صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

original verse rendering of the story of Numa and Egeria. In smoothly flowing Alexandrines Professor Smith told the story simply, with delightful touches of humor and fancy, and brought it to a close that satisfied the requirements of good folk-lore. The telling illustrated once more Professor Smith's power to make ancient Rome live again.

MABEL C. HAWES, Secretary.


A Latin dramatization of a distinctive character has been made and produced at the Western High School, Baltimore. It is called Aeneas of Troy and has for its keynote Italia, not Dido. The lines are chiefly Vergil's own, and the stage directions are largely from the text. The scenes are laid in Troy, Delos, Crete, Carthage, and the World of Shades.

The story was dramatized by Miss Mary B. Rockwood, with the assistance of Vergil students, and was a direct outcome of class-room work. This, together with a Vestal Virgin Drill, composed An Evening with the Latin Club, given under the direction of the following teachers-the Misses Rockwood, Nicholson, Hudgins, Murray, and Englar.


Ich sprach zur Sonne: "Sprich, was ist die Liebe?"
Sie gab nicht Antwort, gab nur goldnes Licht.
Ich sprach zur Blume: "Sprich, was ist die Liebe?"
Sie gab mir Düfte, doch die Antwort nicht.

Ich sprach zum Ew'gen: "Sprich, was ist die Liebe?"
Ist's heil'ger Ernst? Ist's süsse Tändelei?"
Da gab mir Gott ein Weib, ein treues, liebes,
Und nimmer fragt' ich, was die Liebe sei.

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On August 2, 1826, in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Daniel Webster delivered A Discourse in Commemoration of the Lives and Services of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Toward the close of this Discourse are two paragraphs, of decided interest to champions of the Classics.

"The last public labor of Mr. Jefferson <the establishment of the University of Virginia> naturally suggests the expression of the high praise which is due, both to him and to Mr. Adams, for their uniform and zealous attachment to learning, and to the cause of general knowledge. Of the advantages of learning, indeed, and of literary accomplishments, their own characters were striking recommendations and illustrations. They were scholars, ripe and good scholars; widely acquainted with ancient, as well as modern literature, and not altogether uninstructed in the

deeper sciences. Their acquirements, doubtless, were different, and so were the particular objects of their literary pursuits; as their tastes and characters, in these respects, differed like those of other men. Being, also, men of busy lives, with great objects requiring action constantly before them, their attainments in letters did not become showy or obtrusive. Yet I would hazard the opinion, that if we could now ascertain all the causes which gave them eminence and distinction in the midst of the great men with whom they acted, we should find not among the least their early acquisitions in literature, the resources which it furnished, the promptitude and facility which it communicated, and the wide field it opened for analogy and illustration; giving them thus, on every subject, a larger view and a broader range, as well for discussion as for the government of their own conduct.

Literature sometimes disgusts, and pretension to it much oftener disgusts, by appearing to hang loosely on the character, like something foreign or extraneous, not a part, but an ill-adjusted appendage; or by seeming to overload and weigh it down by its unsightly bulk, like the productions of bad taste in architecture, where there is massy and cumbrous ornament without strength or solidity of column. This has exposed learning, and especially classical learning, to reproach. Men have seen that it might exist without mental superiority, without vigor, without good taste, and without utility. But in such cases classical learning has only not inspired natural talent; or, at most, it has but made original feebleness of intellect, and natural bluntness of perception, something more conspicuous. The question, after all, if it be a question, is, whether literature, ancient as well as modern, does not assist a good understanding, improve natural good taste, add polished armor to native strength, and render its possessor, not only more capable of deriving private happiness from contemplation and reflection, but more accomplished also for action in the affairs of life, and especially for public action. Those whose memories we now honor were learned men; but their learning was kept in its proper place, and made subservient to the uses and objects of life. They were scholars, not common nor superficial; but their scholarship was so in keeping with their character, so blended and inwrought, that careless observers, or bad judges, not seeing an ostentatious display of it, might infer that it did not exist; forgetting, or not knowing, that classical learning in men who act in conspicuous public stations, perform duties which exercise the faculty of writing, or address popular, deliberative, or judicial bodies, is often felt where it is little seen, and sometimes felt more effectually because it is not seen at all".


In the contest held last Spring under the control of The Latin League of Wisconsin Colleges (see THE CLASSICAL WEEKLY 10.8) Miss Mildred Silver, of Lawrence College, took first place, winning the gold medal and the Louis G. Kirchner Memorial Prize of $250; Miss Mathilda Mathisen, of Ripon College, took second place (silver medal); Miss Jessica North, of Lawrence College, was third in rank (bronze medal); First Honorable Mention was awarded to Miss Ruth Bradish, of Lawrence, and Second Honorable Mention to Ripon College.

Lawrence College won the Annis Wilson Trophy Cup for the coming year, since she had the strongest team in the contest. ELLSWORTH DAVID WR GHT, Secretary.

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Game of the Latin Noun, new; may be played by all grades including beginners. Price, 50 cents.

Verb Games, a series of five games, each 29c.; 1 and 2, on principal parts; 3 and 4, on verb forms; No. 5, on verb terminations.

Game of Latin Authors, price, $1.04.

These games always please and profit; are highly recommended by teachers and pupils. Any or all sent postpaid on receipt of price. Stamps accepted.

THE LATIN GAME CO. Appleton, Wis.

THE CLASSICAL WEEKLY is published by The Classical Association of the Atlantic States, weekly, on Mondays from October I to May 31 inclusive, except in weeks in which there is a legal or school holiday, at Barnard College, Broadway and 120th St., New York City.

All persons within the territory of the Association who are interested in the language, the literature, the life and the art of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, whether actually engaged in teaching the Classics or not, are eligible to membership in the Association. Application for membership may be made to the Secretary-Treasurer, Charles Knapp, Barnard College, New York. The annual dues (which cover also the subscription to THE CLASSICAL WEEKLY) are two dollars. The territory covered by the Association includes New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia. Outside the territory of the Association the subscription price of THE CLASSICAL WEEKLY is two dollars per year. If affidavit to bill for subscription is required, the fee must be paid by the subscriber. Subscribers in Canada or other foreign countries must send 30 cents extra for postage.

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8-12 East 34th Street, NEW YORK


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SENTENTIAE I affords practice in the use of the dative (indirect object) and
the accusative (direct object).

SENTENTIAE II affords practice in the use of the ablative of means and the
ablative of personal agent.

SENTENTIAE III affords practice in the use of the locative, accusative, and
ablative cases to express the various ideas of place.

Each game consists of 58 cards and may be played
either in the class-room or at Club meetings. The
games are equally interesting to beginners and
more advanced students.

Statements from teachers who have used the Games:

"SENTENTIAE I, II and III were received by my beginning classes with great enthusiasm
Not only do they enliven the work of the class-room and awaken the interest of all, but
they also demand and tend to increase familiarity with Latin vocabulary and syntax. No
one need feel that the pupils are wasting time playing at Latin with these games in their
hands. They are actually learning Latin".

The Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa.

"Some few weeks ago the pupils of my Latin Research Club used the SENTENTIAE games with a great deal of enjoyment. I would say that the games are interesting and educational, and can be used to advantage in any Latin class or club as supplementary material".

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Prepared under the supervision of John Williams White, Thomas D. Seymour, late Pro-
fessor of the Greek Language and Literature in Yale University, and Charles Burton
Gulick, Professor of Greek in Harvard University, with the cooperation of eminent
scholars, each of whom is responsible for the details of the work in the volume which he edits.

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Another Step in First Year Latin

HURLBUT AND BRADLEY'S NOTEBOOK FOR FIRST YEAR LATIN VOCABULARY is intended to supplement Professor Lodge's Vocabulary of High School Latin in two important respects. Besides determining the most important words for the first year, it takes account of word relationships. It contains about 650 Latin words classified under nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc., which are again sub-divided by declensions, conjugations, etc.

Throughout the Notebook the Latin words are printed on the left-hand pages. On the blank pages opposite the student is expected to enter the English meaning of each new word, as he comes across them for the first time in the Vocabularies of his lesson book. Blank spaces are left for other words.

The basis of selection of the Latin words has been (1) primitive words, which form a foundation for the study of derivatives and compounds; and (2) words more truly representative of general Latin reading than is possible when the choice of words is determined largely by frequency of occurrence in Caesar's Gallic War.

Hurlbut & Bradley's Notebook
for First-Year Latin Vocabulary

By STEPHEN A. HURLBUT, M.A., Latin Master in the Clark School, New York, N. Y., and
BARCLAY W. BRADLEY, Ph.D., Instructor in Latin, the College of the City of New York.

Price, 24 cents.

TEACHER'S HANDBOOK, Price, 24 cents.


New York





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