A COLLECTION O F SERMONS AND TRACTS: CONTAINING, I. The Doctrine of the Trinity, stated and II. The Doctrine of the Refurrection, stated III. The Doctrine of Juftification, stated IV. The Doctrines of God's Everlasting V. The Doctrine of the Saints Final Perfe- VI. The Doctrine of Predestination stated, VII. The Prophecies of the Old Tefta- VIII. A Differtation concerning the An- IX. Two Annual Discourses on the Duty X. An Essay on the Original of Funeral XI. A Brief Confeffion of Faith and Prac- By the late REVEREND and LEARNED JOHN GILL, D. D. Published at the Request of the SUBSCRIBERS to the LONDON: Printed for GEORGE KEITH, in Gracechurch-Street. M DCC LXXVIII, ADVERTISEMENT. TH HE Volume now published, is in pursuance of the request of many of the Subfcribers to the two former Volumes. Notwithstanding that almost all the pieces contained in it may be had separately in Octavo, yet it was thought convenient to have them collected into a Volume of the fame fize, that they might have the Doctor's whole Works fit to bind uniform: and there being but a very small impreffion of this Volume caft off, to oblige the Purchasers of the former Volumes, they are requested to compleat their Setts as foon as poffible, left they be disappointed. There are now printed in Quarto, new and elegant Editions of Dr Gill's Expofition of the Canticles, in 122 Sermons. Cause of God and Truth, against Dr Whitby and others. Expofition of the whole New Testament, 5 vol. Expofition of the Old Teftament, vol. I. and II. containing the Pentateuch, or Five Books of Mofes. As the Editor has been at a very confiderable expence in publishing these New Editions, to accommodate the Public, (by which means the Purchasers will have the Works at about half the price which otherwise they must have paid for them in a little time) he humbly hopes that, by the generous patronage of the friends of Evangelical Truth, he fhall have encouragement to compleat the remainder of the Old Testament, containing the Historical, Poetical, and Prophetical Books; he undertakes it with no lucrative views, but only wishes, by their kind affiftance, to be enabled to compleat the Author's Works in this fize. Nov. 10, 1778. THE |