The Christian ObserverHatchard and Company, 1842 |
من داخل الكتاب
الصفحة 2
... feel " By these things men live ; and in these is the life of my spirit . " How fearfully the powers of health , in those who are devoid of restraining and sanctifying grace , minister to sensual indul- gence and worldly dissipation ...
... feel " By these things men live ; and in these is the life of my spirit . " How fearfully the powers of health , in those who are devoid of restraining and sanctifying grace , minister to sensual indul- gence and worldly dissipation ...
الصفحة 5
... feel not their need of Christ , as their only Mediator and Redeemer . But I hasten to contemplate the bright side of the subject ; namely , the moral benefits to which sickness may be subservient . Of these a fresh sense of our entire ...
... feel not their need of Christ , as their only Mediator and Redeemer . But I hasten to contemplate the bright side of the subject ; namely , the moral benefits to which sickness may be subservient . Of these a fresh sense of our entire ...
الصفحة 17
... feel- ing , in the alarms of conscience , their moral pollution , and consequent alienation from a holy God , would stand , as it were , " afar off , " and , self - abased , " lift up their voices , and cry , Jesus , Master , have mercy ...
... feel- ing , in the alarms of conscience , their moral pollution , and consequent alienation from a holy God , would stand , as it were , " afar off , " and , self - abased , " lift up their voices , and cry , Jesus , Master , have mercy ...
الصفحة 30
... feel , that with such sacrifices thou art well pleased . Bless him , O Lord , in his person and in his substance , and in all that belongs unto him , or that he puts his hand unto . Remember him , O my God , for good , and wipe not out ...
... feel , that with such sacrifices thou art well pleased . Bless him , O Lord , in his person and in his substance , and in all that belongs unto him , or that he puts his hand unto . Remember him , O my God , for good , and wipe not out ...
الصفحة 36
... feel it our duty to extract so largely from this part of his Lord- ship's Charge , and the notes appended to it , that we must unwillingly leave the other por- tions to the widely extended perusal which we doubt not awaits them ...
... feel it our duty to extract so largely from this part of his Lord- ship's Charge , and the notes appended to it , that we must unwillingly leave the other por- tions to the widely extended perusal which we doubt not awaits them ...
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