The Classical Weekly PUBLISHED BY THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE ATLANTIC STATES MANAGING EDITOR CHARLES KNAPP Barnard College, Columbia University ASSOCIATE EDITORS WALTON B. MCDANIEL, University of Pennsylvania H. H. YEAMES, Hobart College VOLUME XII NEW YORK 1918-1919 Part II of THE CLASSICAL WEEKLY, Volume XII, No. 27, Whole No. 341, May 19, 1919 (pages I-IV). CONTENTS LEADING ARTICLES The Reaction of Spain Upon Rome. By J. J. Van Nostrand, Jr. 3-5, 10-13 18-21, 26-29, 35-38 The Place of Winckelmann in the History of Classical Scholarship. By W. W. Hyde. 74-79 82-85 The Relationship of French to Latin. By G. W. Putnam. 85-88 Alcidamas Versus Isocrates; The Spoken Versus the Written Word. By La Rue Van Hook. 89-94 99-102 The Role of the Concept of Infinity in the Work of Lucretius. By C. J. Keyser. 102-104 106-111 An Early Source of Corruption in the Text of Plautus and Terence. By Ernestine P. Franklin. 162-164 Fundamental and Auxiliary Studies of the Classical Teacher. By J. Sachs. 201-206 Classical Conference at the Annual Meeting of the National Education Association, July 2-3, 1918, 1; Proposed National Classical League, 1-3; Dr. Flexner's Critics, 9-10, 17-18, 25-26, 33-35; The Loeb Classical Library: Recent Additions, 49-50, 57-58, 65-66; Professor W. W. Hyde on the Mountains of Greece, 97-99; Professor Greene's Hints and Helps for Students of Latin, 105-106; Catullus 31. 12-13, 113-114; Juvenal 8. 154, 121-123; Caesar, B. G. 2.8, Again, 137-139; President Butler on Education after the War, 161-162; English Literature and the Latin Classics, 169-171, 177-179, 185-188; The Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Thirteenth Annual Meeting, 193-195; Latin in the Grades (Junior High Schools), 201; The General Index of the Classical Journal, 209. REVIEWS Cowles, Frank Hewitt: Gaius Verres. An Historical Study (Gray), 5-7; Aly, Wolf: Hesiods Theogonie, mit Einleitung und kurzem Kommentar versehen (Bolling), 13-15; Hurlbut, Stephen A. and Bradley, Barclay W.: A Notebook of First-Year Latin Vocabulary: Handbook for First-Year Latin Vocabulary (Burchett), 15; Bogart, Elmer E.: Latin Vocabulary (Burchett), 15; Lacey, Raymond Henry: The Equestrian Officials of Trajan and Hadrian (Oldfather), 21-22; Chase, George H.: Catalogue of Arretine The Table of Contents and the Index (Parts II and III of Volume XII, No. 27, Whole No. 341) are the work of Dr. William Stuart Messer, of Barnard College, Columbia University. Reviews-Contd. Pottery (Winter), 31-32; Brewster, Ethel Hampson: Roman Craftsmen and Tradesmen of the Early Empire (Wright), 38-39; Cagnat and Chapot: Manuel D'Archéologie Romaine (Robinson), 44-46; Gardner, Percy: A History of Ancient Coinage 700-300 B. C. (Robinson), 46-47; Kochanowski, Jan: The Dismissal of the Greek Envoys (Knapp), 47; Perkins, Albert S.: Beginning Latin Book (Schnabel), 54-56; Flickinger, Roy C.: The Greek Theater and its Drama (Robinson), 69-71; Keller, William Jacob: Goethe's Estimate of the Greek'and Latin Writers (Saunders), 71-72; Mustard, Wilfred P.: The Eclogues of Fa istus Andrelinus and Joannes Arnolletus (Lockwood), 94-95; D'Alton, J. F.: Horace and His Age (McDaniel), 95-96; Freeman, C. E.: The Oxford Junior Latin Series: Livy 1, Selections from Ovid, Aeneid 4, Aeneid 6 (Knapp), 118-119; King, John R.: M. Tulli Ciceronis Pro Lege Manilia (Knapp), 118-119; Mierow, Charles Christopher: The Essentials of Latin Syntax (Knapp), 118-119; Bourne, Ella: A Study of Tibur (Winter), 120; Moore, Clifford Herschel: Pagan Ideas of Immortality during the Early Roman Empire (Hadzsits),. 126-127; Lofberg, John Oscar: Sycophancy in Athens (Van Hook), 127-128; McGilton, Alice King: A Study of Latin Hymns (Merrill), 128; Sanders, Henry A.: The New Testament Manuscripts in the Freer Collection (Knapp), 135; Jenkins, Thornton: Collar and Daniell's First Year Latin (Allen), 142-144; Stratton, George Malcolm: Theophrastus and the Greek Physiological Psychology before Aristotle (Knapp), 144; Cooper, Lane: The Greek Genius and its Influence (Knapp), 150-152; Messer, William Stuart: The Dream in Homer and Greek Tragedy (McCartney), 155-157; Byrne, Lee: The Syntax of High School Latin (Knapp), 157-158; Ogle, Marbury B.: Catalogue of Casts of Ancient and Modern Gems in the Billings Library, University of Vermont (Knapp), 158-159; Glover, T. R.: From Pericles to Philip (Ferguson), 159160; Reynolds, A. B.: Latin Reader (Howes), 164-165; Royds, Thomas Fletcher: Virgil and Isaiah: A Study of the Pollio (Rolfe), 165-166; Ledoux, Louis V.: The Story of Eleusis (Perry), 166; Hancock, John Leonard: Studies in Stichomythia (Bassett), 166-167; Murray, Gilbert: Religio Grammatici: The Religion of a Man of Letters (Messer), 182-183; Bennett, Charles E.: New Latin Grammar (Ullman), 183; Flickinger, Roy C.: Carmina Latina (Kellogg), 183-184; Geyser, Anthony F.: Musa Americana, First Series (Kellogg), 183-184; Dean, L. R. and Deferrari, R. J.: Selections from Roman Historians (Messer), 184; Pike, Joseph B.: The Short Stories of Apuleius (Messer), 184; Dempsey, T.: The Delphic Oracle: Its Early History (Hewitt), 207-208; White, Edward Lucas: The Unwilling Vestal, A Tale of Rome under the Caesars (McDaniel), 213-215; Niedermann, Max: Essais d'Etymologie et de Critique Verbales Latines (Sturtevant), 215; Harvard Studies in Classical Philology XXIX (Knapp), 215-216. CORRESPONDENCE The Leading of Latin Poetry, W. H. D. Rouse, C. Knapp, 29-31. REPORTS OF ASSOCIATIONS, CONFERENCES, CLUBS, ETC. The Latin League of Wisconsin Colleges, 15; The New York Classical Club, 22-24, 62, 96, 135, 167-168; The Horace Club of Philadelphia, 47; The Classical Club of Greater Boston, 62, 168; The Classical League of Philadelphia, 62, 144; The Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Liberal Studies, 62-63, 128, 216; Classical Conference at Princeton, 79; The New Jersey Classical Association, 80; The Classical Club of Philadelphia, 80, 128, 168, 175; The Philological Association of the Pacific Coast, 111-112; The Chicago Classical Club, 120, 168; The Thirteenth Annual Meeting of The Classical Association of the Atlantic States, 137; The Classical Association of Pittsburgh and Vicinity, 175; The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 176; The Classical Association of New England, Fourteenth Annual Meeting, 192. MISCELLANEOUS Modern Military Effectives and the Nervian Campaigns, M. Radin, 8; Horace, Sermones 1.4.34, C. Knapp, 16; References to the Classics in the New York Times and in the New York Evening Sun, C. Knapp, 32; Derivative Blanks, C. Knapp, 32; A Plea for Christian Authors, C. Knapp, 39-40; A Correction, F. H. Cowles, 47; The Aeaean Isle, H. E. Mierow, 48; Humanistic Imitations of Lucretius, W. P. Mustard, 48; Mr. Perkins's Rejoinder, 56; Latin and Medicine, E. B. Lease, 63; Mr. H. G. Wells and the Functional Deities of Classical Antiquity, H. E. Mierow, 64; The American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Classics, C. Knapp, 80; The New York Evening Sun and the Classics, C. Knapp, 96; Three-Hundredth Anniversary of the Perse School, 104; College Announcements and the Classics, 112; The Dial and the Classics, 112; An Ancient Service Flag, 112; President Neilson and the Classics, C. Knapp, 136; A Latin Sonnet of Giovanni Cotta, W. P. Mustard, 136; A Correction by Professor Greene, 152; Symposium on the Value of the Classics: An Important Pamphlet, C. Knapp, 160; Quotiens Revocatum, J. O. Lofberg, 164; Why the Classics? (Reprint from The Concordiensis of Union College), 167; Juvenal 8.150-154, E. H. Sturtevant and C. Knapp, 175-176; Pluto and the Trident, F. W. Wrigh, 176, 192; Query Concerning the Toga, F. A. Dakin, 216. GREEK AND LATIN VERSIONS Icarus Alter, J. C. Reville, S. J., 8; Miles Iuvenis, A. F. Geyser, S. J., 8; Rei Publicae Cantus in Tempore Belli, C. C. Mierow, 16; Four Latin Songs: Carmen Horae Vespertinae, H. C. Nutting, 40; Passeres, E. J. Strittmatter, 63; He Came and Took Me by the Hand (Ralph Hodgson), in Greek, E. J. Strittmatter, 63: Militis Somnium, A. F. Geyser, S. J., 64. CLASSICAL ARTICLES IN NON-CLASSICAL PERIODICALS Pages 16, 111, 135-136, 160, 176. OCT 10 1918 The Classical Weekly Published weekly, on Mondays, except in weeks in which there is a legal or a School holiday, from October 1 to May 31, at Barnard College, New York City. Subscription price, $2.00 per volume. Entered as second-class matter November 18, 1907, at the Post Office, New York, N. Y., under the Act of Congress of VOL. XII, No. 1 March 1, 1879 |