صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

-Then Chaos, surcharg’d with the scattering fall,

May call up darkness, night, and sterling anarchy,

To consultation hold, and Comets form

Those Comets, ministers,

To sweep the depth of the intense abyss,

And conjure Planets, Suns, and Worlds to being

And, the dark womb, disgorging,

Heave them all to birth

But so our Earth was form'd ! !



"TIS said that the Comet that formed our Earth,

By tumbling it out of the Sun,

Once, finding of better employment a dearth,

A youngerly orbit begun,

"Twas when he'd departed from fighting the Sun,

And left him to murmur and mourn;

The race of his direful amusement was run,

And home he began to return.

Perchance, he along the same road was returning

Where he'd left the newly form'd Earth,

Himself in the blaze of his anger still burning,

But half way disposed for mirth.

Our globe was alarm'd as she saw him approach,

And trembled to such a degree,

Cohesion all over her surface was lost,

And fragments from gravity freed.

These, glad from attraction to find themselves loose, Scamper'd off in the neighbouring air;

There ranging and racing wherever they chose,

They stopp'd not to think of the fare.

The Comet came on, and stood laughing awhile,

To see the mock Chaos at play,

Then catching the fragments at once with a smile,

In an orb they presently lay.

This orb he completed and render'd compact,

With figures engraven thereon:

A man there was seen with a tree on his back,

Or-a fowler discharging his gun.

Some masks next he gave it of diff 'rent hues,

And diff'rent shapes too I ween ;

With pow'r to perplex crazing man with its views,

As often to this day is seen.

Then he toss'd it about the Earth with a whirl,

Which fix'd it in pathway secure,

That multiplied movement might perplex the churl,

Who had dar'd to insult him before.

This done, he departed, no longer to roam,

And, sated with vengeance, mov'd off to his home.

Suppose this be true-may not mortals expect,
In time perhaps shortly to come,

The wandering Comet more vengeance may wreak,

And make a new Greenlanders home!*

Nor with that contented, be coming again,

And often and often and more,

New moons to condense-till the number shall gain,

Beyond calculation's best power.

* The Greenlanders suppose departing souls to stop the first night at the Moon.

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And the last, of the subtilest atoms the home,

Be a pretty moon, little and neat.

Which, falling, perchance, to our earth, may become,

For children a play thing complete!

LET us guess out a description of the may-be-supposed dwelling of this wonder-working Comet.


"TWAS wide as the roll of Homerian eye,

When fancy was waking and warm:

'Twas vast as the ken of the spirits that fly,

In the blaze of the torridal storm.

In the center was placed a couch, whose extent
Would cover some worlds thinly spread :

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