صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

MAY 22 1918

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Part II of THE CLASSICAL WEEKLY, Volume XI, No. 28, May 20, 1918 (pages I-IV).

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German Vocabulary: English from German, through Latin. By G. W. Putnam.


French Auxiliaries. By C. H. Swan.


One Practical Method of Teaching Latin Scansion. By Edward L. White..


Mythology of All Races. Volume I: Greek and Roman (Robinson), 22-23; Rider, Bertha C.: The Greek House: Its History and Development from the Neolithic Period to the Hellenistic Age (Shear), 23-34; Cooper, Lane: A Concordance to the Works of Horace (Knapp), 28-29; Edwards, John B.: The Demesman in Attic Life (Botsford), 29-30; Poteat, H. M.: Selected Letters of Cicero (Bowen), 30-31; Byrne, Sister Marie José: Prolegomena to an Edition of the Works of Decimus Magnus Ausonius (Rolfe), 31; Tatlock, Jessie M.: Greek and Roman Mythology (Crosby), 31-32; Mendell, C、W.: Latin Sentence Connection (Nutting), 37-39; Emmanuel, Maurice: The Antique Greek Dance, after Sculptured and Painted Figures. Translated by Harriet J. Beauley (Shear), 39-40; Babcock, Edwina S.: Greek Wayfarers and Other Poems (Crosby), 45-46; Bouchier, E. S.: Syria as a Roman Province (Magoffin), 46-48; Shorey, Paul: The Assault on Humanism (Milden), 48; Whitehead, A. C.: The Standard Bearer: A Story of Army Life in the Time of Caesar (Dunn), 54-56; Walters, H. B.: A Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, Biography, Geography and Mythology (Rolfe), 64; Wier, Marion C.: The Prometheus Bound of Aeschylus (Crosby), 78-79; Smyth, Herbert Weir: A Greek Grammar for Schools and Colleges (Smith), 79-80; Cross, R. Nicol: Socrates: The Man and His Mission (English), 84-87; Dussaud, René: Les civilisations préhelléniques dans le bassin de la Mer Égée (Shear), 94-95; Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Volume 28 (Sturtevant), 95; Allen, G. B.: Selected Letters of Pliny (Messer), 96; D'Ooge, Benjamin L. and Eastman, Frederick C.: Caesar in Gaul (Mitchell), 102-103; Ridgeway, William: The Dramas and Dramatic Dances of Non-European Races in Special Reference to the Origin of Greek Tragedy (Flickinger), 107-110; Jackson, William W.: Ingram Bywater. The Memoir of an Oxford Scholar, 1840-1914 (Scoggin), 110; Blomfield, H. G.: The Argonautica of Gaius Valerius Flaccus Setinus Balbus, Book I, Translated into English Prose, with Introduction and Notes (Knapp), 110-111; Clark, Charles Upson and Game, Josiah Bethea: First Latin (Hodgman), 118-119; Dean, Lindley Richard: A Study of the Cognomina of Soldiers in the Roman Legions (Oldfather), 125-127; Robinson, C. E.: The Days of Alkibiades (Jones), 127-128; Trever, Albert Augustus: A History of Greek Economic Thought (Prentice), 135-136; Sturtevant, E. H.: Linguistic Change: An Introduction to the Historical Study of Language (Bolling), 148-150; Banks, Edgar J.: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (Robinson), 150-151; Livingstone, R. W.: A Defense of Classical Education (Lodge), 155-156; Husband, Richard Wellington: The Prosecution of Jesus: Its Date, History and Legality (Radin), 156-159; Dutton, Emily Helen: Studies in Greek Prepositional Phrases (Sturtevant), 159-160; McLemore, James S.: The Tradition of the Latin Accent (Sturtevant), 160; Chickering, E. C.: First Latin Reader (Allen), 165-166; Allen, James Turney: The First Year of Greek (Bennett), 166; Carpenter, Rhys: The Ethics of Euripides (Prentice), 172-173; Green, John C., Jr.: Graphic Latin (Dakin), 173-175; Dawkins, R. M.: Modern Greek in Asia Minor. A Study of the Dialects of Silli, Cappadocia and Phárasa, with Grammar, Texts, Translations and Glossary (Robinson), 175; Robinson, George W.: The Life of Saint Severinus, by Eugippius (Mierow), 181-182; Macgregor, J. M.: The Olynthiac Speeches of Demosthenes (Scribner), 182-184; Lindsay, W. M.: Notae Latinae: an Account of Abbreviation in Latin MSS. of the Early Minuscule Period (Clark), 189-190; Wilkins, Eliza Gregory: "Know Thyself" in Greek and Latin Literature (Howes), 198-199; Richter, Gisela M. A.: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Handbook of the Classical Collection (Knapp), 200; Spring, Evelyn: A Study of Exposition in Greek Tragedy (Stuart), 205-207; Burns, C. Delisle: Greek Ideals: A Study of Greek Life (Van Hook), 207-208; Forsythe, John Evans and Gummere, Richard Mott: Junior Latin (Scudder), 213-214.


University of Michigan Studies, Humanistic Series, 112; A Translation of Legrand's Daos, 120; A New Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum, 200.


The New York (Latin =) Classical Club, 7, 40, 80, 96, 144, 168, 192, 216; The Washington Classical Club, 7-8, 224; Latin League of Wisconsin Colleges, 8; The Classical Association of Pittsburgh and Vicinity, 15-16; Classical Conference at Vassar College, 40, 48; Classical Conference at Syracuse, 56, 103; A Conference of College Latin Departments at Vassar College, 71-72; The Classical Club of Philadelphia, 72, 88, 120, 136, 167,216; The Classical League of Philadelphia, 88, 167; The Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Twelfth Annual Meeting, 136, 193-194, 223-224; Essex County Greek Club, 160; The Classical Association of New England, Thirteenth Annual Meeting, 190-191.

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