27 (D:) : ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF CHARLES A. DEWEY, ESQ., Attorney for the Commonwealth for the Western District, comprising the Counties of HAMPSHIRE, HAMPDEN, FRANKLIN, AND BERKSHIRE, Of his Official business to the 31st Oct. 1832, inclusive, as made by him to the ATTORNEY GENERAL. 28 The Attorney of the Commonwealth for the Western District, has attended all the terms of the Court of Common Pleas holden therein, and the regular terms of the Supreme Judicial Court in Hampden, Berkshire, and Hampshire. He also attended with the Attorney General, at a special adjournment of the Supreme Judicial Court, holden in Springfield, in June, for the trial of Lorin Carter, on a capital felony. The District Attorney reports, that by direction of the Court of Common Pleas, he has attended to the examination of costs in all cases finally disposed of before Justices of the Peace, which requires much time and labor at each term of the Court." The business of the Commonwealth under the care of said District Attorney, appears in the following Table. TABLE OF Business conducted by the District Attorney of the Commonwealth, FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT. Rape, Burglary, Forgery, Riot, Larceny, Disturbing Public Worship, On the Law concerning Theat Nuisance, Not Repairing Roads, Pedling, Trespass, 30 Whole number of cases for examination as above Cases for further proceedings, 73 18 55 5 30 2 1 17 55 Of the foregoing persons convicted there were sentenced to confinement to hard labor in the STATE PRISON, 31 (Ε.) ABSTRACT OF THE REPORT OF CHARLES H. WARREN, ESQ., Attorney for the Commonwealth for the Southern District, comprising the Counties of BRISTOL, PLYMOUTH, BARNSTABLE, DUKES COUNTY, AND NANTUCKET, Of his Official business to the 31st Oct. 1832, inclusive, as made by him to the ATTORNEY GENERAL. |