MISCELLANEA VIRGILIANA, IN SCRIPTIS MAXIME ERUDITORUM VIRORUM VARIE DISPERSA, IN UNUM FASCICULUM COLLECТА. BY A GRADUATE OF CAMBRIDGE, EDITOR OF THE "THEATRE OF THE GREEKS," AND " MISCELLANEA GRÆCA DRAMATICA.” CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED FOR W. P. GRANT; SOLD BY R. PRIESTLEY; W. BAYNES AND SON; AND BLACK, YOUNG, AND YOUNG, LONDON. MDCCCXXV. 1820 THE learning and critical sagacity of Bishop Warburton and Dr. Jortin are too well known to require any comment or panegyric. With respect to Mr. Holdsworth, whose Notes on Virgil form the greatest part of the present volume, it may be proper to state, that the scarceness of his work were a poor apology for submitting it to the Public in this Miscellany, unless it possessed other claims on their consideration. Mr. Spence, the author of Polymetis, (Dial. XI. p. 174. 2d ed.) speaking of Mr. Holdsworth, affirms that he understood Virgil in a more masterly manner than any man he ever knew. And again, in a long note on the famous passage of Aeneid VI., " Est locus Italiae medio," etc., he says, " If there is any thing in it which may throw a " stronger light on it, I am obliged for it to a very par" ticular friend of mine, Mr. Holdsworth, author of the Muscipula,' &c., who has travelled often into Italy, " and who (I believe) is much better acquainted with it, as classic ground, than any man now living." Polymetis. Dial. XVI. p. 277. |