صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Robe façon de Constance, r. Nr Vivienne, 57_Chapeau de Me Pollet, rue Richelieu. 95.

Chale cachemire, brodé en soie, de Mme Ambroise, rue Montmartre, 165.

Mouchoirs de Chapron, rue de la Paix, 7.

Court Magazine. Non, Carey street Lincoln's Inn London.

[blocks in formation]

Et à Londres, chez MM. DOBBS and C, au bureau du court Magazine, n' 14 Carrey Street Lincoln's inn.

CONDITIONS DE L'ABONNEMENT: Pour Paris-3 mois, 6 f. 50-six mois 13 f. -un an 26 f.
Pour les départements: 7 f. — 14 г. — 28 s. — A l'étranger, le prix se paie selon le pays.

N° 908.


dress is ornamented with a new and novel kind of garniture or florence (see plate), being in deep but narrow festoons, each divided at top by a bow of ribbon, consis. ting of four coques (bows) and two ends. Hat of pink velours épinglé, the front small

Carriage costume. Dress of pearl grey poux de soic, corsage demi-décolleté (half high). The back is nearly tight with a few gathfers at the waist, the front made to cross quite over to the left side, and the corsage rounded at the bottom of the waist, where it is con- but low at the sides of the face. It is lined siderable longer than at the back or sides with white satin et has a ruche of tulle il(see plate). Sleeves gathered in three pla-lusion round the inner edge (see plate) ces at top, nearly tight to the lower arm the front of the bonnet goes very far bach the remainder very full. The skirt of the et has a small puffed crown, ornamented

with bows of satin ribbon. A quilling of of the waist (see plate) and carried in a sort

of spiral manner to the bottom of the skirt

the same goes across the front of the bonnet (see plate) and is carried across the ba- at the left side crosses the front of the dress; volet at back. Hair in ringlets, lace frill it may be observed that the lace forming turned over the neck of the corsage, and fas- this very new and uncommon trimming is tened with a brooch-cambier cuffs, et hand-half tinned up, and half turned down, being kerchief, yellow kid gloves blach brodequins. retained at each turn by a ruby ornament. 2nd figure. -Hat of paille velours épin- The sleeves are short and tight, et finished glé, with a green willow drosping to the by a plain fall of lace, loossed rep in front side, thanve color armure dress white em- with a similar ornament to these on the broidered shawl with a mixed silk fringe dress. White kid gloves, the tops trim(see plate) lace frill, yellow gloves. med with swansdown. Long gold ear drops.

N 909. Ball dresses. Dress of

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L. de F.

Rêves poétiques.

La poésie a le plus beau domaine!
Mine féconde aux immenses trésors,
Dans l'univers régnant en souveraine,
Elle répand ses sublimes accords.

pink velours épinglé, the corsage very low
in the neck tight to the bust, and à pointe,
with Berthe and stomacher of guipure (see
plate). Sleeves very short et puffed, with
a bouillon at bottom. Skirt ornamented
with rows of pearls, figuring the tablier,
two rows at each side of the front and be-
tween them small cordelières and tassels for-
med intespersed with full blown roses,
with a bird of paradise drosping towards
the neck at the left side. Gold féronnière,
white kid gloves, the tops trimmed with
lace, white satin shoes, brooch, bouquet. Là cet ange à genoux sur une pauvre tombe,
2nd figure. The back hair in braids and

Souffie enchanteur, qui sans cesse illumine,
Rayon du ciel, feu sacré de l'esprit,
Dont le flambeau, lumière divine,
Toujours élève et toujours réfléchit.

L'orne de mille pleurs ;

dressed very low, quite at the roots of the Sur sa joue amaigrie une larme qui tombe

Révèle ses douleurs.

hair (see plate) with a row of pearls going
round the head and a bird of paradise dro Ici repose un père, ou peut-être une mère;

ping to the side; dress of water green ves
lours épinglé, the corsage low, tight to the

Elle demande au ciel,

Par ses pieux soupirs, par son humble prière,
Le repos éternel.

bust, à pointe et with three seams; à gar-Plus loin est une bière, aux bras de jeunes vierges :

niture of lace, commencing at the right side

Sainte procession, cortège solennel;

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Robe en velours épingle garnie de perles, et Robe en soie garnie de dentelles de Constance. rue N Vivienne, 57_ Coiffure de Lecomte, r. Caitbout, 32 Gants de Mayer, Pr Choiseul, 32. Fleurs de Chaget.

Court Magazine, No 11. Carey street Lincoln's Inn London.

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