With the co-operation of Prof. WM. GARDNER HALE, Representing the Cambridge Philological Society. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO; Principal Sir W. Litt.D., UNIVersity of Melbourne VOLUME XII PUBLISHED FOR THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION BY JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET, LONDON, W. AND GINN & COMPANY, 15, ASHBURTON PLACE, BOSTON, MASS. 1918 TABLE OF CONTENTS No. 1. Restorations and Emendations in Livy VI.-X. W. C. F. WALTERS and Greek Compound Adjectives with a Verbal Element in Tragedy. G. C. A Spurious Mime Fragment (XXI. Ribb.). W. M. LINDSAY ROBERT Weir Ciceronian and Heraclean Professiones. JEFFERson Elmore Note on Euripides. H. G. VILJOEN. The Sacrifice of Goats in Homer. JOHN A. SCOTT The Prosody of Diutius. W. M. LINDSAY Summaries of Periodicals: Literature and General 15 21 22 No. 2. An Unnoticed 'Suppletive' Verb. RODERICK MCKENZIE Mehercle and Herc(u)lus. W. M. LINDSAY. Towards a Reconstruction of the Text of Propertius. O. L. RICHMOND. JOHN A. SCOTT The Tragedy of Electra, according to Sophocles. J. T. SHEPPARD Restorations and Emendations in Livy VI.-X. W. C. F. WALTERS and |