"The Egyptians, who made use of hieroglyphics to signify several things, expressed a man who con- LX LONDON PRINTED AT THE CAXTON PRESS, BY H. FISHER, SON, AND co. Published at 38, Newgate Street; and Sold by all Booksellers. Mrs 1918 THE Imperial Magazine; OR, COMPENDIUM OF RELIGIOUS, MORAL, & PHILOSOPHICAL KNOWLEDGE. JANUARY.] "PERIODICAL LITERATURE IS THE GERM OF NATIONAL LEARNING." Biographical Sketch of HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, K.G. K.G.C.B. &C. &c. Arma, virumque cano. (With a Portrait.) THE subject of this memoir has, by his great actions, associated himself so intimately with the history of our country, that his biography includes a series of the most interesting national events-and furnishes a proud memorial of British valour and independence, which will survive so long as the field of Waterloo remains unforgotten. The family of Wellesley is descended from the Colleys, who, in the reign of Henry the Eighth had been settled from time immemorial in the county of Rutland. In this king's reign, Walter and Robert Colley, two brothers of the family, established themselves in the county of Kilkenny, Ireland, when his Majesty granted them, for their lives, the office of clerks of the crown in chancery. Robert subsequently became Master of the Rolls; while Walter was appointed, first, Solicitor General, and afterwards, Surveyor General of that kingdom. [1830. jesty George the Second, that, in 1747, he created him a peer of Ireland, by the title of Baron Mornington. His eldest son, Garret, succeeded him in his barony, and was, in 1760, created Viscount Wellesley and Earl of Mornington. He married Anne, daughter of the right honourable Arthur Hill, Viscount Dungannon, by whom he had issue, the present Marquis Wellesley, William, now Wellesley Pole, and ARTHUR, the subject of our history. Sir Henry Colley, eldest son of Walter Colley, took up the profession of arms, and held a commission under Queen Elizabeth. His able conduct procured him the favour of his sovereign, and he was appointed a member of the Privy Council. He married Catherine, daughter of Sir Thomas Cusack, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, by whom he had three sons. The second of these, Sir Henry Colley, of Castle Carbury, was the immediate ancestor of the present family of Wellesley. The Earl of Mornington dying while the greater part of his family were in their infancy, his lady was left, with a fortune impaired by unavoidable circumstances, to conduct them to maturity. Her ladyship's maternal virtues and energetic mind enabled her, however, to support the trying difficulties of her situation. Her eldest son nobly submitted the guidance of the family estates to her hands; and afterwards, from motives of filial respect, paid off the whole of his deceased father's debts. ARTHUR WELLESLEY was born May 1st, 1769. At an early age he was placed at Eton; from whence, having chosen the army for his profession, he was sent to Angiers in France, where he remained some time under the tuition of the celebrated Pignerol, to be instructed in the art of war. Another Sir Henry Colley, a descendant of the last mentioned, left a numerous issue; among whom was Richard Colley, who first assumed the name of Wellesley, in consequence of his succession to the estates of his cousin, Garret Wellesley of Dangan. This gentleman held several offices under the crown, and so highly were bis public services esteemed by his Ma 133.-VOL. XI. Having acquired a considerable knowledge of military tactics, he entered the army; and, receiving his first commission (in the 41st) during the time of peace, devoted his mind to the acquisition of the whole economy of war, and thus laid the basis of his future fame. At the age of twenty-three he obtained the rank of captain in the 18th regiment of light dragoons; and, in 1793, was appointed to the majority of the thirtythird, vacant by the resignation of Major Gore. Availing himself of his right of seniority to purchase in succession, he obtained the lieutenant-colonelcy of his regiment, in the latter part of the same year. At this time he served under Earl Moira, and, early in 1794, accompanied the late Duke of York in his unfortunate expedition into Flanders. B 19 Biographical Sketch of the Duke of Wellington. 20 The subsequent invasion of Holland | Tope, from whence they considerably was attended with fresh disasters, and, on the evacuation of that country by the British forces, Lieutenant-colonel Wellesley returned to England. Immediately after the arrival of the troops in this country, great expedition was used to prepare them for foreign service, and the thirty-third being under orders for the West Indies, their lieutenant-colonel embarked with them in the fleet commanded by Admiral Christian, and destined for that country. Heavy gales, however, frustrating their voyage, the troops were placed under fresh orders; the thirty-third being sent into Ireland to recruit, where they remained till once more called into active service. In 1797, Lieutenant-colonel Wellesley received an appointment to accompany his brother, Lord Mornington, then Governor-General, into India. In the battle of Mallavelly, which immediately preceded the siege of Seringapatam, the gallantry and skill of Colonel Wellesley contributed not a little to the success of our arms. On the 26th of March 1799, the British army encamped five miles eastward of Mallavelly; the forces of Tippoo Saib, the Sultan, lying, at the same time, near the banks of the Maddoor. Tippoo shewing a disposition to come to an engagement, Colonel Wellesley's division was ordered to move parallel to the left, but at some distance, so as to cover the baggage, and to be in readiness to act as occasion might require; while the main body marched on the great road leading to Mallavelly. The action having commenced, Colonel Wellesley taking advantage of a critical juncture, and supported by Major General Floyd, advanced an echellon of battalions; and the whole line thus moving slowly and steadily, time was given for the whole to act together; the enemy's cannonade being answered by as many of the field-pieces as could be brought up. The action thus became general along the whole front. At this moment a desperate attempt was made on the part of Tippoo, by moving forward a column, to the amount of two thousand men, in excellent order, towards the thirtythird, Colonel Wellesley's regiment. This gallant leader commanded his soldiers to reserve their fire, and advance directly upon the column, which immediately gave way, and fell into total disorder. A body of the Sultan's infantry and rocket men having possessed themselves of a large grove, called the Sultaunpettah annoyed the British camp, Colonel Wel- The After the capture of Seringapatam, Colonel Wellesley was made Governor of this place, and one of the commissioners to fix the divisions of the conquered provinces. In the execution of the duties connected with these offices, he displayed great ability and the strictest integrity. Having now attained the rank of Major General, he distinguished himself in the Mahratta war, more particularly in the famous battle of Assye, where he had to contend with an army ten times superior in numbers to his own. This victory confirmed his character and reputation, and its consequences were of such importance to the British cause, that a monument was erected to his honour at Calcutta, he received the thanks of the parliament at home, and was made a Knight Companion of the Bath. In 1805, he returned to England, and shortly after became member of parlia. ment for Newport. His military services not being immediately required, he was sent to Ireland, as Secretary to the Duke of Richmond; but was soon after called to accompany Lord Cathcart to Copenhagen; and for his conduct in that expedition he received the thanks of both houses of parliament. The time was now drawing on when the abilities of Sir Arthur Wellesley were to be called into a field of martial enterprise peculiarly his own. He sailed from Cork on the 12th of July, 1808, with a force of ten thousand men, for the Spanish Peninsula, and arrived, on the twentieth, at Corunna. When Sir Arthur first arrived in Spain, the aspect of affairs was far from encouraging. The activity of the enemy, and the divisions which prevailed among the |