These games are so arranged that they supplement SENTENTIAE I affords practice in the use of the dative (indirect object) and the accusative (direct object). SENTENTIAE II affords practice in the use of the ablative of means and the ablative of personal agent. SENTENTIAE III affords practice in the use of the locative, accusative, and Statements from teachers who have used the Games: "Sententiae I, II and III were received by my beginning classes with great enthusiasm. The Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. "Some few weeks ago the pupils of my Latin Research Club used the Sententiae games with a great deal of enjoyment. I would say that the Games are interesting and educational, and can be used to advantage in any Latin class or club as supplementary material". JOHN T. O'TOOLE, Orders for the games should be sent to the author. Price 40 cents postpaid, 3 sets for $1.00 Sight Reading is Not a Bugbear IN PEARSON'S ESSENTIALS OF LATIN Revised Edition. By HENRY C. PEARSON, Principal, Horace The College Entrance Examination Board says: "Exercises in translation should begin in School with the first lessons in which Latin sentences of any length occur and should continue throughout the course, etc." In Pearson's Essentials of Latin, sight reading selections are specified for use after every third lesson. There are several reasons why girls and boys do not find them a bugbear. First, the selections contain no new words or constructions; second, they occur so frequently that the pupil comes to regard sight reading as a matter of course; third, they are so full of human interest-even humor sometimes that they are a real stimulus to the acquirement of reading power. 1. Ample provision alike for sight reading, composition and grammar. 2. The review of the first year's syntax. 3. The large number of beautiful and unusual maps, battle plans, and illustrations among them four colored plates. 4. The full notes and explanatory helps. Watch for the publication of this book. Now in Press. 70 Fifth Avenue GINN AND COMPANY NEW YORK For Textbooks Next THE LAKE LATIN SERIES SCOTT'S ELEMENTARY LATIN WALKER'S CAESAR Seven Book Edition BEESON & SCOTT'S SECOND LATIN JOHNSTON & KINGERY'S CICERO KNAPP'S VERGIL All the "readers" have notes at the foot of the study page, with a separate classroom text, which aids so much in improving translation work. USE SOME OR ALL OF THE Lake Latin Series FOR BETTER RESULTS NEXT YEAR. Inquiries Will Have Prompt Attention Scott, Foresman & Co. 8-12 East 34th Street, NEW YORK THE HINTS To bridge the gap between the technical language of the Grammar and the "instant need" of the class room, Barss's Writing Latin, Books I and II, have paragraphs called Hints. Teachers and students have said that they were good. Here is a specimen from the new Book II, Lesson I: "Indirect Object. Remember that while in English the indirect object may be made the subject of the passive, this must never be done in writing Latin. Only the direct object of the active can become the subject of the passive, the indirect object remaining in the dative; so that such a sentence as 'The soldiers were given money', will, in Latin, always take the form, 'Money was given to the soldiers, Pecūnia militibus data est'". BURTON'S LATIN GRAMMAR CLEAR AND SIMPLE A Grammar which treats Latin A Grammar which is something more than a reference book. It presents no bewildering complexities of exceptional and never-used rules. Each rule is accompanied by few and well-chosen illustrations. It groups together the hitherto scattered verbs, such as demonstrative, iterative, etc. It fully emphasizes English derivatives with every part of speech. The Latin Games Game of the Latin Noun, new; may be played by all grades including beginners. Price, 50 cents. Verb Games, a series of five games, each 29c.; 1 and 2, on principal parts; 3 and 4, on verb forms; No. 5, on verb terminations. Game of Latin Authors, price, $1.04. These games always please and profit; are highly recommended by teachers and pupils. Any or all sent postpaid on receipt of price. Stamps accepted THE LATIN GAME CO. Massawippi Summer School (TENTH SEASON) NORTH HATLEY, QUEВЕС Preparation for all School and College examinations. Special classes in Spanish and other modern languages ($40 for 30 lessons). North Hatley, situated on Lake Massawippi, is easily accessible from New York, Boston, and Montreal. The School makes possible, for both adults and young people, a wholesome and pleasant summer combined with effective and systematic study. For booklet, address JOHN P. RICE (Asst. Prof. of Romance Languages, Williams College) WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. |