صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

not designated by the apostle, "to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."

According to this interpretation, John is describing four distinct operations carried on during the period of this vial, two of them by the angel and two by the spirits. The angel prepares the way of the kings of the East, by drying the great river Euphrates. This done, he gathers these kings (of the East, whoever they may be) to the place called Armageddon. The unclean spirits during the same interval (if not quite simultaneously), by their malign influence and lying wonders (onμeîa), first incite the kings of the earth and of the whole world to deadly warfare, and then gather them for the battle of the great day, but to what place he does not say.

The 15th verse is certainly parenthetical, and the 13th and 14th verses also are so considered by Bengel.

If we adopt Bengel's interpretation, we may perhaps logically account for the peculiar structure of the passage (ver. 12-16) by supposing that it was the apostle's design to denote, in the first place, merely the initiatory act of each of these diverse agencies. The angel pours his vial, and immediately the unclean spirits issue forth to their work. The effect of these two acts begins to be developed immediately, but the work of the spirits is first completed by the gathering of the kings of the earth, and for this reason (as well as to avoid a double dislocation of related parts) is first noticed (ver. 14). This done, the apostle returns to the angel in order to record what he did after he had poured his vial and the Euphrates was dried up; but not until he had thrown in (ver. 15) a note of warning. The reason for this further interruption of the narrative of the angel's work may be, to intimate that the signs of the approaching crisis are to be looked for in the things he had described before, viz. the drying of the Euphrates, and in the warlike aspect and demoniac spirit of the kings of the earth and of the whole world; not in the gathering of the kings of the East into a place obscurely, if not mystically described an event which may be brought about in a less noticeable way, if not too late to serve as a timely warning.

For the popular exposition, see Lowman, Scott, Clark, and Henry. Heinrichs (in Koppe's edition of the N. T.) observes on the words (Kaι σvvýyayev), “and he gathered," that the singular form of the verb does not well correspond with the three beings from whom the spirits proceeded. He suggests, therefore, that the verb must be referred either "ad maleficum eorum σvμßovλiov, vel ad eorum principem, draconem seu Satanam, vel ad sextum illum angelum qui (ver. 12), arefacto Euphrate, idololatrarum hostibus viam ad cladem eis inferendam patefecerat, quique idem et hic intervenisse erat credendus, et curasse ut infestæ illæ legiones quæ ab idololatris convocabantur, in talem locum coirent qui de exitu belli infaustissima omina ferret." According to this author avToùs refers to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, though it may be the angel gathers them to Armageddon.*

* The above is from the American Theological Journal.

MATT. II. 6.

Context in quotation, Matt. ii. 1-9.

Context in prophecy, Mic. iv. 9-v. 15.

Occasion; a siege, Mic. v. 1.

Travailing of Zion, Mic. iv. 9, 10; v. 3.
Continues until they abide, Mic. v. 3, 4.
Commencement, Isa. xxxvii. 3.

Close, Isa. lxvi. 7, 8; Mic. v. 3, 4.

Of God's people until the second advent, John xvi. 20-22.
And first resurrection, Rom. viii. 23.

And marriage of the Lamb, Rev. xii. 1, 2; xxi. 9, 10.
Of the whole creation until same events, Rom. viii. 19–22.

Want of a king in Zion, Mic. iv. 9.

Supplied in the promised Messiah, Mic. v. 2.

Hezekiah the king, Mic. iv. 9.

Micah the counsellor, Mic. iv. 9.

Messiah both king and counsellor, Isa. ix. 6, 7.

Captivity in Babylon, Mic. iv. 10.

Until deliverance, Mic. iv. 10.

Restoration and abiding at deliverance, Mic. v. 3, 4.
Deliverance to be from Babylon, Mic. iv. 10.

But captivity continues yet, Mic. v. 3.
Therefore Babylon continues yet.

Babylon the head of the kingdoms, Dan. ii. 31, 38.
And exists in all of them, Dan. ii. 35.

Therefore Rome is Babylon, Rev. xvii. 4, 15, 18.
And deliverance will be from Rome.

Jerusalem besieged, Mic. iv. 11, v. 1.

By Sennacherib and Rabshakeh, Isa. xxxvi. 1, 2, 15, 20.
Nebuchadnezzar, Jer. lii. 4, 5.

Titus, Matt. xxiv. 15.

Antichrist, Zech. xiv. 1-3; Ezek. xxxviii. 17.

Opposition infidel, Mic. iv. 11.

Rabshakeh, Isa. xxxvi. 1, 2, 15, 20.

Antichrist, Rev. xvii. 12–14.

Deliverance promised, Mic. iv. 13.

God's enemies ignorant of His ways, Mic. iv. 12.

Revelation only to His people.

Duties Search the Scriptures.

Israel called to victory, Mic. iv. 13.

Gain from the nations consecrated to God, Mic. iv. 13; Isa. lx. 5-7; Rev. xxi. 24, 26.

Gathering of troops against Jerusalem, Mic. v. 1.

The Assyrian, Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar, Mic. v. 5, 6; Jer. lii. 4, 5.

Antichrist, Isa. viii. 7, 8.

Beginning of deliverance, Mic. v. 2, 5.

Birthplace of Deliverer, Mic. v. 2.

David, 1 Sam, xvi. 1-12.

Jesus the son of David, Luke ii. 4, 6, 7.
Announced by angels, Luke ii. 8, 14.
Believed by shepherds, Luke ii. 15, 16.

wise men, Matt. ii. 1, 2, 9-11. Known to the Jews, Matt. ii. 4-6; John vii. 41, 42.

Opposed by Herod, Matt. ii. 3–8, 16.

Bethlehem, House of bread, Mic. v. 2.

Jesus the Bread of heaven, John vii. 48-51.

Deliverer to be ruler in Israel, Mic. v. 2; Isa. ix. 7; Luke i. 32,

33; Ezek. xxxvii. 25.


And the everlasting One, Mic. v. 2; Isa. ix. 6 ;
i. 1-14; Prov. viii. 22-31; Rev. iii. 14; Gen. i.



Bethlehem, lowly, Mic. v. 2; Matt. ii. 6.

Messiah's first advent.

Jerusalem glorious, Isa. lx.

Messiah's second advent.

Messiah to come forth to God, Mic. v. 2.

The mediator, or daysman, Job ix. 33.

Needful to bring men to God, Eph. ii. 13.

To shew God's glory upon earth in the second Adam, or
Emmanuel, Gen. iii. 15; 2 Sam. vii. 14; Ps. lxxxix. 19, 20.
Preaching the covenant preliminary, Isa. lxi. 1, 2.
The glory to follow, Isa. lxi. 2–11.

Goings forth of Messiah, from everlasting, or predetermined, Mic. v. 2. From Bethlehem to be smitten with a rod, Mic. v.

xxvii. 30; Acts ii. 23.

1, 2; Matt. From heaven to rule, Acts i. 11; Zech. xiv. 3, 4, 9, 16.

Israel given up until Zion ceases to travail, Mic. v. 3.

Because of the smiting, Mic. v. 1, 3; Matt. xxiii. 32 with 38. Time of ceasing to travail, Messiah's second appearing, Isa. lxvi. 5.

Israel's rejoicing and comfort, Isa. lxvi. 10, 13.

The excellency, or excellent One, ♫”, shall return, Mic. v. 3.
Excellency, Gen. xlix. 3.

(Remnant (8V, Shear), Isa. vii. 3.)

Excellency, Reuben, Gen. xlix. 3, First-born.

Displaced in favour of Judah, 1 Chron. ii. 3.

Who was surety, Gen. xliii. 8, 9.

Messiah the surety, of the tribe of Judah.

His brethren, the Jews. Born a Jew.

Believers, Heb. ii. 11, 12; Rom. viii. 29.

Who are the church of the first-born, Heb. xii. 23.
And adopted children of God, John i. 12, 13;
Rom. viii. 14-17.

And shall return with the excellent One, Zech.
xiv. 5.

Return of the rejected One, Mic. v. 3; Matt. xxiii. 38, 39; Ps. cxviii. 26.

Once refused, Ps. cxviii. 22.

Now the head stone, Ps. cxviii. 22; Zech. iv. 7.

He shall stand and feed, Mic. v. 4.

Stand, personal presence, Zech. xiv. 4.

Feed, as a shepherd, Rev. vii. 17; Mic. vii. 14; Isa. xl. 9–11. With bread of heaven and living water, John iv. 14; vii. 37-39; vi. 53–56.

Sometimes with affliction now, Isa. xxx. 20.

In the strength of the Lord, resurrection-power, Mic. v. 4;
Eph. i. 19, 20; Rom. i. 4.

In the majesty of the name of His God, Mic. v. 4.

Come forth to me, Mic. v. 2.

Ruler as deputy for God, 1 Cor. xv. 24, 25.
Shepherd and deputy, Ezek. xxxiv. 23, 24.
Cry of the Son, Ps. lxxxix. 26.

Promise of the Father, Ps. lxxxix. 27-29.

They shall abide, Mic. v. 4.

Permanently, Ezek. xxxvii. 25.
Lie down, Ps. xxiii. 1, 2. Under the shepherd.

In quietness and assurance, Isa. xxxii. 15–18.
Enjoyed by believers now.

ix. 10.

Great unto the ends of the earth, Mic. v. 4; Ps. lxxii. 8–11.
Commencing at Jerusalem, Zech. xiv. 17;
Extending to the whole world, Zech. xiv. 9;)
Birth in Bethlehem preliminary, Mic. v. 2.

Assyrians shall come into Emmanuel's land, Mic. v. 5, 6.

At His return, Mic. v. 4, 5.

When He shall be the peace, Mic. v. 5.

By destroying the Assyrian, Zech. xiv. 3; Ps. xlvi. 8-11; cx. 5, 6; Isa. xxxi. 4-9.

No peace therefore to Israel until His return. Shepherds and princes to be raised up, Mic. v. 5; Obad.

20, 21.

[blocks in formation]

Remnant of Jacob, Mic. v. 7, 8.

Saved out of the nation, Ezek. xx. 38-40; Zech. xiii. 9; Isa. x. 20-22; Rom. ix. 27-29; Isa. iv. 3.

As dew, Mic. v. 7.

To cause food, natural, Isa. Iv. 10.

spiritual, Isa. lv. 11; Deut. xxxii. 2, 3. Spoken of Messiah, 2 Sam. xxiii. 3, 4; Ps. lxxii. 6.

At His kingdom, Ps. Ixxii. 6, 8; cx. 3; Hos. xiv. 5. Spoken of Messiah's people, Mic. v. 7.

Identity of Messiah and His people.

Messiah's gospel the dew among the nations in the present dispensation.

Messiah's people the dew among the nations hereafter, Isa. lxvi. 19. The remnant.

Wait not for man, Mic. v. 7.

Israel waits not for the nations, but the nations for Israel,
Zech. viii. 21-23.

The creation also waits for Israel, Rom. viii. 19.

Dew, Israel converted.

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