Vergilian Digest, العدد 41Vergilian Society., 1995 |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-2 من 2
الصفحة 6
... alludes to it : latet arbore opaca aureus et foliis et lento vimine ramus ( 6.136-37 ) 12 Norden ( n . 4 above ) 176 . 13 So John H. D'Arms , " Vergil's ' Cunctantem ( Ramum ) ' : Aeneid 6.211 , ” CJ 59 ( 1964 ) : 266 , where the ...
... alludes to it : latet arbore opaca aureus et foliis et lento vimine ramus ( 6.136-37 ) 12 Norden ( n . 4 above ) 176 . 13 So John H. D'Arms , " Vergil's ' Cunctantem ( Ramum ) ' : Aeneid 6.211 , ” CJ 59 ( 1964 ) : 266 , where the ...
الصفحة 24
... allude to the filial piety that alone has brought him to her door61 [ 6.108-17 ] ) , the Sibyl tells Trojan ... alludes to the filial piety that motivates Aeneas at this point in the narrative ( see Pöschl [ n . 34 above ] 150 ) ...
... allude to the filial piety that alone has brought him to her door61 [ 6.108-17 ] ) , the Sibyl tells Trojan ... alludes to the filial piety that motivates Aeneas at this point in the narrative ( see Pöschl [ n . 34 above ] 150 ) ...
Paul MacKendrick with the technical assistance of Emmett L Bennett Jr | 145 |
R M Lloyd Acrostichis Duplex | 158 |
Alexander G McKay The John Appleton Thayer Library | 177 |
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Aeneas Aeneas's Aeneid Alexander G allegory allusion Amycus Anchises ancient Apollo Apollonius Arcadia archaeological Augustan Augustus bibliography bucolic Callim Cambridge Campania Charles Rowan Beye Ciris cited Classical commentary context corpus Corydon Cumae death Deiphobus Dido Dido's eclogue ecphrasis epic Epic Poetry fata vocant Gallus Ganymede Gates of Sleep Georgics Golden Bough Greek Hellenistic Homer Horsfall imagines imitation interpretation ivory Latin lines literary Lucretian Lucretius Lyne MacK MacK.'s meaning Menalcas Misenus Mopsus museum myth Naples narrative Nisus and Euryalus Norden Oxford paraphrase participants passage pastoral Philomela poem poet poetic poetry Polydeuces Putnam quae reader reading reference Rhetoric Roman Rome Saepinum scene Scylla Segal Sibyl simile song soul speech story studies style suggests temple thematic themes Theocritus tion Tityrus tradition Trojan Aeneas Troy Turnus underworld University Vergil's Aeneid Vergilian VERGILIUS 40 verses Villa Virgil Virgilio visual words καὶ