صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

when he stood for and carried the | not only did he frame petitions and ad

dresses; not only did he deliver speeches in the House and stir in elections; but even his diocesan charges and episcopal functions were tinged with party politics, and man, peer, and bishop, were

Regius Professorship, neither a Bachelor nor Doctor of Divinity, which he says, "puzzled me for a moment: I had only seven days to transact the business in; but by hard travelling, and some adroitness, I accomplished my pur-alike whig-whig. Had we not most pose, obtained the king's mandate for a doctor's degree, and was created a doctor on the day previous to that appointed for the examination of the candidates."

Though Dr. Watson's diligence soon made him an accomplished chemist, it is a no less remarkable trait of Cambridge characteristics to elect a man to instruct others in a science of which he himself was utterly ignorant of the divinity appointment we say nothing, as our author seems only to regret that he was not a good prosodian, and we take it for granted he had no other deficiencies, to render him ineligible for that important station.


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constitution" (we have said it was ardent) being, as he informs us, page 44, "ill fitted for celibacy," Dr. W. thought it better to marry than burn, and on the 21st of December 1773 espoused, at Lancaster, Miss Wilson, the eldest daughter of Edward Wilson, Esq. of Dallum Tower, Westmoreland, and the day after set out to take possession of a sinecure rectory in North Wales, procured for him by the Duke of Grafton, which he afterwards exchanged for a prebend in the church of Ely. In July, 1782, he was, through the Duke of Rutland's interest, promoted to the bishopric of Landaff by Lord Shelburne, who at that period succeeded to the administration, vacant by the death of Lord Rockingham. This was the top of his preferment, and as richer bishopricks passed away from his ambition, and were given to other, younger, and probably less learned competitors, he soured and be came discontented; blamed by turns the King, the Queen, Mr. Pitt, Lord Grenville, or whoever was minister at the time, for overlooking his transcendent merit, and bestowing their favours on more pliant divines, and more subservient partizans, whom they pretend to choose for their orthodoxy and agreement in principles.

Fretted, but not subdued, Dr. Watson took an active part in the politics of the day; too active, as we think, for a dignitary of the church. Not only did he write anonymously in the journals, and utter pamphlets from the press;

distinctly stated our sentiments in reviewing a tory-sermon, that of Mr. Bates at St. Paul's (Literary Gazette, page 310) we should refrain on this occasion from declaring how much we disapprove of mingling politics with religion; the wrangling of men with the worship of God. In this respect the spiritual merged in the temporal with Dr. W. and he paints himself rather as the sturdy citizen, obstinate and disputatious for his rights, than as the meek churchman, not neglectful of his privileges as a Briton, but holding even these secondary to his holier offices as a Christian teacher, whose views extended beyond this sphere, and all its petty passions, and whose paramount duty to his brethren it was to

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"Allure to brighter worlds, and lead the way." Dr. Horsley called Dr. Hoadley republican bishop :" a great reproach; for unless a bishop meddled more with such things than became his situation, he would not be liable even to a false imputation of this kind. Dr. Watson disclaims being a republican, but loudly asserts his being a reformer, a lover of the revolution, a Liberal, and a hearty whig.

The late Mr. Luther, M. P. for Essex, having in 1761 quarrelled with and separated from his wife, Dr. Watson hastened to Paris after his friend, and succeeded in bringing about a reconciliation. This was afterwards remembered in Mr. Luther's Will, by which the bishop was enriched to the amount of 20,000l. In disgust with the unavailing pursuit of higher dignities, upon this sum, and he limited revenues of Landaff, Dr. W. applied himself to agriculture, and was very successful in the cultivation of trees, and other experiments on a considerable scale, by which he added handsomely to his income. He again and again protests that he has relinquished politics; but still on every occasion we find him volunteering advice to the ministers, and either piqued at the little attention sometimes paid to his suggestions, or taking to himself great praise for having originated in this way measures of much consequence, which in the course

of years were carried into effect. This is ludicrous enough in P. P. Clerk of the Parish, "and as I said, lo! so did they;" but in such a man as the Bishop of Landaff it is literally astonishing. We could not. credit it upon any authority but his own; the authority of the most unlimited egotism that was ever linked to sterling and exalted powers of mind.

This overweening foible breaks out on every instance. The late Mr. Cumberland wrote a pamphlet in answer to a publication of Dr. Watson's (Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury), of which he says :

"But he knew nothingof the subject, and misrepresented my design. He laid himself so open in every page of his performance, that, could I have condescended to answer him, I should have made him sick of writing pamphlets for the rest of his life."

This was in 1782; but in proof how sore Cumberland's despised pamphlets made him, we have them frequently noticed with signal displeasure, and even in 1806 they are not forgotten. In a letter to Mr. Hayley of 14th June, in the latter year, he says,

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You have cut up Cumberland with skill, without dirtying yourself by the nasty operation. What he may have said of me, no curiosity to know, as I am certain that I shall never be at the trouble of either correcting his misapprehensions, or refuting his malignity. I am aware that many years ago, he wrote two pamphlets against me, or rather against my political principles; for I had no personal acquaintance with him, and therefore could not have offended him. On reading one of these two productions, I sat down to answer it; but I soon found that I was heating myself with cudgelling a dwarf, and, disdaining such a miserable occupation, I threw my weapons into the fire, and left him to sleep in peace:"

This is a sinister compliment to Mr. Hayley, who is commended as a dexte rous combatant in cutting up his equal the dwarf. But Dr. Watson is never prone to put any person's talents in competition with his own. All those who argue against him are mere Hansy Lilliputians, and he is the very Gulliver of politics and literature. Paley is tolerably clever, but his ethics and politics only so-so; Mr. Pitt a man of a "little and revengeful mind," (page 238); Lord Eldon (who neglected to answer one of the Bishop's letters) of very limited capacity; Dr. Cornwallis, Archbishop of Canterbury, (guilty of the same fault) wife-ridden, and of no abilities; and, in short, every being, who either opposed, or slighted, or dif

fered from the infallible Bishop of Landaff, were ignorant, or venal, or weak. It is to be confessed, however, that he is not invariably consistent in these opinions. It was immediately after the Bishoprick of Durham was disposed of, contrary to his application to Mr. Pitt, that the latter is spoken of in the illiberal manner we have quoted: elsewhere (page 429) the Bishop says, "I always had a regard for him," and "I knew that his talents and disinterestedness merited my esteem, and that of every impartial man!!"

Similar inconsistency appears on many of the subjects which are broached in these anecdotes. Neither on the Catholic question, on the Irish Union, on the French Revolution, nor on other important topics, is there that uniformity of sentiment which we expected from so able a reasoner. But the truth is, that with all Dr. W.'s boasts of sturdy independence, it is clear that his passions operated strongly at different periods, as he hoped for, or was disappointed in promotion, in affecting his views of men and things. Though he tells us, indecorously enough,

"I had not the usual prudence, shall I call it, or selfish caution, of my profession, at any time of life. Ortus a quercu non a salice, I knew not how to lend my principles to the circumstances of the times."

We do not observe that he missed many opportunities of urging his claim to vacant Sees, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Bangor, or Canterbury; and in a man whose profession' was the gospel ministry, we hold the above inuendo to be as illiberal as it is unjust. The present Bench of Bishops, many of whom have risen over Dr. Watson and

provoked his spleen, affords as eminent examples of worth, learning, and piety, as ever graced the annals of the Protestant Church, and such a sneer only recoils with discredit on the head

of its author.

[blocks in formation]

Or Japan so little is truly known, that
nothing can be published respecting
that Empire which is not interesting.
This work is eminently so; for to the
abundant notices it contains of Japan-
ese laws, manners, and customs, it
joins the most affecting narrative of the
adventures and sufferings of the author
and his companions in captivity, than
which romance of real life, no story
ever coined by the brain, can lay a
more irresistible hold on the attention
and feelings of the reader. The East-
ern colouring of the scenery, and cha-
racteristics of the actors greatly en-
hance the novelty and charm of this
eventful history; and the air of fiction
which belongs to the extraordinary
circumstances of which it is composed
is advantageously contrasted with its
truth, carrying conviction with every
particular, and with the simplicity of a
relation at once extraordinary and un-

Narrative of my Captivity in Japan, fifty of these sorely oppressed people,
during the years 1811, 1812, and whose bodies are entirely covered with
1813; with Observations on the Country short hairs, and whom their Japanese
and the People. By CAPTAIN GOLOW- conquerors use like the beasts, which,
NIN, R.N. 2 vols. 8vo. &c. &c.
in this covering, they resemble. From
this island they sailed to the eastern
coast of Ooroop, and encountering
contrary winds for some time, on
the 4th of July they reached the
Straits between Matsmai and Kimas-
chier, into the harbour of the latter
of which they entered on the following
morning. It would extend this sketch
far beyond the limits we prescribe for
it, were we to enter into a detail of all
the transactions which ensued between
Captain Golownin and the Japanese.
Suffice it to say, that he, with two
officers, (Mr. Moor, a midshipman,
and Mr. Chlebnikoff, a pilot,) four
sailors, and a Russian Kurile named
Alexei, in all eight persons, were enticed
on shore to a conference, surrounded
by armed men, seized, tied with ropes,
and marched prisoners up the country.
The senior officer on board the Diana,
Lieut. Ricord, could do nothing to re-
lieve his companions, thus treacher-
ously entrapped, and returned to Okotzk
to devise with the Russian governor
the means for their deliverance. Mean-
while, bound in the eruelest manner,
with cords round their breasts and necks,
their elbows almost constrained to
touch, and their hands firmly manacled
together, from all which fastenings a
string, held by a Japanese keeper, pro-
ceeded, who could in an instant tighten
the nooses to helplessness or strangu-
lation, these unfortunate men were
marched for fifty days, till they reached
a prison at a city called Chakodale.
Thence, after being confined some time,
they were transported to Matsmai,
where they were literally imprisoned in
large cages. Here they underwent
daily and protracted examinations of

It appears that the Emperor of
Russia attempted to open a commercial
intercourse with Japan, in 1803, through
the negotiation of the Chamberlain
Resanoff, which ended in a prohibition
from that jealous government, forbid
ding all Russian vessels to approach the
coasts of Japan. Resanoff afterwards
sailed to America in one of the Ameri-
can Company's ships, commanded by
Lieut. Chwostoff, and died soon after
his return to Okotzk. This Chwostoff
seems to have been a bad subject: he
sailed again, and without provocation
attacked and plundered several Japan-
ese villages on the coasts of the Kurile
Islands, thus widening the misunder-
standing which already existed between the strangest nature; but their treat-
the countries. Of this breach Captain
Golownin was the unfortunate victim.
Having received orders to visit the
southern Kurile Islands, some of which
are in the possession of the Japanese,
he sailed in the Diana sloop, and on
the 17th of June, 1811, arrived off the

northern extremity of Eetoorpoo, where
some cominunication took place with
the inhabitants, who induced the Rus-
sians to sail for Oorbeetsh, under the
hope of obtaining water and provisions.
At Eetoorpoo they saw a toian, or chief,
of that singular aboriginal race of these
islands, the Hairy Kuriles, and about

ment became gradually ameliorated : their food was better, they were removed under a guard to a house, and were frequently allowed to walk for exercise and health. Despairing of being restored to their country, on the 20th of April an attempt at escape was made by all but Moor and Alexei. The fugitives underwent incredible hardships, and after ten days wandering were retaken, and carried back to their cages. They received, however, no further ill-treatment: and the conduct of the government of Japan is painted, in all the prior and subsequent pro


when he stood for and carried the | not only did he frame petitions and ad

dresses; not only did he deliver speeches
in the House and stir in elections; but
even his diocesan charges and episcopal
functions were tinged with party poli-
tics, and man, peer, and bishop, were

Regius Professorship, neither a Bachelor
nor Doctor of Divinity, which he says,
"puzzled me for a moment: I had
only seven days to transact the business
in; but by hard travelling, and some
adroitness, I accomplished my pur-alike whig-whig. Had we not most
pose, obtained the king's mandate for
a doctor's degree, and was created a
doctor on the day previous to that ap-
pointed for the examination of the can-

Though Dr. Watson's diligence soon made him an accomplished chemist, it is a no less remarkable trait of Cambridge characteristics to elect a man to instruct others in a science of which he himself was utterly ignorant of the divinity appointment we say nothing, as our author seems only to regret that he was not a good prosodian, and we take it for granted he had no other deficiencies, to render him ineligible for that important station.

His constitution"

distinctly stated our sentiments in re-
viewing a tory-sermon, that of Mr.
Bates at St. Paul's (Literary Gazette,
page 310) we should refrain on this
occasion from declaring how much we
disapprove of mingling politics with
religion; the wrangling of men with the
worship of God. In this respect the
spiritual merged in the temporal with
Dr. W. and he paints himself rather as
the sturdy citizen, obstinate and dispu-
tatious for his rights, than as the meek
churchman, not neglectful of his pri-
vileges as a Briton, but holding even
these secondary to his holier offices as
a Christian teacher, whose views ex.
tended beyond this sphere, and all its

of years were carried into effect. This is ludicrous enough in P. P. Clerk of the Parish, "and as I said, lo! so did they;" but in such a man as the Bishop of Landaff it is literally astonishing. We could not. credit it upon any authority but his own; the authority of the most unlimited egotism that was ever linked to sterling and exalted powers of mind.

This overweening foible breaks out on every instance. The late Mr. Cumberland wrote a pamphlet in answer to a publication of Dr. Watson's (Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury), of which he says:

"But he knew nothingof the subject, and misrepresented my design. He laid himself so open in every page of his performance, that, could I have condescended to answer him, I should have made him sick of writing pamphlets for the rest of his life."

This was in 1782; but in proof how sore Cumberland's despised pamphlets made him, we have them frequently

(we have said petty passions, and whose paramount noticed with signal displeasure, and

duty to his brethren it was to
"Allure to brighter worlds, and lead the way."

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for unless a bishop meddled more with
such things than became his situation,
he would not be liable even to a false
imputation of this kind. Dr. Watson
disclaims being a republican, but
loudly asserts his being a reformer, a
lover of the revolution, a Liberal, and
a hearty whig.

it was ardent) being, as he informs us,
page 44, "ill fitted for celibacy,"
Dr. W. thought it better to marry than
burn, and on the 21st of December Dr. Horsley called Dr. Hoadley
1773 espoused, at Lancaster, Miss republican bishop :" a great reproach;
Wilson, the eldest daughter of Edward
Wilson, Esq. of Dallum Tower, West-
moreland, and the day after set out to
take possession of a sinecure rectory
in North Wales, procured for him by
the Duke of Grafton, which he after-
wards exchanged for a prebend in the
church of Ely. In July, 1782, he
was, through the Duke of Ruthland's
interest, promoted to the bishopric of
Landaff by Lord Shelburne, who at that
period succeeded to the administration,
vacant by the death of Lord Rocking-
ham. This was the top of his prefer-
ment, and as richer bishopricks passed
away from his ambition, and were given
to other, younger, and probably less
learned competitors, he soured and be
came discontented; blamed by turns
the King, the Queen, Mr. Pitt, Lord
Grenville, or whoever was minister at
the time, for overlooking his transcen-
dent merit, and bestowing their fa-
vours on more pliant divines, and
more subservient partizans, whom they
pretend to choose for their orthodoxy
and agreement in principles.

Fretted, but not subdued, Dr. Watson took an active part in the politics of the day; too active, as we think, for a dignitary of the church. Not only did he write anonymously in the journals, and utter pamphlets from the press;

The late Mr. Luther, M.P. for Essex. having in 1761 quarrelled with and separated from his wife, Dr. Watson hastened to Paris after his friend, and succeeded in bringing about a reconciliation. This was afterwards remembered in Mr. Luther's Will, by which the bishop was enriched to the amount of 20,000/. In disgust with the unavailing pursuit of higher dignities, upon this sum, and he limited revenues of Landaff, Dr. W. applied himself to agriculture, and was very successful in the cultivation of trees, and other experiments on a considerable scale, by which he added handsomely to his income. He again and again protests that he has relinquished politics; but still on every occasion we find him volunteering advice to the ministers, and either piqued at the little attention sometimes paid to his suggestions, or taking to himself great praise for having originated in this way measures of much consequence, which in the course

even in 1806 they are not forgotten. In a letter to Mr. Hayley of 14th June, in the latter year, he says,

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You have cut up Cumberland with

skill, without dirtying yourself by the nasty operation. What he may have said of me, I have no curiosity to know, as I am certain that I shall never be at the trouble of either correcting his misapprehensions, or refuting his malignity. I am aware that many years ago, he wrote two pamphlets against me, or rather against my political principles; for I had no personal acquaintance with him, and therefore could not have offended him.

On reading one of these two productions, I

sat down to answer it; but I soon found that I was heating myself with cudgelling a dwarf, and, disdaining such a miserable occupation, I threw my weapons into the fire, and left him to sleep in peace :"


This is a sinister compliment to Mr. Hayley, who is commended as a dexterous combatant in cutting up his equal the dwarf. But Dr. Watson is never prone to put any person's talents in competition with his own. All those who argue against him are mere flimsy Lilliputians, and he is the very Gulliver of politics and literature. Paley is tolerably clever, but his ethics and politics only so-so; Mr. Pitt a man of a "little and revengeful mind," (page 238); Lord Eldon (who neglected to answer one of the Bishop's letters) of very limited capacity; Dr. Cornwallis, Archbishop of Canterbury, (guilty of the same fault) wife-ridden, and of no abilities; and, in short, every being, who either opposed, or slighted, or dif

during the years 1811, 1812, and
1813; with Observations on the Country
and the People. By CAPTAIN GOLOW-

NIN, R.N. 2 vols. 8vo. &c. &c.

fered from the infallible Bishop of Lan-Narrative of my Captivity in Japan,
daff, were ignorant, or venal, or weak.
It is to be confessed, however, that he
is not invariably consistent in these
opinions. It was immediately after
the Bishoprick of Durham was dis-
posed of, contrary to his application to
Mr. Pitt, that the latter is spoken of in
the illiberal manner we have quoted:
elsewhere (page 429) the Bishop says,
"I always had a regard for him," and
"I knew that his talents and disinter-
estedness merited my esteem, and that
of every impartial man!!"

Similar inconsistency appears on many of the subjects which are broached in these anecdotes. Neither on the Catholic question, on the Irish Union, on the French Revolution, nor on other important topics, is there that uniformity of sentiment which we expected from so able a reasoner. But the truth is, that with all Dr. W.'s boasts of sturdy independence, it is clear that his passions operated strongly at different periods, as he hoped for, or was disappointed in promotion, in affecting his views of men and things. Though he tells us, indecorously enough,

" I had not the usual prudence, shall I call it, or selfish caution, of my profession, at any time of life. Ortus a quercu non a salice, I knew not how to lend my prin

ciples to the circumstances of the times."

We do not observe that he missed many opportunities of urging his claim to vacant Sees, Durham, Carlisle, Chester, Bangor, or Canterbury; and in a man whose 'profession' was the gospel ministry, we hold the above inuendo to be as illiberal as it is unjust. The present Bench of Bishops, many of whom have risen over Dr. Watson and

provoked his spleen, affords as eminent examples of worth, learning, and piety, as ever graced the annals of the Protestant Church, and such a sneer only recoils with discredit on the head

of its author.

We cannot see without pain the name of a person so respectable in other points, connected not only with such imputations as this, but with vulgar insinuations respecting our revered Monarch, his exemplary Queen, and much that is venerable both in individuals and Institutions. It is reported that the editor (the Rev. Richard Watson) has blotted a great deal: does he not now wish that he had blotted more, and not have afforded so much matter for prurient faction to quote

and revel in?

(To be continued.)

OF Japan so little is truly known, that
nothing can be published respecting
that Empire which is not interesting.
This work is eminently so; for to the
abundant notices it contains of Japan-
ese laws, manners, and customs, it
joins the most affecting narrative of the
adventures and sufferings of the author
and his companions in captivity, than
which romance of real life, no story
ever coined by the brain, can lay a
more irresistible hold on the attention
and feelings of the reader. The East-
ern colouring of the scenery, and cha-
racteristics of the actors greatly en-
hance the novelty and charm of this
eventful history; and the air of fiction
which belongs to the extraordinary
circumstances of which it is composed
is advantageously contrasted with its
truth, carrying conviction with every
particular, and with the simplicity of a
relation at once extraordinary and un-

fifty of these sorely oppressed people, whose bodies are entirely covered with short hairs, and whom their Japanese conquerors use like the beasts, which, in this covering, they resemble. From this island they sailed to the eastern coast of Ooroop, and encountering contrary winds for some time, on the 4th of July they reached the Straits between Matsmai and Kimaschier, into the harbour of the latter of which they entered on the following morning. It would extend this sketch far beyond the limits we prescribe for it, were we to enter into a detail of all the transactions which ensued between Captain Golownin and the Japanese. Suffice it to say, that he, with two officers, (Mr. Moor, a midshipman, and Mr. Chlebnikoff, a pilot,) four sailors, and a Russian Kurile named Alexei, in all eight persons, were enticed on shore to a conference, surrounded by armed men, seized, tied with ropes, and marched prisoners up the country. The senior officer on board the Diana, Lieut. Ricord, could do nothing to relieve his companions, thus treacherously entrapped, and returned to Okotzk to devise with the Russian governor the means for their deliverance. Meanwhile, bound in the cruelest manner, with cords round their breasts and necks, their elbows almost constrained to touch, and their hands firmly manacled together, from all which fastenings a string, held by a Japanese keeper, proceeded, who could in an instant tighten the nooses to helplessness or strangulation, these unfortunate men were marched for fifty days, till they reached a prison at a city called Chakodale. Thence, after being confined some time, they were transported to Matsmai, where they were literally imprisoned in large cages. Here they underwent daily and protracted examinations of

It appears that the Emperor of Russia attempted to open a commercial intercourse with Japan, in 1803, through the negotiation of the Chamberlain Resanoff, which ended in a prohibition from that jealous government, forbid ding all Russian vessels to approach the coasts of Japan. Resanoff afterwards sailed to America in one of the American Company's ships, commanded by Lieut. Chwostoff, and died soon after his return to Okotzk. This Chwostoff seems to have been a bad subject: he sailed again, and without provocation attacked and plundered several Japanese villages on the coasts of the Kurile Islands, thus widening the misunderstanding which already existed between the strangest nature; but their treat

the countries. Of this breach Captain
Golownin was the unfortunate victim.
Having received orders to visit the
southern Kurile Islands, some of which
are in the possession of the Japanese,
he sailed in the Diana sloop, and on
the 17th of June, 1811, arrived off the
northern extremity of Eetoorpoo, where
some cominunication took place with
the inhabitants, who induced the Rus-
sians to sail for Oorbeetsh, under the
hope of obtaining water and provisions.
At Eetoorpoo they saw a toian, or chief,
of that singular aboriginal race of these
islands, the Hairy Kuriles, and about

ment became gradually ameliorated: their food was better, they were removed under a guard to a house, and were frequently allowed to walk for exercise and health. Despairing of being restored to their country, on the 20th of April an attempt at escape was made by all but Moor and Alexei. The fugitives underwent incredible hardships, and after ten days wandering were retaken, and carried back to their cages. They received, however, no further ill-treatment: and the conduct of the government of Japan is painted, in all the prior and subsequent pro

ceedings, as a very curious mixture of severity and kindness; always equable, and always suspicious, aiming at the discovery of the motives of Russia, through investigations the most patient, persevering, and cunning; immoveable in adhering to established forms and laws; but withal doing every thing, consistent with the security of their prisoners, to render their loss of liberty as consoling as possible. Some of these matters will be further explained in our extracts : and we hasten to wind up the narrative, by stating, that at the end of two years and two months, the negotiations between Siberia and Japan, conducted by

the friendly zeal of Lieut. Ricord, were brought to a successful issue, the affair of Chwostoff was satisfactorily accounted for, and Captain Golownin and his comrades restored to their families and


The chief part of the facts related in these volumes, being detached from the thread of the main story, which details the proceedings of the Japanese authorities, and the behaviour of the prisoners, it will not be easy to preserve any very regular connexion in those points which we select as best calculated to illustrate the peculiar habits and situation of this country; but if the mass furnishes, as we think it will, a lively picture of what is most worthy of observation, we trust the matter will be an apology for the manner.

Among the Japanese customs, it is one not the least singular, to cover all their fortification outside with cloth, as if to dress the walls for war. White, black, and dark blue striped hangings, conceal entirely the nature of these defences. Their guns are few, and in bad condition; and their gunpowder of an inferior quality. The dress, &c. of the officers and soldiers may be gathered from the following:

"I had not long to wait for the governor (of Kimaschier, the person who managed their seizure): he soon appeared, completely armed, and accompanied by two soldiers, one of whom carried his long spear, and the other his cap, or helmet, which was adorned with a figure of the moon. In other respects it somewhat resembled the crowns which are occasionally worn at nuptial-ceremonies in Russia. It is scarcely possible to conceive any thing more ludicrous than the manner in which the governor walked his eyes were cast down and fixed upon the earth, his hands pressed close against his sides; he besides proceeded at so slow a pace, that he scarcely extended one foot beyond the

other, and kept his feet as wide apart as though a stream of water had been running betwixt them."

The next visit on shore was the fatal one of the 11th of July:

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We proceeded to the castle. On entering the gate, I was astonished at the number of men I saw assembled there. Of soldiers alone, I observed from three to four hundred, armed with muskets, bows and arrows, and spears, sitting in a circle, in an open space to the right: on the left a countless multitude of Kuriles surrounded a tent of striped cotton cloth, erected about thirty paces from the gate.

"We were soon introduced into the tent, on a seat opposite to the entrance of which the governor had placed himself. He wore a rich silk dress, with a complete

suit of armour, and had two sabres under his girdle. A long cord of white silk passed over his shoulder; at one end of this cord was a tassel of the same material, and at the other a steel baton, which he held in his hand, and which was doubtless the symbol of his authority. His armourbearers, one holding a spear, another a musket, and a third his helmet, sat behind him on the floor. The helmet resembled that of the second officer, with this difference, that instead of the moon, it bore the image of the sun. This officer now sat on the left of the governor (the left is the seat of honour among the Japanese), on a seat somewhat lower; he too had his armourbearers behind him. Four officers were sitting cross-legged on the floor on each side of the tent; they wore black armour, and had each two sabres. On our entrance, the governor and lieutenant-governor both rose up; we saluted them in our own manner, and they returned the compliment."

The entertainment consisted of tea, pipes and tobacco, rice, fish with a green sauce, and other savoury dishes; and concluded, as we have mentioned, with the seizure of the too unsuspicious guests. At other places we find even the common soldiers clothed in rich silks, and their chiefs sometimes holding a sort of balance, as the symbol of authority. The captain of the guard on the prisoners, in approaching one of these upon the march, knelt down, and continued long in conversation, with his head inclined towards the earth.

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A number of their domestic habits described by Captain Golownin, from whose notes we copy the annexed:

"The Japanese beds consist, according to the circumstances of the owners, of large silken or cotton quilts; these quilts are lined with thick wadding, which is taken out previous to their being washed. The Japanese fold thin coverlets double, and spread them on the floor, which, even in the humblest cottages, is covered with beautiful soft straw inats. On retiring to rest, they wrap themselves in large nightdresses, with short full sleeves; these are likewise either of cotton or silk, and are thickly wadded. Instead of pillows, they make use of pieces of wood, carved in various forms. The common people place

under their heads a piece of round wood, hollow at one end, and from custom, sleep as soundly on this as on the softest pillow. The higher, or richer class, make use of a very neat box, about eleven inches high, to the lid of which an oval cushion is affixed, from six to eight inches in length, and from two to three in breadth. The box contains articles which they make use of at the toilette, such as razors, scissors, pomatum, tooth-brushes, powder, &c."

They are a diminutive race of people, and, with very few exceptions, the Russians, though only middle-sized men, looked like giants among them. They eat no meat, and their caution in every business of life bespeaks a degree of timidity which may be denominated cowardice. The whole population, and particularly the women, of whom we hear very little, contemplated the prisoners with pity and compassion. From different individuals, and from their guards, they experienced many a secret kindness. Tea, comfits, fruits, sugar, and sagi, or saki, the wine of Japan, were often privately administered to their wants.

"The Japanese have tea of native growth, both black and green: the former is, however, very bad; it is like the Chinese tea only in colour, but bears no resemblance to it in taste or smell. The Japanese constantly drink it both warm and cold, without sugar, as the Russians do kivass: as for the green tea, they drink it seldom, and as a luxury. They previously roast or heat it at the fire, in paper canisters, until the vapour issuing from it has very strong smell; it is then thrown into a copper teakettle, containing boiling water, and thus acquires a particular flavour, of which the Japanese are very fond, though it proved most disagreeable to us: they have no loaf sugar. Muscovado of the best sort is brought them by the Dutch; * it is sold in


• They call the Dutch "Orando," and the Cape of Good Hope " Kabo."

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