صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

+ Confusion

עצב between עצה and


to ver. 21.

strength and power for ever; neither
does he transmit it from generation to
generation. 25 Take care of the herbage
in the field, and thou shalt cut grass,
and gather the mountain hay;
26 that
thou mayest have wool of sheep for
clothing: pay attention to the land,
that thou mayest have lambs. 27 My
son, thou hast from me words very
useful for thy life, and for the life of
thy servants.

27. Boast not of to-morrow; for satiable. [*He that fixes his eye is an thou knowest not what the next day abomination to the Lord; Heb. omits shall bring forth. Let thy neighbour, and the uninstructed do not and not thine own mouth, praise thee; restrain their tongue.] 21 Fire is the a stranger, and not thine own lips. A trial for silver and gold; and a man is stone is heavy, and sand cumbersome; tried by the mouth of them that praise but a fool's wrath is heavier than both. him. The heart of the transgressor Wrath is merciless, and anger sharp: seeks after mischiefs; but an upright but envy can bear nothing. 5 Open heart seeks knowledge. 22 Though thou reproofs are better than secret love. scourge a fool, disgracing him in the The wounds of a friend are more to midst of the council, thou wilt still in be trusted than the spontaneous kisses no wise remove his folly from him. of an enemy. 7 A full soul scorns 23 Do thou thoroughly know the numhoneycombs; but to a hungry soul ber of thy flock, and pay attention to even bitter things appear sweet. 8As thine herds. 24 For a man has not when a bird flies down from its own nest, so a man is brought into bondage whenever he estranges himself from his own place. The heart delights in ointments and wines and perfumes: but the soul is broken by calamities. 10 Thine own friend, and thy father's friend, forsake not; and when thou art in distress go not into thy brother's house: better is a friend that is near than a brother living far off. "Son, be wise, that thy heart may rejoice; and remove thou from thyself reproachful words. 12 A wise man, when evils are approaching, hides himself; but fools pass on, and will be punished. 13 Take away the man's garment, (for a scorner has passed 3 by) whoever lays waste another's goods. 14 Whosoever shall bless a friend in the morning with a loud voice, shall seem to differ nothing from one who curses him. 15 On a stormy day drops of rain drive a man out of his house; so also does a railing woman drive a man out of his own house. 16 The north wind is sharp, but it is called by name propitious. 17 Iron sharpens iron; and a man sharpens his friend's countenance. 18 He that plants a fig-tree shall eat the fruits of it: so he that waits on his own master shall be honoured. 19 As +Qy. taken faces are 'not like other faces for 'not'? so neither are the thoughts of men. 20 Hell and destruction are not filled; so also are the eyes of men in

28. The ungodly man flees when no one pursues: but the righteous is confident as a lion. By reason of the sins of ungodly men quarrels arise; but a wise man will 'quell them. Gr. quench. A bold man oppresses the poor by ungodly deeds. As an impetuous and unprofitable rain, 'so they that forsake the law praise ungodliness; but they that love the law fortify themselves with a wall. 5 Evil men will not understand judgment: but they that seek the Lord will understand everything. A poor man walking in Gr. in everytruth is better than a rich thing. liar. A wise son keeps the law: but he that keeps up debauchery dishonours his father. He that increases his wealth by usuries and unjust gains, gathers it for him that pities the poor. He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even he has + Or, abhorred + made his prayer abominable. 10 He that causes upright men


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his prayer.

+ Gr. groan.

turns away his eye from him shall be
in great distress. 28 In the places of
ungodly men the righteous
mourn: but in their destruction the
righteous shall be multiplied.


to err in an evil way, himself shall fall into destruction: transgressors also shall pass by prosperity, but shall not enter into it. "A rich man is wise in his own conceit; but an intelligent poor man will condemn him. 12 By reason of the help of righteous men great 29. A reprover is better than a stiffglory arises: but in the places of the necked man: for when the latter is ungodly men are caught. 13 He that suddenly set on fire there shall be no covers his own ungodliness shall not remedy. 2 When the righteous are prosper: but he that blames himself praised, the people will rejoice: but shall be loved. 14 Blessed is the man when the ungodly rule, men mourn. who religiously fears 'always: but the 3 When a man loves wisdom his father +Gr.all things. hard of heart shall fall into rejoices: but he that keeps harlots will mischiefs. 15 A hungry lion and a waste wealth. A righteous king thirsty wolf is he, who, being poor, establishes a country: but a transrules over a poor 16 nation. A king in gressor destroys one. 5 He that preneed of revenues is a great oppressor: pares a net in the way of his own but he that hates injustice shall live a friend, entangles his own feet in it. long while. "He that becomes surety 6 A great snare is spread for a sinner: for a man charged with murder shall but the righteous shall be in joy and be an exile, and not in safety. Chasten gladness.A righteous man knows thy son, and he shall love thee, and how to judge for the poor: but the give honour to thy soul: he shall not ungodly understands not knowledge; obey a sinful nation. 18 He that walks and the poor man has not an underjustly is assisted: but he that walks in standing mind. 8 Lawless men burn crooked ways shall be entangled therein. down a city: but wise men turn away 19 He that tills his own land shall be wrath. A wise man shall judge na+ Gr. plural. satisfied with 'bread: but tions: but a worthless man being angry he that follows idleness shall have laughs and fears not. 10 Bloody men plenty of poverty. 20 A man worthy hate a 20 A man worthy hate a holy person, but the upright of credit shall be much blessed: but will seek his soul. A fool utters all the wicked shall not be unpunished. his mind: but the wise reserves his in 21 He that reverences not the persons part. 12 When a king hearkens to of the just is not good: such a one will unjust language, all his subjects are sell a man for a morsel of bread. 22 An transgressors. 13 When the creditor envious man makes haste to be rich, and debtor meet together, the Lord and knows not that the merciful man oversees them both. 14 When a king will have the mastery over him. 23 He judges the poor in truth, his throne that reproves a man's ways shall have shall be established for a ever.' See more favour than he that flatters with testimony. Stripes and Amos 1. 11; + Mark 7. 11. the tongue. 24*He that casts reproofs give wisdom: but the Greek. off father or mother, and thinks he an erring child disgraces his parents. sins not; the same is partaker with an 16 When the ungodly abound, sins ungodly man. 25 An unbelieving man abound: but when they fall, the rightjudges rashly: but he that trusts in the eous are warned. 17 Chasten thy son, Lord will act carefully. 26 He that and he shall give thee rest; and he trusts to a bold heart, such an one is a shall give honour to thy soul. fool: but he that walks in wisdom shall be no interpreter to a shall be safe. 27 He that gives to the sinful nation: but he that blessed.' poor shall not be in want: but he that keeps the law is blessed. 19 A stub


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+ Heb. 'for

Mich. 7. 18; in

18 There

+ Or, most

with her.

born servant will not be reproved | possession. 17 She strongly girds her by words: for even if he understand, loins, and strengthens her arms for still he will not obey. 20 If thou see a work. 18 And she finds by experience man hasty in his words; know that that working is good; and her candle the fool has hope rather than he. 21 He goes not out all night. 19 She reaches that lives wantonly from a child, shall forth her arms to needful works, and be a servant, and in the end shall applies her hands to the spindle. 20 And grieve over himself. 22A furious man she opens her hands to the needy, and stirs strife, and a passionate man digs reaches out fruit to the poor. 21 Her up up sin. 23 Pride brings a man low, but husband is not anxious about those at the Lord upholds the humble-minded home when he tarries anywhere abroad: with honour. 24 He that shares with a for all her household are + Gr. those The punctu thief, hates his own soul: and clothed. 22 She makes for altered here to if any having heard an her husband clothes of and E. V. oath uttered tell not of it, double texture, and garments for her25 they fearing and reverencing men un- self of fine linen and scarlet. 23 And reasonably have been overthrown, but her husband becomes a distinguished he that trusts in the Lord shall rejoice. person in the gates, when he sits in Ungodliness causes a man to stumble: council with the old inhabitants of the Possibly, in but he that trusts in his land. + 24 She makes fine linens, and 2 Pet. 2. 1. master shall be safe. 26 Many sells girdles to the Chananites: she wait on the favour of rulers; but justice comes to a man from the Lord. 27 A righteous man is an abomination to an unrighteous man, and the direct way is an abomination to the sinner.

ation might be

agree with

E. V.

the Lord.' See



+ Comp. Heb.

opens her mouth heedfully and with propriety, and controls her tongue. 25 She puts on strength and honour; and rejoices in the last days. 27 The ways of her household are careful, and 31. 10 Who shall find a virtuous wo- she eats not the bread of idleness. man? for such a one is more valuable 26 But she opens her mouth wisely, and than precious stones. 11 The heart of according to law. 28 And her kindher husband trusts in her: such a one ness to them sets up her children for shall stand in no need of fine spoils. them, and they grow rich, and her 12 For she employs all her living for husband praises her. 29 Many daughher husband's good. 13 Gathering wool ters have obtained wealth, many have and flax, she makes it serviceable with wrought valiantly; but thou hast her hands. 14 She is like a ship trading exceeded, thou hast surpassed all. from a distance: so she procures her 30 Charms are false, and woman's beauty livelihood. 15 And she rises by night, is vain: for it is a wise woman that is and gives food to her household, and blessed, and let her praise the fear of appointed tasks to her maidens. 16 She the Lord. 31 Give her of the fruit of views a farm, and buys it: and with her lips; and let her husband be the fruit of her hands she plants a praised in the gates.


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+ Lit. delibe

1. THE words of the Preacher, the | done under heaven, for God has given son of David, king of Israel in Jeru- to the sons of men an evil trouble to salem. Vanity of vanities, said the be troubled therewith. 14 I beheld all Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is the works that were wrought under vanity. 3 What advantage is there to the sun; and, behold, all were vanity a man in all his labour that he takes and wilful choice of spirit. 15 That under the sun? One generation goes, which is crooked cannot be made and another generation comes: but straight: and deficiency cannot be the earth stands for ever. 5 And the numbered. 16 I spoke in my heart, sun arises, and the sun goes down saying, Behold, I am increased, and and draws towards its place; arising have acquired wisdom beyond all who there it proceeds southward, and goes were before me in Jerusalem: also I round about towards the north. The applied my heart to know wisdom and wind goes round and round, and the knowledge. 17 And my heart knew wind returns to its circuits. All the much-wisdom, and knowledge, pa+ Gr. torrents. rivers run into the sea; rables and understanding: I perceived and yet the sea is not filled: to the that this also is *waywardplace whence the rivers come, thither ness of spirit. 18 For in the rate choice. they return again. All things are abundance of wisdom is abundance of full of labour; a man will not be able knowledge; and he that increases knowto speak of them: neither shall the eye ledge will increase sorrow. be satisfied with seeing, neither shall the ear be filled with hearing. 9 What is that which has been? the very thing which shall be: and what is that which has been done? the very thing which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. 10 Who is he that shall speak and say, Behold, this is new? it has already been in the ages that have passed before us. 11 There is no memorial to the first things; neither to the things that have been last shall their memorial be with them that shall be at the last time.

12 I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem. 13 And I applied my heart to seek out and examine by wisdom concerning all things that are


2. I said in my heart, Come now, I will prove thee with mirth, and behold thou good: and, behold, this is also vanity. I said to laughter, Madness: and to mirth, What doest thou! And I examined whether my heart would excite my flesh as with wine, (though my heart guided me in wisdom,) and I desired to lay hold of mirth, until I should see of what kind is the good to the sons of men, which they should do under the sun all the days of their life. I enlarged my work; I built me houses; I planted me vineyards. I made me gardens and orchards, and planted in them every + Lit. baths. kind of fruit-tree. I made me *pools



of water, to water from them the tim- evil before me: for all is vanity ber-bearing wood. I got servants and waywardness of spirit. + Gr. toward, and maidens, and servants were born 18 And I hated the whole of or, upon me. to me in the house; also I had abund- my labour which I took under the ant possession of flocks and herds, sun; because I must leave it to the beyond all who were before me in man who should come after me. 19 And Jerusalem. Moreover I collected for who knows if he will be a wise man or myself both silver and gold also, and a fool? and if he will have power over the peculiar treasures of kings and all my labour with which I laboured, provinces: I procured me singing men and wherein I grew wise under the and singing women, and delights of sun? this is also vanity. 20 So I went the sons of men, a butler and female about to dismiss from my heart all my cupbearers. So I became great, and labour wherein I had laboured under advanced beyond all that were before the sun. 21 For there is such a man me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom was that his labour is in wisdom, and in established to me. 10 And whatever knowledge, and in fortitude; yet this mine eyes desired, I withheld not from man shall give his portion to one who them, I withheld not my heart from has not laboured therein. This is also all my mirth; for my heart rejoiced vanity and great evil. 22 For + Gr. wickedin all my labour: and this was my it happens to a man in all ness. portion of all my labour. "And I his labour, and in the purpose of his looked on all my works which my heart wherein he labours under the hands had wrought, and on my labour sun. 23 For all his days are days of which I laboured to perform: and, sorrows, and vexation of or, distracbehold, all was vanity and wayward- spirit is his; in the night ness of spirit, and there is no advantage also his heart rests not. This is also under the sun. vanity. 24A man has nothing really good to eat, and to drink, Gr. which he and to show his soul as good which, &c. in his trouble. This also I saw, it is from the hand of God. who shall eat, or who shall drink, without *him? 26 For God has i.e. God. given to the man who is good in his sight, wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but he has given to the sinner trouble, to add and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God, for this is also vanity and waywardness of spirit.

12 Then I looked on to see wisdom, and madness, and folly: for who is the + See Chaldee man who will follow after use of in counsel, in all things whereNeh. 5. 7. and in he employs it? 13 And Dan. 4. 27 (24). I saw that wisdom excels folly, as much as light excels darkness. 14 The wise man's eyes are in his head; but the fool walks in darkness: and I perceived, even I, that one event shall happen to them all. 15 And I said in my heart, as the event of the fool is, so shall it be to me, even to me; and to what purpose have I gained wisdom? I said moreover in my heart, This is also vanity, because the fool speaks of + See Mat. his abundance. 16 For there is no remembrance of the wise man or the fool for ever; forasmuch as now in the coming days all things are forgotten: and how shall the wise man die with the fool! 17 So I hated life; because every work that was wrought under the sun was

12. 34.

+ Gr. with.




shall eat and


25 For

3. To all things there is a time, and a season for every matter under heaven. 2A time of birth, and a time to die; time to plant, and a time to pluck up what has been planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to pull down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to lament, and a time to dance; 5 a time to throw stones, and a time to gather

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