Collections of the Massachusetts Historical SocietyMassachusetts Historical Society., 1925 For the statement above quoted, also for full bibliographical information regarding this publication, and for the contents of the volumes [1st ser.] v. 1- 7th series, v. 5, cf. Griffin, Bibl. of Amer. hist. society. 2d edition, 1907, p. 346-360. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 47
الصفحة v
... WINTHROP TO MERCY WARREN 4 Luxurious living of British officers . Burgoyne and the court - martial of Colonel Henley ... JAMES WARREN 7 Conspiracies at Cambridge and traitors at Boston . Burgoyne and Washington . British transports ...
... WINTHROP TO MERCY WARREN 4 Luxurious living of British officers . Burgoyne and the court - martial of Colonel Henley ... JAMES WARREN 7 Conspiracies at Cambridge and traitors at Boston . Burgoyne and Washington . British transports ...
الصفحة vii
Massachusetts Historical Society. July 26. JOHN Adams to James Warren Alteration in the state . Congressional ... WINTHROP TO MERCY Warren · 45 Movement of troops . Phillips festivity . September 2. JAMES WARREN TO SAMUEL ADAMS ...
Massachusetts Historical Society. July 26. JOHN Adams to James Warren Alteration in the state . Congressional ... WINTHROP TO MERCY Warren · 45 Movement of troops . Phillips festivity . September 2. JAMES WARREN TO SAMUEL ADAMS ...
الصفحة x
... Winthrop . September 11. JOHN ADAMS TO JAMES WARREN Judges proposed . Recommends Richard Cranch . December . JAMES WARREN TO JAMES LOVELL to James Malevolence of an attack upon ... JAMES WARREN TO JOHN ADAMS Effect of the X Contents.
... Winthrop . September 11. JOHN ADAMS TO JAMES WARREN Judges proposed . Recommends Richard Cranch . December . JAMES WARREN TO JAMES LOVELL to James Malevolence of an attack upon ... JAMES WARREN TO JOHN ADAMS Effect of the X Contents.
الصفحة xvi
... JAMES WARREN TO JOHN ADAMS 262 Adams ' new employment . Local elections . Temple's position . Frank- lin's resignation . Young Adams . Scarcity of money . October 4. JAMES ... JAMES WINTHROP TO MERCY Warren Opinion on her xvi Contents.
... JAMES WARREN TO JOHN ADAMS 262 Adams ' new employment . Local elections . Temple's position . Frank- lin's resignation . Young Adams . Scarcity of money . October 4. JAMES ... JAMES WINTHROP TO MERCY Warren Opinion on her xvi Contents.
الصفحة xvii
Massachusetts Historical Society. February 26. JAMES WINTHROP TO MERCY Warren Opinion on her history . Governor Hutchinson . March 6. CATHERINE MACAULAY GRAHAM TO MERCY Warren Governments of America . Adams ' work on the constitutions ...
Massachusetts Historical Society. February 26. JAMES WINTHROP TO MERCY Warren Opinion on her history . Governor Hutchinson . March 6. CATHERINE MACAULAY GRAHAM TO MERCY Warren Governments of America . Adams ' work on the constitutions ...
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
ABIGAIL ADAMS ADAMS ADAMS MSS ADAMS TO JAMES ADAMS TO MERCY Affairs agreable America appointed Army ARTHUR LEE believe BENJAMIN LINCOLN Boston Braintree Britain British Business Capt CATHERINE MACAULAY Character Conduct Congress Continental Congress Country Court Dear Madam DEAR SIR Decr ELBRIDGE GERRY Enemy England Esteem Europe expect Family favour France Franklin French Friend and Humble Friendship frigate Genl Gentleman Gerry give Government happy hear HENRY KNOX Honour hope humble Servant JAMES LOVELL JAMES WARREN JAMES Warren YORK JAMES WINTHROP JOHN ADAMS ADAMS Lady late Letter manner MERCY WARREN Minister Money Nation Navy Board never obliged opinion Patriotism Peace pleasure PLIMOUTH political present principles received regard respect Samuel Adams Papers sentiments Ships shoud signature sincerely soon Spirit suppose thing tion Town Treaty Virtue WARREN PHILADELPHIA WARREN TO JOHN WARREN TO SAMUEL wish write York Public Library
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 410 - O unexpected stroke, worse than of death ! Must I thus leave thee, Paradise? thus leave Thee, native soil, these happy walks and shades, Fit haunt of gods? where I had hope to spend, Quiet though sad, the respite of that day That must be mortal to us both.
الصفحة 410 - With what to sight or smell was sweet, from thee How shall I part, and whither wander down Into a lower world, to this obscure And wild ? how shall we breathe in other air Less pure, accustom'd to immortal fruits?
الصفحة 411 - Thus we began our pilgrimage, alternately walking and riding, the roads filled with frightened women and children, some in carts with their tattered furniture, others on foot fleeing into the woods.
الصفحة 74 - America will both have Reason to repent it. He is not only so indolent that Business will be neglected, but you know that, although he has as determined a soul as any man, yet it is his constant Policy never to say ' yes ' or ' no ' decidedly but when he cannot avoid it.
الصفحة 99 - Shall a few designing men, for their own aggrandizement, and to gratify their own avarice, overset the goodly fabric we have been rearing at the expense of so much time, blood, and treasure ? and shall we, at last, become the victims of our own abominable lust of gain ? Forbid it, Heaven...
الصفحة 67 - I find in a state of confusion and darkness that surprises me. Prodigious sums of money have been expended, and large sums are yet due ; but there are no books of account, nor any documents from whence I have been able to learn what the United States have received as an equivalent.
الصفحة 74 - I know also, and it is necessary that you should be informed, that he is overwhelmed with a correspondence from all quarters, most of them upon trifling subjects and in a more trifling style, with unmeaning visits from Multitudes of People, chiefly from the Vanity of having it to say that they have seen him. There is another thing which I am obliged to mention. There are so many private families, Ladies, and gentlemen that he visits so often, — and they are so fond of him, that he cannot well avoid...
الصفحة 451 - Great numbers of women, who seemed to be the beasts of burden, having bushel baskets on their backs, by which they were bent double. The contents seemed to be pots and kettles, various sorts of furniture, children peeping through gridirons and other utensils. Some very young infants, who were born on the road ; the women barefooted, clothed in dirty rags.
الصفحة 6 - The General is in camp in what is called the great valley on the Banks of the Schuylkill. Officers and men are chiefly in Hutts, which they say is tolerably comfortable; the army are as healthy as can well be expected in general. The General's apartment is very small ; he has had a log cabin built to dine in, which has made our quarter much more tolerable than they were at first.
الصفحة 40 - I shall live and die. Is Great Britain to be annihilated ? No such thing. A revolution in her government may possibly take place, but whether in favor of despotism or republicanism is the question. The scarcity of virtue, and even the semblance of it, seems an invincible obstacle to the latter, but the annihilation of a nation never takes place. It depends wholly on herself to determine whether she shall sink down into the rank of the middling powers of Europe, or whether she shall maintain the second...