The Friends of Christ in the New Testament: Thirteen DiscoursesT.R. Marvin and S.K. Whipple, 1853 - 295 من الصفحات |
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angels apostles bear believe Bible blessed body brother called character child Christian church cross crucified crucifixion dead death disciples divine dying earth earthly eternity faith fear feelings feet follow friend of Christ glory gospel grace grave guest happiness hath heart heaven heavenly hell Holy Ghost honor hope hosanna humble Jerusalem Jesus Jews John the Baptist Joseph Joseph of Arimathea Joseph's tomb Judas King kingdom Lamb of God look Lord Magi marriage Martha Mary Mary Magdalene mercy Messiah mind mother mother of Jesus Nestorians never ointment passover penitent thief perhaps Persia Peter Pharisee pleasure prayer prophets Redeemer regard religion repentance resurrection salvation saved Saviour sepulchre servants Simon sinners sins sons of Zebedee sorrow soul spirit star sufferings suppose thee things thou thought tion tomb truth twelve apostles unto weep wise woman wonder words worship