Classical Quarterly, المجلد 12John Percival Postgate, Edward Vernon Arnold, Frederick William Hall Clarendon Press, 1918 |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 9
الصفحة 120
... Affatim and the Second Amplonian , in spite of all the reshuffling of these two collections . Thus a small group of Virgil items appears in Affatim on p . 491 of Goetz's apograph ( in Vol . IV . of the Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum ) ...
... Affatim and the Second Amplonian , in spite of all the reshuffling of these two collections . Thus a small group of Virgil items appears in Affatim on p . 491 of Goetz's apograph ( in Vol . IV . of the Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum ) ...
الصفحة 171
... Affatim . The Affatim compiler tells us that the exemplar ( from which he drew most of his material ) had lost four leaves at this point : ' Here the exemplar lacks four leaves in the H - I portion ' ( C.G.L. IV . 524 , 45-46 ) . We ...
... Affatim . The Affatim compiler tells us that the exemplar ( from which he drew most of his material ) had lost four leaves at this point : ' Here the exemplar lacks four leaves in the H - I portion ' ( C.G.L. IV . 524 , 45-46 ) . We ...
الصفحة 172
... Affatim 529 , 44 sqq . Inconcessos hymenaeos : << il > licitas nuptias ~ 1 , 651 ) ; In occasu : in fine [ m ] ( Aen . 2 , 432 ) ; Inpulerit : coegerit A. I , II ; but cf. C.G.L. IV . 96 , 38 ) ; Imposuit : supra < po > suit ( e.g. A. 1 ...
... Affatim 529 , 44 sqq . Inconcessos hymenaeos : << il > licitas nuptias ~ 1 , 651 ) ; In occasu : in fine [ m ] ( Aen . 2 , 432 ) ; Inpulerit : coegerit A. I , II ; but cf. C.G.L. IV . 96 , 38 ) ; Imposuit : supra < po > suit ( e.g. A. 1 ...
الصفحة 173
... Affatim ; and certainty is often added to this or that item in a cluster by its occurrence also in a Virgil cluster in Ampl . II . Thus ad terras concidit ' of C.G.L. IV . 475 , 27 may be recognized in a Virgil cluster at C.G.L. V. 261 ...
... Affatim ; and certainty is often added to this or that item in a cluster by its occurrence also in a Virgil cluster in Ampl . II . Thus ad terras concidit ' of C.G.L. IV . 475 , 27 may be recognized in a Virgil cluster at C.G.L. V. 261 ...
الصفحة 175
... Affatim , single Virgilian items which have been shaken from their places by successive transcriptions , such as the following ( those already cited from Affatim are omitted ) : ( 271 , 44 ) Bimembris : centauri , Aen . 8 , 293 ; ( 271 ...
... Affatim , single Virgilian items which have been shaken from their places by successive transcriptions , such as the following ( those already cited from Affatim are omitted ) : ( 271 , 44 ) Bimembris : centauri , Aen . 8 , 293 ; ( 271 ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abolita Ademar Aeneas Aeschylus Affatim Anthes archetype Aristophanes Aristotle Asia Minor Book Burman Caesar census Cicero Classical Quarterly Clytaemnestra conjecture correction corruption criticism Cynthia double number e.g. Aen edition editors Electra elegy emendation Euripides Eurycleia Eurynome evidence examples fable give gloss Glossary Greek Hastati Havet inscriptions J. P. POSTGATE Latin Livy Livy's Madvig meaning Mueller Odysseus omitted Orestes original paraphrasts passage Penelope Phaedo Phaedrus phrase Plato Plutarch poem poet Posidonius POSTGATE Professor Burnet Professor Taylor Propertius Pythagorean quae quam quod quoted R. S. CONWAY reference restoration Roman Rome says scribe seems Seneca sentence Socrates Sophocles spirant Stoic suggest sunt theory Thiele tibi tragedy verb verses Virgil W. M. LINDSAY words Xenophon ἀλλ γὰρ δὲ ἐν ΙΟ καὶ μὲν μὴ οἱ περὶ τὰ τε τὴν τὸ τὸν τῶν ὡς