POLITICS: Being a VIEW of the Original CONSTITUTION, AND Subsequent REVOLUTIONS, IN THE Government Religious and Civil, Of that People, out of whom the SAVIOUR As it is contained in the BIBLE. By SAMUEL CROXALL, D. D. Ἀπηλλοἶριωμένοι τῆς Πολιζείας τῦ Ἰσραήλ. Eph.ii. 12. LONDON: Printed for J. TONSON and J. WATTS, PREFACE. T HE Design of the follow ing Treatife is to make the Bible more eafily under stood, and confequently better re lish'd by all Sorts of People. Were this facred Book but consider'd impartially and attentively, in its most advantageous Lights; as it contains all the written Revelation of God's Will now extant; as it is the ( Basis of our National Religion, and 9 gives Vigour and Spirit to all our Social Laws; as it is the most an r cient, and confequently curious Collection of Historical Incidents, Moral Precepts, and Political Institutions; as the Style of it is, in fome Places, nobly Sublime and Poetical, and in others, sweetly Natural, Plain, and Unaffected: In a Word, as the being well acquainted with it is highly requifite, in order to make Men useful and ornamental in this Life (to say nothing of their Happiness in the next) It is to be hop'd that a cool Reflection or two of this Sort, might induce the more ingenuous and rational among them, to let the Bible take it's Turn, in their riper Years, among those Volumes which pass through their Hands ei ther for Amusement or Instruction. And should fuch an Entertainment once become fashionable, of what mighty Service would it be to the Interest of Religion, and confequently the Happiness of Mankind! nuous |