LONDON: Printed and Sold by the Philanthropic Society, SOLD ALSO BY HATCHARD, PICCADILLY; NISBET, ROW; AND SIMPKIN, STATIONERS' COURT. Entered at Stationers' Hall. PREFACE. mmmm THE Editor of the Pocket Prayer Book has reason to acknowledge with much thankfulness, the general approbation with which the first Editions of this little volume have been received; another Edition being called for, it is now re-printed with additional Prayers for the Family, interspersed with Meditations on Texts of Scripture, selected from Henry, and other devotional writers. It is the Editor's wish that a short Family Service may be formed, by reading one of the Meditations, followed by a suitable Psalm, or Hymn, (to be read or sung) and concluded by a prayer. It will be found that this little Service may be performed in about twenty minutes, and it is hoped will not be thought to encroach too much upon domestic duties: It is not wished that this short meditation should take place of the reading of the Scriptures. Some portion of Scripture, accompanied by a select part of a devotional and practical exposition, such as Doddridge and Henry, Brown or Scott, should be daily read in the Family; this might form the morning |