صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]






THE Trustees of this Religious Periodical would give thanks to the God of all grace, for the distinguished blessing which has attended their labours, and those of their honoured predecessors, for the space of more than fortyfive years. They have much pleasure in announcing to their Christian friends, in the Metropolis and in the Country, that the present condition and prospects of the Magazine are in a high degree encouraging. By arrangements which have recently been made, as the result of extensive inquiry and deliberate investigation, they are happy to be able to state, that they have been enabled to adopt a new scale of distribution of Profits to the Widows of pious Ministers, by which their several annuities will increase with their growing years, up to the age of seventy. The number of Annuitants upon the Magazine Fund, at the present time, is about one hundred and twenty; some of whom have received their annual grants for the space of thirty years.

Hitherto, the Trustees have never had the painful duty imposed upon them of refusing a single application that came within the Rules of distribution. But from the growing claims which have been urged upon them of late years, in consequence of a rapidly-increasing Ministry, and the admission of Widows without limit as to age, it is yet to be ascertained, whether the resources of the Magazine will be equal to the increased scale of the gratuities, unless the sale of the Work shall be considerably extended.

It is only, however, for our Pastors and Churches to determine that the sale of the Magazine shall be doubled, and this desirable result, which would gladden many a widowed heart, might be instantly realized. How few are there, comparatively, in our congregations, who would feel themselves inconvenienced by the monthly expenditure of sixpence! And how grateful would be the recollection to every such contributor, of the real practical good thereby effected!

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