صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني





Barnard College, Columbia University


CHARLES E. BENNETT, Cornell University

WALTER DENNISON, Swarthmore College

WALTON B. MCDANIEL, University of Pennsylvania
DAVID M. ROBINSON, The Johns Hopkins University

B. L. ULLMAN, University of Pittsburgh

H. H. YEAMES, Hobart College



Part II of The Classical WEEKLY, Volume X, No. 28, May 21, 1917 (pages I-IV).


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The Latin Language and Literature in Relation to Culture. By W. M. Dwyer.
'English Words' in High School Latin. By E. B. Lease...








The Table of Contents and the Index (Parts II and III of Volume X, No. 28) are the work of Mr. William Stuart Messer, Barnard

College, Columbia University.

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Professors Murray and Shorey at Columbia's Summer Session, 1916, 1-2.

By W. B. McDaniel:

Means of Improving Teaching of the Classics in the Colleges, 193-194.

[blocks in formation]

Kirtland, John C. and Rogers, George B.: Introduction to Latin (Carr), 14-15; Duckett, Eleanor S.: Studies

in Ennius (Rolfe), 15; Gunnison, Walter B. and Harley, Walter S.: Latin for the First Year (Elmore), 22-23;

Murray, Gilbert: Hamlet and Orestes. A Study in Traditional Types (Prentice), 23-24; Taylor, Henry O.:

Deliverance: The Freeing of the Spirit in the Ancient World (Magoffin), 30-31; Hekler, Anton: Greek and

Roman Portraits (Shear), 31-32; Angus, S.: The Environment of Early Christianity (Yeames), 39; Old-

father, W. A. and Canter, H. V.: The Defeat of Varus and the German Frontier Policy of Augustus (Magoffin),

47-48; Macgregor, J. M.: The Olynthiac Speeches of Demosthenes (Elmore), 53-54; Holborn, I. B. S.: The

Need for Art in Life (Allen), 54-55; Stephens, Kate: The Greek Spirit (Allen), 54-55; Leaf, Walter: Homer

and History (Allinson), 62-64; Chadwick, H. M.: The Heroic Age (Allinson), 62-64; Newell, Edward T.:

The Dated Alexander Coinage of Sidon and Ake (Hill), 67-68; Palmer, Walter H.: The Use of Anaphora in

the Amplification of a General Truth Illustrated Chiefly from Silver Latin (Van Hook), 68-69; Hollingsworth,

John E.: Antithesis in the Attic Orators from Antiphon to Isaeus (Van Hook), 68-69; Loane, George G.:

Caesar's Gallic War: A Vocabulary (Bradley), 69-70; Robertson, G.: An Introduction to Greek Reading

(Reiley), 70; Botsford, G. W. and Sihler, E. G.: Hellenic Civilization (Olmstead), 78-79; Thomson, J. A. K.:

The Greek Tradition: Essays in the Reconstruction of Ancient Thought (Gulick), 86; Forman, Lewis L.:

Aristophanes: Clouds (Fitch), 86-87; White, John W.: The Scholia on the Aves of Aristophanes (Howes),

90-95; Boyd, Clarence E.: Public Libraries and Literary Culture in Ancient Rome (Walden), 96; Fowler,

W. W.: Roman Ideas of Deity (Laing), 111; Wolfson, Arthur M.: Ancient Civilization (Robinson), 111-112;

Hall, F. W.: A Companion to Classical Texts (Ullman), 117-118; Dimsdale, Marcus S.: A History of Latin

Literature (Showerman), 118-119; Droop, J. P.: Archaeological Excavation (Winter), 119-120; Dalton,

O. M.: The Letters of Sidonius (Harrington), 126-128; Harrison, Jane E.: Ancient Art and Ritual (Hadzsits)

142-143; Martin, Ernest W.: The Birds of the Latin Poets (McDaniel), 143-144; Conrad, Clinton C.: The

Technique of Continuous Action in Roman Comedy (Hodgman), 146-147; Conrad, Clinton C.: The Tech-

nique of Continuous Action in Roman Comedy (Flickinger), 147-151; Deferrari, Roy J.: Lucian's Atticism:

The Morphology of the Verb (Sturtevant), 160;. Bloomfield, Leonard: An Introduction to the Study of

Language (Bolling), 166-168; Jardé, A.: La Grèce Antique et la Vie Grecque (Robinson), 175; Rowald,

Paul: Repertorium Lateinischer Wörterverzeichnisse und Speziallexika (Knapp), 175-176; Sargent, Porter

E.: A Handbook of Private Schools (Knapp), 176; Gardner, Ernest A.: A Handbook of Greek Sculpture

(Bates), 181-182; Fowler, Harold N.: A History of Sculpture (Winter), 182-183; Williams, T. C.: The

Georgics and Eclogues of Virgil (Woodman), 183-184; Lindsay, W. M.: A Short Historical Latin Grammar

(Kent), 188-190; Lewis, Charlton T.: An Elementary Latin Dictionary (Knapp), 191-192; Hamilton,

Mary A.: Outlines of Greek and Roman History to A.D. 180 (Magoffin), 198; Morey, William C.:

Ancient Peoples (Magoffin), 198; Breasted, James H.: Ancient Times: A History of the Early World

(Magoffin), 199-200; Rogers, Benjamin B.: The Wasps of Aristophanes (Knapp), 200; Leonard, William

Ellery: Socrates: Master of Life (English), 205-207; Tavenner, Eugene: Studies in Magic from Latin

Literature (Pease), 207-208; Manning, Clarence Augustus: A Study of Archaism in Euripides (Bassett), 208;

Moore, Clifford Herschel: The Religious Thought of the Greeks (Fox), 214; Hamlin, A. D. F.: A History of

Ornament, Ancient and Medieval (Winter), 214-215; Carus, Paul: The Venus of Milo. An Archaeological

Study of the Goddess of Womanhood (Robinson), 216; Rogers, B. B.: The Clouds of Aristophanes (Hum-

phreys), 221; Radin, M.: The Jews Among the Greeks and Romans (Olmstead), 221-223.


Dr. Avellanus's Rejoinder, 37-38; Mr. Forbes's Reply, 38-39; Mr. T. Rice Holmes's Reply to Mr. Wightman on
Caesar, De Bello Gallico, 4.28.2-3, 156-158; Mr. Wightman's Rejoinder, 158-159; Professor Knapp's
Comment on the Correspondence of Mr. Holmes and Mr. Wightman, 159; Professor Shorey's Rejoinder, 173-
174; Miss Goodale's Reply, 174.

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