signed and sealed with the Saviour's own hand. Let no man's heart fail him at the thought of having slighted Christ in the matter of his own marriage, for it is not too late, even now, to repair the injury. If the anniversary of your wedding is near, let that day be a time of special prayer, and reconciliation with this beloved, heavenly Friend. Whether it be near, or at some distance, go this day with her who, with you, neglected Christ on that occasion, and, hand in hand, kneel before him, and implore his presence and his blessing for the remainder of your way. But, if that companion be no more, seek him who knows all your history; and, in the multitude of your thoughts within you, his comforts will delight your soul. Many a scene of joy and gladness will yet be celebrated by many to whom I have the pleasure to preach. Let me charge you to take no step in such a transaction without making Christ your Friend and Counsellor. He will be specially interested in all that you propose, and in all that is proposed to you, in such connection. Make Christ one of your guests. Send to him by special prayer, and, with your chosen friend and future companion, say to him, 'If thy presence go not with us, carry us not up hence.' We read in the subsequent history of Christ, So Jesus came again into Cana, where he made the water wine.' Can we doubt that his interest in that transaction, and in those friends who bade him to their wedding, led him to visit them in their abode? Thus, though your dwelling be like humble Cana, and you, like the bridegroom and bride there, may not be widely known, Jesus, being specially honored by you in the beginning of your marriage relation, will often visit your abode, turn every common pleasure of your life into a witness that his hand is in it, and seal your earthly happiness by enabling you to appropriate those words: “BLESSED SERMON V. THE TWELVE APOSTLES. REVELATION XXI. 14. AND THE WALL OF THE CITY HAD TWELVE FOUNDATIONS, AND IN THEM THE NAMES OF THE TWELVE APOSTLES OF THE LAMB. THE object of the representation in the text is, no doubt, in part, to bestow exceeding honor upon the apostles of Christ. Heaven is represented as a city, with a wall great and high, with twelve courses of foundation stones, most precious; and conspicuous in those twelve stones are inscribed, here and there, the names of the apostles. It would be difficult to conceive of a greater mark of honor. The builders of cities are celebrated in history, but here are men whose names are associated with the very foundations of that heavenly city, the "new Jerusalem," "which is above all." We will consider I. THE CALL OF THESE MEN TO THE APOSTLESHIP. The Saviour, after that John was put in prison, came into Galilee, "preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye, and believe the gospel." Walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw "Simon Peter and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea, for they were fishers. And Jesus said unto them, Follow me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him." There had been a previous interview between him and these two men, in consequence of the words spoken by John the Baptist to Andrew and another. Simon had been brought by Andrew, his brother, to Christ, and Christ had surnamed him Peter. They had not, however, followed him constantly, as disciples, till they were called from their boat, on the same day that the two sons of Zebedee, James and John, received a similar call from their boat, and followed Christ. These were with their father in the ship, "mending their nets; and they left their father in the ship with the hired servants, and went after him." Their mother was Salome. Passing by the place where the customs were received, Christ saw Matthew sitting at his business, and he said, "Follow me; " and he arose, left all, and followed him. Matthew is also called Levi, who made a feast for Christ, and many publicans sat down with him. The day following the interview with Andrew and Peter, Jesus "would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me." These six disciples are all of the twelve of whose call we have any account. The other six are these: BARTHOLOMEW, of whom we know nothing. Some, indeed, suppose that he was the same as Nathanael of Cana, because he is mentioned by John, in the last chapter of his Gospel, as present, with the disciples, when Christ appeared to them, and ate with them, on the sea shore. But this is a mere supposition. SIMON, the Canaanite, or Zelotes, - not that he was from Cana, but the word, Canaanite, is a SyroChaldaic word, whose Greek translation is, Zelotes, or a man of zeal. The sect of "Zealots," so called, were men distinguished for their zeal in sustaining Jewish institutions, and procuring the punishment of offences against the ceremonial law and the traditions of the elders; though the sect did not prevail, to any great extent, till just before the destruction of Jerusalem. Of this Simon, also, we know nothing; it being probable that in all the cases in which Simon is named, Peter is intended, as being the elder of the two. It is doubtful whether he is the Simon, as some think he is, who was named by the Jews, on one occasion, with James, and Joses, and Jude, as the brother of our Lord, or |