Vergilius, الأعداد 20-26Vergilian Society., 1974 |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 9
الصفحة 22
... alludes to names and national traits which connote the Punic Wars . He also creates antitheses symbolizing the opposition of the two nations on geographical , cosmic , and human levels . And finally the poet employs literary ...
... alludes to names and national traits which connote the Punic Wars . He also creates antitheses symbolizing the opposition of the two nations on geographical , cosmic , and human levels . And finally the poet employs literary ...
الصفحة 36
... alludes to the two most famous of Rome's hills - one , the Palatine , used for pasture ; the other , the Capitol , site of a village ( 25-26 ) . The poet touches upon a rustic settle- ment which would become ruler of the world ( 23-26 ) ...
... alludes to the two most famous of Rome's hills - one , the Palatine , used for pasture ; the other , the Capitol , site of a village ( 25-26 ) . The poet touches upon a rustic settle- ment which would become ruler of the world ( 23-26 ) ...
الصفحة 31
... alludes to her more definitely , at least to those readers sensitive to the goddess ' functions . Tum luno omnipotens longum miserata dolorem difficilisque obitus Irim demisit Olympo quae luctantem animam nexosque resolveret artus ...
... alludes to her more definitely , at least to those readers sensitive to the goddess ' functions . Tum luno omnipotens longum miserata dolorem difficilisque obitus Irim demisit Olympo quae luctantem animam nexosque resolveret artus ...
Editors Notejnice M Benario 1 72 | 10 |
1 2 and Vergils Storm Aen 1 81 ff Charles F Saylor | 20 |
The Bees and the Cyclopes in the Fourth Georgic Aya Betensky | 26 |
24 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
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A. G. McKay Aeneid Allecto Amata ancient Anna appears association Augustan Augustus Austin bees Benario Bibliography Book Buchheit bucolic Campania Capena Carthage century B.C. Classical commentary Corchiano criticism Cumae Damoetas death Dido and Aeneas Dido's Director divine Eclogue epic episode Etruscan Euryalus excavations Falerii Falerii Veteres Faliscan Fama Fescennium Galinsky Gallus Georgics Gerressen goddess Greek hero Homeric Horace Iliad interpretation Italian Italy Juno Jupiter Juturna Latin Lavinium lines literary matres Metabus Mezentius Narce Nethercut Nisus Nisus and Euryalus Otis Ovid Oxford passage poem poet poet's poetic poetry Professor prophecy Putnam reader reference riddle river role Roman Rome Rome's scene scholars School seems Servius sessions Sibyl Sicily simile suggests summer symbol temple Texas theme Tiber Tibullus tomb tradition translation Trojan Troy Turnus University Venus Vergil Vergil's Aeneid Vergilian Society Vergilius verses Virgilio Williams women words