صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Bacon, Lord, iii. 229.
Benfield, Paul, ii. 469. iii. 125.

151. 163. 166.
Bible, the, i. 97. 112. 179.
Birmingham play-house bill, i.

Board of works, ii. 49. 143.
Board of trade and planta-
tions, ii. 72. 124.
Boston port bill, i. 174.
Botetourt, Lord, i. 17.
Bracton, i. 61.

British constitution, iii. 44. 52.


Carlisle, Lord, ii. 128. 134.
Carnatic, the, described, iii.


Carnatic, causes of the war in
the, ii. 226.
Catholic Dissenters' relief bill,

iii. 540.
Charles the First, i. 15. ii. 21.
Charles the Sixth of France,
iii. 418.
Chatham, Earl of, i. 216. 225.
408. 421. ii. 147. iii. 184.

Church nullum tempus bill,



Civil list, arrears of the, i.

Civil list revenue, power of the
House of Commons to regu-
late the, ii. 118. 120.
Civil list establishment, Mr.
Burke's bill for the regula-
tion of the, ii. 194. 354.
Clavering, General, ii. 469.
Clergy, i. 114.
Cloots, Anacharsis, iv. 77.
Coalition between Lord North
and Mr. Fox, ii. 384.
Coke, Lord, i. 78. 92. 300. ii.
34. iii. 246. iv. 137.

Committees above stairs, great

advantages to be derived
from attending them, ii. 73.
Constitution, British, iii. 44.
Contractors' bill, ii. 352.
Convicts under sentence of
transportation, iii. 185.
Conway, General, i. 217.
Corn, bill to regulate the im-
portation and exportation of,
i. 125.
Corporation and test acts, re-
peal of the, iii. 473.
Cotton tax, petition against
the, iii. 183.

Courts martial; Mr. Dunning's
motion on the power of the
admiralty to grant or refuse,
i. 422.
Criminal justice; administra-
tion of, i. 67.

Criminal laws, ii. 156.
Crown, influence of the, ii. 5.


Dissenters, Protestant, bill for
Debt, imprisonment for, iv. 38.

the relief of, i. 117. 151.
Divorce bill, Williams's, ii.
Dowdeswell, Mr., ii. 87
Duchy of Lancaster, ii. 35.
Duration of parliaments, bill
for shortening the, ii. 160.


East India affairs, i. 119. 143.
164. 436. ii. 151. 226. 233.
389.406.492. iii. 13. 30. 36.
92. 200. 221. 261. 303.
East India bill, Mr. Fox's, ii.

406. iii. 13. 118.

East India bill, Mr. Pitt's, ii.

East India judicature bill, iii.


East India Company's affairs,
i. 120. 143. 164. 436. ii. 151.
233. 389. 406. 492. iii. 13.
30. 36. 92. 200. 221. 261.

East India Company's charter,
ii. 151.

Economical reform, Mr. Burke's

plan of, ii. 1. 10. 194.
Economy, king's message re-
commending an effectual plan
of, ii. 348.

Eden, Mr., (afterwards Lord
Auckland,) ii. 3. 127.
Edward the Third, statute of
the 25th of, i. 137.
Electors, rights of, bill to se-
cure the, i. 73.
Establishment bill, ii. 91.
Eustatius, St., Mr.Burke's mo-
tion for an inquiry into the
seizure and confiscation of
private property in the island
of, ii. 244. 313.
Expulsion, power of, i. 73.


Fayette, M. de la, imprison-
ment of, iv. 152.
Forestallers and regraters,
London petition against, iii.
Fox, Mr., ii. 487. iii. 298. 450.
459.541. iv. 1. 35. 102. 136.
Fox, Mr., his East India bill,
ii. 406. iii. 13. 118.

-, difference of opinion
between him and Mr. Burke,
respecting the French Revo-
lution, iii. 450.

-, separation between.
him and Mr. Burke, iv. 1.
France, peace with, in 1783, ii.

, treaty of commerce
with, iii. 254.

Revolution in, iii. 450.
iv. 1. 71. 80. 88. 100. 112.

123. 147. 164.

Francis, Mr., ii. 469. iii. 316.

319. 321.

Franklin, Dr., ii. 305. iv. 87.
French Revolution, iii. 450. iv.
1. 71. 80. 88. 100. 112. 123.
147. 164.


Gallery of the House of Com-
mons, exclusion of strangers
from, i. 250.
Gibraltar, ii.
Glover, Mr., I. 279. iii. 438.
Gordon, Lord George, iii. 483.
iv. 36. 38.
Government, Mr. Burke's de-
finition of, ii. 213.
Grenville, Mr. George, i. 205.

Grenville, Mr., his bill for re-

gulating the trials of contro-
verted elections, i. 38.
Grievances; necesssity of a
redress of, previous to grant-
ing a supply, i. 27.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Hastings, Mr., report on the Juries, power and duties of, i.

causes of the duration of his

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


, powers of, in prosecu-
tions for libels, i. 79.

[blocks in formation]

Ministry, change of, ii. 341. Petition, right of, i. 69.

[blocks in formation]

Pillory, observations on the
punishment of the, ii. 156.
Pitt, Mr., his East India bill,
ii. 492.

Placemen and Pensioners, mo-
tion for taxing them during
the war, iv. 157.
Poland, iv. 113. 147.
Portland, Duke of, ii. 361.iv.89.
Powell and Bembridge, pro-
ceedings respecting Messrs.,
Pownall, Mr., ii. 130.
ii. 392.
Priestley, Dr., iii. 479. iv. 53.

[blocks in formation]

Protestant Dissenters, bill for
Protestant association, ii. 174.
the relief of, i. 117. 151.
Public accounts, Lord North's
Prussia, King of, ii. 48.
commission for examining
the, ii. 240.
Public offices, Mr. Pitt's bill
for reforming the, iii. 180.
Public spirit, ii. 195. 205.
Pyrrhus, a saying of his quoted,
ii. 15.


iii. 343. iv. I.


Paine, Thomas, iv. 47.87. 123.
Palliser, Sir Hugh, his appoint-
ment to the government of
Greenwich Hospital, ii. 183. Quebec government bill, i. 246.
Parliament, Mr. Dunning's mo-
tion for securing the inde-
pendence of, ii. 153.
Parliaments, bill for shortening
the duration of, ii. 160.
Parliamentary reform, iii. 43.
89. 189. 483. iv. 41. 122.
Patterson, Mr., iv. 403.
Peace establishments, danger
of high, i. 129. 139. 245.
Penal laws, i. 154. iii. 441. iv.

Penal statutes respecting re-
ligious opinions, Mr. Fox's
motion for the repeal of, iv.

Raymond, lord chief justice,
i. 68.
Redress of grievances, previous
to granting a supply, ne-
cessity of, i. 27.
Reform, economical, in the
public expenditure, ii. 1. 10.

Reform of parliament, iii. 43.
89. 189. 483. iv. 41.
Reform in the public offices,
Mr. Pitt's bill for the, iii. 180.

Reformation described, ii. 12. | Standing army, i. 129. iii. 464.

Regency bill, iii. 391.
Religious persecution, i. 160.
Religious opinions, Mr. Fox's
motion for the repeal of cer-
tain penal statutes respect-
ing, iv. 50.
Remonstrance of the city of
London to the king, i. 30.
Representation, Mr. Burke's, to
the king, on the speech to
the throne, iii. 15.
Revolution of 1688, iii. 464.
iv. 129.

Revolution in France, iii. 450.
iv. 1. 71. 80. 88. 100. 112.
Rights of electors, bill to se-
cure the, i. 73.
Rights of Man, iv. 5. 76.
Riots in the year 1780, ii. 174.
iii. 483. iv. 21.36.38.
Rockingham, Marquis of, i.
212. ii. 358. iii. 242.
Roman Catholic dissenters' re-
lief bill, iii. 540.

Star-chamber, i. 84. iii. 229.
Statutum de talagio non conce-
dendo, i. 353.

Subscription to the thirty-nine
articles, i. 94. 154.
Subscriptions for raising troops
without the consent of par-
liament, i. 389. 401.
Subsidiary treaty with
Landgrave of Hesse Cassel,
iii. 309.

Swift, Dr., quoted, ii. 438.



[blocks in formation]

Thirty-nine articles, subscrip-
tion to the, i. 94. 154.
Thurlow, Lord, iii. 56.63. 202.

Rumbold, Sir Thomas, iii. 98. Tory principles, ii. 121. iv. 130.


Savile, SirGeorge, iii. 364. 475.
Seditious practices, Mr. Sheri-
dan's motion relative to the
existence of, iv. 121.
Shebbeare, Dr., i. 62.
Shelburne, Earl of, ii. 362. iii.

II. 474.
Sheridan, Mr., iii. 331.471.
Simonides, i. 98.

Slave trade, abolition of the,
iii. 341. 435.
Somers, Lord, ii. 64.
Somerset House, ii. 273.
Sovereignty of the people, iv.

Speaker of the House of Com-
mons, choice of a, iii. 442.
Speaker of the House of Com-
mons, salary of the, iii. 485.
Stamp act, i. 182.

Townshend, Mr. Charles, i. 5.

[blocks in formation]
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