must be sown with Gospel seed, or despair will soon ring its knell over them. Provision must be made for the English colonists and the other thousands that I shall welcome before many years are passed, but for the Indians this is the only day of salvation. We must go at once to the rescue of the thousands that by their woes unwittingly cling to Christ's Church for pity, or the rising tide of immigration will sweep them out of sight speedily. Will the Church only send me forth as a Bishop with best wishes and prayers? I want a little ship by which to reach the present Mission stations regularly, and also to visit every tribe, whether found among the islands, or along the shores, the fiords, or the rivers of the mainland. What has been done at Metlakatla can be done anywhere among similar people, and many thousands

are now in a state of apparent preparedness for the reception of the Gospel.

I have written chiefly of the Indians of the coast. At some future time I hope to know more of the inland tribes, and shall then gladly supply the readers of the GLEANER with the best information I can obtain. I have now to repeat my wish for special help. As already stated in a former appeal, it is obvious that a small but strong steam ship, as Admiral Prevost urges, is an absolute necessity. The alternative will best argue the need. Without such a diocesan ship the voyages across hundreds of miles of dangerous sea must be made in native canoes. The crew for paddling these undecked and often rotten craft must be much more numerous than a small steamer's; the time spent on the waves five times longer, the risk immeasureably greater. It will therefore ensure greater despatch, avoid needless discomfort, and will be also less costly and much safer to have a sea-going vessel than to depend on the only alternative-a hollowed-out tree-for battling with the storms at Christ's command. Formerly His disciples gladly placed their little ships at His service. service. Will some of the readers of the GLEANER kindly give or collect sufficient money to provide only a plank for the little ship to be launched on the North Pacific as a life-boat to rescue souls from death? Donations may be sent direct to me up to September the 10th at Lauriston Villa, Brixham, Devon, or for me to the Church Mission House, Salisbury Square, E.C.; or to the Rev. Canon Gibbon, High Harrogate.


THE RIGHT REV. W. RIDLEY, D.D., First Bishop of Caledonia.

This section of the people now draws upon our sympathy. A great opportunity is ours. The material prosperity of Metlakatla has aroused in them a spirit of emulation, and shed upon them a gleam of hope. The Christian's heart cries, "Is there a future for them among the nations?" and from Metlakatla comes the answer, "Yes, only do as you have lovingly done here." The trial is being made at four other mission stations in my Diocese, and success is already visible. The greater the breadth of sea between the islanders and the mainland the better for their future. Their ignorance of the benefits of civilisation is a greater good than a knowledge of them, until they are fortified morally and spiritually by the Gospel against its evils. The enterprise of commerce, which we shall be glad of then, is beforehand with us now in bridging over the broadest channels, so that the plague is begun. We must enable the missionary at once to emulate the merchant. The very noblest Indians must be enriched with the pearl of great price, or they will sell themselves to perdition while we tarry.

I hope to sail from Liverpool September 13th, before which date I trust the £750 already subscribed will be made up to at least £1,000. Besides this, I also ask for earnest prayer. On every helper I pray God to send down His favour and blessing. August 1st, 1879. W. CALEDONIA.

[The Bishop's need of a steamer is forcibly illustrated by the touching story on the opposite page, showing the dangers of a canoe voyage on the very route he will often take, between Metlakatla and Queen Charlotte Islands.]


THE PRAYER OF THE DROWNING INDIANS. N the 8th of June, 1877, Mr. Williams, an officer of the Hudson's Bay Company, was crossing the sea from Queen Charlotte's Island to the western shore of British North America in a canoe. His crew were Tsimshean Christians from Metlakatla. A gale sprung up; the boat was capsized; and all were drowned except one Indian. Our missionary, the Rev. W. H. Co.lison, writes:


UR Map is taken from the new edition of the Church Missionary Atlas. It represents British Columbia, which is the westernmost province of British North America. The boundaries of the province are the 60th parallel of latitude on the north, the United States border (see the dotted line) on the south, the Rocky Mountains on the east, and the Pacific Ocean on the west. Its capital is Victoria, at the south end of Vancouver's Island. The territory of Alaska, a corner of which is seen in the northwest, formerly belonged to Russia, but is now part of the United States. The "North-West Territory," which is northeast of British Columbia, means the north-west of Canada. It is the field of the Society's "North


West America Mission," and the part seen in this map is in Bishop Bompas's Diocese of Athabasca.

The new Diocese of Caledonia, to which Bishop Ridley is appointed, comprises the northern half of British Columbia. A line drawn from the "M" in "Rocky Mountains" to the south end of Queen Charlotte Islands about marks limits.

its Within this territory the C.M.S. has its "North Pacific Mission," with stations at Metlakatla, Kincolith on the Nass River, and Massett in Queen Charlotte Islands. These places

will all be seen in the map. One other station is at Fort Rupert, at the north end of Vancouver's Island.

The small map in the corner shows the neighbourhood


Metlakatla on a larger scale. It will be seen that many places are named from those connected with or interested in the Mission: thus, Duncan Bay, Tugwell Island, Doolan Point, Cridge Islands, Alford Reefs, Ryan Point, Venn Creek, Straith Point, Dawes Point, Knight Island. The Fort Rupert Mission was described in our January number, and Metlakatla in July.

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Only one young man survives to tell

the story. He was

in the water four
days and nights
lashed to a piece of
the canoe, and was
at length drifted on
the American coast,
where some Indians
found him and
brought him to Fort

The survivor and
five of his companions
were present at a
little meeting which
I had the evening
before they started,
when I addressed
them very earnestly,
&nd ие
sang and
prayed together. On
the following day
they were wrecked.
The survivor states
that poor Mr. Wil-
liams clang to the
wreck for some time,
but as the waves
washed over him, and
he felt his strength
failing, he cast away
his hat, and called
upon all to pray with
him, which they
did aloud. Having
prayed they sang to-
gether, and in a few
minutes more he had
to relinquish his hold
of the wreck and
sunk. Not long
afterwards Sha Shaht,
who was the owner
of the canoe, and a
chief, went down.
Some others might
have succeeded in
reaching the shore,
which must have
been thirty-five miles
distant from the
place where the acci-
dent occurred, but
one of the party be-
came delirious, and
with his knife suc-
ceeded in cutting the
rope with which they
had managed to lash
the wreck together.
Mr. Williams was
beloved and esteemed
by all who knew



[The following is the substance only of a paper just issued by the Committee of the Church Missionary Society. Copies of the paper in a complete form can be had on application.]

N many of our English parishes, where claims are many and means are small, it is the children that raise the bulk of the money subscribed for the spread of the Gospel. Many a devoted worker and generous giver of mature years can look back to the days when he was a child, and spake as a child, and thought as a child, and trace, under God, the source of his interest in the Society and its holy enterprise, which has been growing with his growth, and strengthening with its strength, to the Juvenile Meeting, the Juvenile Instructor, and the Juvenile Missionary Box; and if he has since put away these childish things, it has only been to take up other methods of helping the great cause. "It is nearly forty years," said Bishop Thorold at the last Anniversary Meeting, "since, as a boy, I sent in my first humble contribution to the Society." And many of the Society's oldest friends could testify to a like experience.

Is it not, therefore, natural and right that, at a time when willing labourers cannot be sent forth, and when open doors all over the world cannot be entered, for lack of adequate funds, the Committee should ask the question, Cannot the children, who are in so many places our best friends, come forward with loving hearts and zealous hands to the help of the Society? Strenuous exertions are necessary if it is even to maintain its existing Missions; much more, if it is to follow the leadings of God's Providence, and respond to the loud calls for extension. Many friends are ready and desirous to make these exertions; but they scarcely know in what direction to move. Perhaps the easiest and most fruitful work that can be undertaken is that of organising Juvenile and Sunday School Associations; and large as is the aggregate sum now raised by these agencies, that sum might unquestionably, with very little effort indeed, be materially increased. Some hints upon the subject may therefore not be unwelcome.

Considerable diversity exists in the proportion of contributions raised by the young in different parishes. In not a few, even, this fruitful field is entirely unworked: there are no juvenile contributions at all. For example, taking the Annual Report for 1877-8, two churches in one neighbourhood may be noticed, which raised in that year £196 and £152 respectively; and, as far as appears, no part of this came from the gifts or the efforts of children. On the other hand, here is one parish, where out of nearly £33 all except 10s. was from the Sunday-school; and here is another where out of £193 just £100 was raised by the Juvenile Association.

There is also much diversity in the organisation employed to collect money from young people, or by their means. In some places the Juvenile Association has its Treasurer, its Secretary, its regular meetings, its separate funds. In others, though the children's Missionary-boxes are put under the heading "Juvenile Association," the Association does not seem to be regularly organised. In others again, although a very few Missionaryboxes appear to be held by children, and perhaps a small contribution is acknowledged from the Sunday-school, there is nothing of the nature of a Juvenile Association at all. Thus in one parish, which raised £184, the only indication of juvenile work is that £6 14s. was raised by "Missionary-boxes," some of which are apparently held by little girls; and similar cases are


It is quite true that the form of organisation is of secondary importance. The true principle in Christian effort of every kind

is, Not the machinery, but the man. Find the worker, and the work will be done somehow. Humble, prayerful diligence will effect more than the most carefully planned rules. Still, taking human nature as we find it, a good organisation is a real help; and if conceived and planned, begun, continued, and ended in the Lord, it will be a true blessing both to those who work it and to those for whose benefit it is worked.

Every Local Auxiliary, therefore, supporting the Society, whether it be a Parochial Association or a larger one covering a town or district, should have a Juvenile Association attached to it. Let each Juvenile Association, whether parochial or ! otherwise, have its own officers and its own meetings. In most cases a lady is the best secretary. One who has held office for many years in a large Association writes: "Choose as secretary a lady of energy and firmness of purpose, with a great love for children and for missionary work, and who possesses the power of organisation and management. She should seek to gain a personal influence over each member; she should always be on the look-out for new members, and never let old ones drop off." The value of a properly organised Association connected with the Society consists (1) in its tendency to foster the sense of actual membership in those who are regular subscribers, (2) in its continuous corporate life independent of the coming and going of individual workers. A regular member of any institution has a far more lively personal interest in it than a mere occasional contributor; and a body of members can, if President, Treasurer, or Secretary be removed, appoint a new one and go on as before.

A question will arise in many places-What is the relation of the Sunday-school to the Juvenile Association? The growing sense of the value of Sunday-schools, the large amounts raised by many of them, and the still larger amounts they might easily raise if well worked, render the question an important one.

On this point, however, no rigid rule can be laid down which shall be applicable to all parishes. In one parish there may be no middle or upper class population, and here the Juvenile Association will naturally be altogether worked in and from the Sunday-school, or at least have the Sunday-school as its centre. In another parish the population may be wholly middle and upper class, and there may be no Sunday-school at all, or only a quasi Sunday-school for the children of the congregation. Still, in most cases, there are both classes of young people; and the usual plan then is to have a general Juvenile Association, through which the Sunday-school contributions are paid, without any distinct organisation within the Sunday-school itself. While individual children of the congregation are enrolled as "members," the Sunday-school is simply regarded as an irregular adjunct of the Association, without any attempt being made to enrol the Sunday-scholars as individuals. Nor can this be easily done by a secretary unconnected with the Sunday-school. It is well, therefore, to have an organised Association within the Sunday-school, with its own officers and enrolled members; which will, as a rule, be a branch of the Juvenile Association. In the case of Sunday-schools supporting an extra-parochial Juvenile Association for a town or district, it is still more important for each school to have its own missionary organisation in order to keep up local interest.

In some cases, however, where the "Sunday-school" includes large Bible classes of young men and women, it is a question whether the Sunday-school fund should go through the Juvenile Association at all, and whether the two agencies should not form independent branches of the general Parochial (or District) Association. In one quasi Sunday-school in London, comprising some eighty boys of the middle and upper classes, the members would be much offended if their contributions (about £12 a year) were credited to the "Juvenile Association."

(To be continued.)

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